Stroke the belly of the expectant mother more often

By the third month of intrauterine development, the unborn child develops all the systems necessary for life support after childbirth. The remaining six months, these systems mature and learn to work together under the guidance of the main computer that controls human life – his brain.

Until recently, we were convinced that in the womb, a child develops only physically, and his spiritual and psychological formation begins only after birth. Meanwhile, over the past 40 years, a lot of scientific data has appeared, indicating that from the moment of conception, the biological (physical) and psychoemotional development of a person goes in parallel.

Each person is unique from the moment of conception. It is believed that not only biological, but also spiritual and psychological events of previous generations are recorded in the genetic memory. In addition, parents who give birth to a new person are unique in themselves in terms of health and level of intelligence. Along with this, during conception, only one out of a million sperm and only one out of thousands of eggs, unique in their structure, joined together. This happened in a certain place on the Earth, with the already unique standing of the Moon and the planets, the state of the electromagnetic field, solar activity and many other factors, which in such a combination will never be repeated. That is why we must treat with sufficient respect for any developing life, for the abilities and capabilities of each person.

Until recently, doctors lived with the knowledge that the fetus is deaf and dumb, that it does not see or feel anything, has neither memory nor thinking. We lived with the idea that the uterus is a closed space, where neither light nor sound can penetrate, and the placenta is a powerful barrier that does not allow harmful substances (alcohol, drugs, nicotine, coffee, medicines) to pass through. Considering everything, we could afford to behave as we want, without taking into account the fact that the unborn child can feel something, experience that his character is already being formed. At the same time, the research methods allowed scientists to look into the uterine cavity, “come to visit” an unborn child, photograph it, record it on video and photo, and observe a person’s life before birth for a long time.

Neurologists and psychologists have come to the conclusion that a person’s character is actually formed in utero, and after birth there is only an adjustment. At the same time, parents often do not notice that the child is showing them their own traits. Therefore, if you want your child to be kind, to love you, to reach for knowledge, you yourself need to show these qualities during pregnancy and after birth.

As the due date of labor approaches, anxiety increases in women, which can lead to a disruption in the normal development of labor, which requires the use of various medications or prompt delivery. In addition, the fear experienced by the mother during pregnancy is captured by the child, and, as studies by foreign psychoanalysts have shown, it remains in the memory of a person for many years, manifesting itself in the form of various deviations in his physical and mental health.

The role of the father during the fetal development of the child is also very important. First, he gave the child genetic material and actually laid, as a mother, his future possibilities. Secondly, the father expresses his attitude towards the child through his attitude towards the mother, through his love for her. It must, however, be borne in mind that he must be sincere. Indeed, in addition to the verbal channel for transmitting information – words, there is also a look, intonation, touch, which cannot be faked.

Formation of the child’s physical health

One of the most important points in the formation of physical health is the timely correction of the child’s posture. From antiquity, the idea came to us that “our health is in our spine.” Violation of the formation of the spine is the cause of a huge number of functional disorders and degenerative lesions of various organs, pain syndrome, asthenia.

The age of 6-7 years is a critical period in a child’s life, when most of the physiological functions are completed.

The second important (also “critical”) period in a child’s life is the period of puberty, the formation of the sexual constitution. The imposition of the formative effects of sex hormones on the original somatic constitution causes temporary desynchronization, disharmony in the work of organs and systems.

The problem of nutrition deserves special attention. With the help of nutrition, you can influence the formation of the constitution and manage physical and mental health. These possibilities are associated primarily with the informational effects of food ingredients and their energy value. Informational influences mean guides that simulate the metabolism of the influence of biologically active substances, vitamins, microelements. At an early age, for example, the role of iodine, iron, calcium is especially important. Sexually retarded girls need more copper.

Mom is the first universe of the child

It is not a secret for anyone that the child leads an active life in the mother’s belly: he moves, sucks his finger, turns his head to the source of sounds interesting to him, “plays” with the umbilical cord. Everything that a mother does is passed on to the child in one way or another. After all, mother is the child’s first universe, his “living raw material base” both from a material and psychological point of view. An example is the fact that the taste of amniotic fluid changes depending on what mom ate. Many fetal reactions are related to the mother’s condition. The child makes convulsive movements when the mother is worried, makes a grimace of displeasure when the mother is injected with medications. The child at the hormonal level experiences all the states of the mother. For the baby, the information that comes from the mother is very important. This is a prerequisite for the development of the brain. It should be noted that now the versions are being put forward that it is during the prenatal period that basic trust or distrust in the world begins to form, this is based on the information that comes to the child from the mother.

Psychoanalyst Dr. Silvio Fangi in his book “Micropsychoanalysis” expresses the opinion that the sources of all human problems arise long before his birth. The relationship between mother and child during pregnancy, he called “intrauterine war”, which ends after the birth of the child and can resume with renewed vigor if the mother hurts her child.

Hello baby i am your dad

Sondra Rae, in The Perfect Birth, advises: “Touch your belly and say,” Baby, listen very carefully. I, your mother, tell you: “Walk the path of beauty, divinity and truth in your life. I want you to be beautiful physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. You should always try to be kind, loving, helpful to people, be brave and fearless. Don’t let other people misuse you. Whatever happens in your life, you will always be joyful. You will be courageous and fearless in your work to create a new world. “

You can think of other words, but try to carve out a quiet moment of concentration every day and talk to your unborn child. Then, after birth, your emotional contact will bring you deep satisfaction and joy.

This applies equally to the father-to-be. If the husband wants the child not to cry after hearing an unfamiliar voice after birth, put your hand on your wife’s belly every day and say: “Hello, baby, I’m your dad, I’m waiting for you with joy, we will be friends,” – or something- something like this. The researchers noted that the “unreasonable” newborns turned their heads in the direction of the male voice, already familiar to them earlier, and did not cry, but smiled. Dear dads, if you want to be loved by your children, learn to express this love for your future children through love for your pregnant wife. It has been proven that the more the expectant mother will make various meetings, walks, make visits, the better (and negative emotions are also necessary). The child, even in the prenatal state, learns to determine the mother’s reaction to positive and stressful factors and often adopts her behavior later. Neurologists say that a sharp increase in heart rate (up to 130-140 beats per minute) in some kind of conflict situation is short-lived, that is, if a woman quickly copes with her emotions, then the child will most likely be emotionally stable after birth.

A mother who avoided anxiety during pregnancy in every possible way may do her child a disservice – he simply will not be able to withstand stress. During a period of emotional release, it is best to put your hand on your stomach, stroke, and talk to your child. After all, already at 4 months he is able to perceive all the feelings of the mother, therefore the more interesting and richer her life is, the better the brain and nervous system of the fetus develop. Logical thinking and ability for languages, according to American researchers, are formed from the 4th month of pregnancy until the beginning of the third year of life. Therefore, the more words in different languages ​​he will hear during this period, the easier the baby will be able to master the wisdom of foreign speech in the future.

The susceptibility to noise in the intrauterine state is quite high. On the one hand, with sharp, loud sounds, the fetus experiences not only fear, but also a deterioration: it feels pain, the pulse quickens, it seems to be compressed (this can explain miscarriages and premature births that followed after an unnecessarily noisy showdown). On the other hand, gentle melodic music has a beneficial effect on the fetus: the child “dances” to it, and then, as numerous experiments have shown, he retains the ability to recognize the melody he likes.

Outstanding prenatal psychologist, Doctor of Medical Sciences Thomas Verney showed that already four months after conception, a child hears well, reacts to sound, recognizes a melody. Turn on Vivaldi and even the most restless child will relax. Turn on Beethoven, and even the calmest will start tossing and turning and pushing with their feet. The audiologist Michelle Clemente, as a result of her research, came to the conclusion that a child has his own favorite and unloved music before birth. Some of the favorite composers of unborn children are Vivaldi, Mozart. And the music of Brahms, Beethoven and all kinds of rock music, on the contrary, excite them. Perhaps giving your unborn child listening to music will develop a deep lifelong interest in it.

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