Stroke nutrition

General description of the disease


Stroke is a disease characterized by impaired blood circulation in the brain, leading to damage to the brain tissue and impairment of its functions.

Varieties of stroke:

  • Hemorrhagic.
  • Ischemic.

Causes of a stroke:

The main cause of stroke is impaired blood flow to areas of the brain as a result of damage or blockage of a cerebral artery. This can happen in the following cases:

  1. 1 detachment of a blood clot from the place of formation and getting it into an artery; brain (embolism);
  2. 2 thrombus formation in the vessels of the brain (thrombosis). Usually occurs with atherosclerosis;
  3. 3 hypertension arterial;
  4. 4 arteries have congenital weak walls, for example, with aneurysm;
  5. 5 injury as a result of an accident, a blow to the head, etc.

Symptoms of a Stroke

  • sudden weakness, onset numbness, or paralysis of the muscles in the arms, legs, or face, usually on one side of the body;
  • speech disorder, difficulty with the correct pronunciation of words;
  • sudden deterioration in vision in one or both eyes;
  • violation of coordination of movement, up to loss of balance, severe unexpected dizziness;
  • severe headaches of unknown nature and origin;
  • an ischemic attack is the same microstroke, with similar symptoms and a duration of several seconds.

Healthy foods for stroke

The diet after a stroke must be maintained throughout life. Relaxation in it is undesirable. It is also recommended to adhere to a diet for people at risk of stroke.

  • lean meat, boiled chicken, duck, goose, olive oil (safe in terms of cholesterol content and contains healthy fats);
  • oranges, broccoli, lentils, asparagus (contain folic acid, fiber and potassium useful for heart function);
  • herring, tuna, sardine, salmon (contain fatty acids, phosphorus, which activate the metabolic process in the brain);
  • cereals, low-fat dairy products (optimal content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates);
  • cabbage, spinach, beets with the addition of sunflower oil or sour cream (optimize brain biochemistry);
  • cranberries and blueberries (they contain antioxidants).

Traditional medicine for stroke:

  • collection from leaves of plantain, walnut, calendula flowers, strawberries, flowers and leaves of yarrow, St. John’s wort, agaric, medicinal eyebright;
  • mummy with aloe juice (take two weeks after two, drink propolis tincture during a break);
  • tincture of Caucasian diaskorea on vodka (you can add drops of tincture to tea, water, compote, juice, hawthorn decoction);
  • a collection containing St. John’s wort, arnica, horse chestnut, skullcap (drink a third of a spoon three times before meals for two months, then a break of two months and take again according to the same scheme);
  • collection from Tibetan lofant (crushed flowers), hawthorn (fruits or flowers), motherwort herb, rose hips. The course of admission is thirty days for half a glass three times a day before meals, then a week break and repetition of the course;

An example of a stroke menu:

Breakfast – warm milk with honey, some white bread.

Lunch – weak tea, black bread with butter, green salad.

Dinner – vegetable soup with lean beef meat, mashed potatoes, fruit salad with honey and lemon juice.

Before dinner – a couple of tomatoes with a crouton.

Dinner – a little black bread with butter and chopped parsley or dill, kefir.


Dangerous and harmful foods for stroke

  • fatty, spicy foods (contains sodium, increases blood sugar and cholesterol);
  • salt should be strongly limited or eliminated altogether (it increases blood pressure);
  • pickles, pickled vegetables, mushrooms, pasta, legumes, chocolate, broth sauces, coffee, soda.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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