Stroke: Special Report

Every hour, 7 people in Poland suffer a stroke, of which 3 die. Meanwhile, we can prevent it, but as many as half of the Internet users who took part in the stroke risk test on the medTvoiLokony website lead a lifestyle that exposes them to this disease.

On the medTvoiLokony website of a special website dedicated to strokes, Internet users could complete a test that assessed whether their lifestyle increases the risk of stroke. Scientists emphasize that 40% of our health is determined by lifestyle, the remaining 40% – are inherited genes, and 20% – restorative medicine. This is important because in Poland the number of people dying of stroke is one of the highest in Europe. In the first month after a stroke, 40 percent of them lose their lives. sick, after a year – as much as 60%, twice as many as in Western Europe and the USA. Of those who will survive, as many as 70 percent – almost a quarter more than in other countries – will become disabled. Despite these frightening statistics, there are optimistic facts about this condition. We know what its causes are and we can prevent it.

Hypertension and the risk of stroke

Among Internet users who answered the test questions, as many as half of them lead a stroke-prone lifestyle, and 4% have a high risk of its occurrence. The greatest risk is among people with primary education, and the lowest among people with higher education. There is a relationship between education and life expectancy – better educated people live longer. The wealthy eat better and have time for sports, but most of all they are more aware and take care of their health more effectively.

7% of Internet users do not know their blood pressure. Ignorance of own pressure is greatest in people from small towns below 10. residents. Meanwhile, high blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for stroke. As many as every fifth man who completed the test had a blood pressure higher than 140/90. Such values ​​were reported by every tenth woman. Meanwhile, in the treatment of hypertension, therapeutic success is possible in over 90% of cases. However, half of the population doesn’t know they have pressure problems, and half of those who do don’t get treatment. Healthy people should measure blood pressure once a year, patients with hypertension should follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Heart arythmia

One in four Internet users who filled in the questionnaire believe that their hearts beat irregularly. Such an ailment is noticed by 15% of men. An adult human heart beats 70 times a minute. Accelerated beating can occur in healthy people as a result of exercise, emotions or stress. There are times, however, when the heart starts to beat irregularly for no obvious reason. This symptom requires consultation with your doctor as it may indicate atrial fibrillation. About 400 people suffer from this disease in Poland. people. It is almost as if all of Poznań fell ill. It is estimated that in 2050 there will be 1,5 million to 2 million patients. As emphasized by prof. Łukasz J. Szumowski, head of the Department of Heart Rhythm Disorders, Anin Institute of Cardiology, flicker itself is not fatal, but it increases the risk of stroke. It is known that people suffering from this condition die twice as often. In addition, a quarter of patients with fibrillation die immediately after a stroke, and a half within a year of its occurrence. Therefore, patients with flicker must take drugs to prevent stroke, the so-called anticoagulant. The benefits of taking these drugs are enormous – they prevent strokes by over 70%.

Cholesterol and blood sugar tests

Increased levels of cholesterol and blood sugar are also risk factors for stroke. Almost 1/3 of those taking part in the test did not test their cholesterol levels, and 1/5 did not know the sugar level. Over 30% of respondents had elevated cholesterol levels, and 10% had elevated sugar levels. Healthy people should test their cholesterol every five years. When it is too high, you need to change your diet and start playing sports. If it is not possible to lower it in this way, start with pharmacological treatment.

Elevated blood sugar levels also increase the risk of having a stroke. National consultant in the field of diabetology prof. Krzysztof Strojek emphasizes that it is precisely due to the consequences of diabetes that patients are exposed to disability or premature death. Meanwhile, many of them could live if they were properly treated. – However, half of the patients do not even know that they are ill because initially they do not feel any discomfort and do not seek help from a doctor. The patient begins to feel symptoms only when the blood sugar level exceeds 200. Meanwhile, the norms are 90–110 – explains prof. Outfit. Therefore, everyone should have their blood sugar tested every three years. If, on the other hand, he is obese, he has high blood pressure, too high cholesterol or there has been a history of diabetes in his family – once a year.

Smoking kills

Every fifth Internet user smokes cigarettes regularly. The number of smoking men and women is similar, but slightly more men (7%) try to quit smoking. Only 5% of women declare such an intention. Most smokers are in the 26-35 age group. Meanwhile, according to WHO, smoking is the second leading cause of premature death. Passive smoking is equally harmful, as is the so-called third-row smoking, i.e. staying in a room where someone previously smoked and inhaling toxic substances created as a result of the reaction of cigarette smoke with plastic, varnishes, metals, which are covered with furniture.

Alcohol is often consumed by 23% of men and 7% of women. About 65% of Internet users drink occasionally. Alcohol abuse is most common in the 26-35 age group.

The scary thing is that as many as half of the respondents are overweight and the same number do not play any sport. Obesity – although it seems to be only an unsightly ailment to some – is the fifth leading cause of death in the world, according to WHO analyzes. Although it is widely known that physical activity is an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases, only 23% of Internet users and only 15% of Internet users regularly exercise. Most physically active people live in large cities with over 1,5 million inhabitants. Meanwhile, regular exercise (three times a week for at least 30 minutes) reduces the risk of stroke. A walk, unfortunately, is not enough. Stress also contributes to strokes. MedTvoiLokony research shows that women are more stressed. As many as 40% of women have a very stressful professional and personal life. This answer was chosen by 30% of men. Half of Internet users are moderately nervous about work, and only 15% have a non-stressful job and a stable personal life.

Find out more about strokes at: https://www.medTvoiLokony/zdrowie-na-co-dzien,akcja-okresowa,980922,1,1,udar,index.html

Project partners: Brain Stroke Foundation, Third Age Universities

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