Stroke in a dog: what is it and what are the symptoms
Do you value your four-legged pet very much and are afraid that you will not notice the manifestations of a dangerous disease in him in time? Today we will talk about the first signs of a stroke in a dog.
Stroke in a dog: what is it
Stroke is a formidable disease that leads to death or a significant deterioration in the quality of life. This is the result of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Animals are less susceptible to this disease than humans. Indeed, in the risk factors that provoke a stroke, the leading role is played by bad habits inherent only in humans. These are alcohol consumption, smoking, unhealthy lifestyle. Our smaller brothers, fortunately, do not have harmful addictions. Yet this disease occurs in dogs.
Large dog breeds are more prone to strokes than small ones.
The disease is possible due to blockage of a cerebral vessel or destruction of its wall. The cause may be a blood clot, increased blood pressure, thinning of the wall. Poisoning of various origins, injuries and tumors, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, liver and kidney diseases can lead to such conditions.
In the area of increased risk of probable cerebral hemorrhage – elderly dogs or animals with an unstable psychoemotional system.
Alarming signs of the disease noticed in time is a guarantee of timely assistance. This means preserving the life of the pet.
We list all the symptoms:
- lethargy and drowsiness;
- violation of orientation in space;
- lack of reaction to commands and to your nickname;
- the possibility of aggression towards the owner;
- anxiety and even panic;
- decreased muscle tone on one side of the body;
- drooping of one eyelid or one side of the lip;
- walking in circles;
- lack of appetite;
- deterioration of vision;
- seizures similar to epileptic;
- pupils of different diameters;
- respiratory failure;
- coma.
Each, even separately taken, symptom from the specified list is a strong argument for visiting a veterinarian.
Only a doctor can provide first aid to a dog with a stroke!
It must be remembered that only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis of the disease. The owner’s duty to his dog is to immediately show it to the doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The first 3 hours are the most important for the provision of medical care.