Stroh rum: history, overview of types, how and with what to drink + interesting facts

Briefly about the drink

straw This is an Austrian rum that uses beets instead of sugar cane. Also in the recipe there are herbs, spices and dyes that imitated molasses.

rum cocktail recipes

History of rum Stroh

1832 It all started in the city of St. Paul im Lavanttal, which is located in southern Austria. In those days, the alcohol industry in Carinthia was just beginning to develop. Sebastian Stroh launched the production of strong alcohol, which is considered to be innovative.

Names included liqueurs, schnapps and, of course, Stroh Inländer. The second (translated as “resident”, “resident”) in the name line appeared in order to distinguish it from its Caribbean counterpart. It was described as soft, cherry and chocolatey.

1864 The sale of Stroh Jagertee (translated into Russian as “hunting tea”) has begun. This is a drink common in Austria, which is usually diluted with hot water in a ratio of 3-4 parts of water to 1 alcohol.

1911 The line includes fine brandies.

1926 The volume of production amounted to more than a million containers with a hundred items for thousands of buyers.

1969 The business has been taken over by the fifth generation of the family. Within a year, Stroh managed to join the ranks of the most successful Austrian brands in the global alcohol market. Due to the strong response and steadily growing demand abroad, production capacity increased and the current factory building was built on the outskirts of Klagenfurt.

1980 For quality products, the brand was awarded its own coat of arms.

1995-1996: The company was merged with the German company Eckes AG to expand its influence in the field of alcohol sales.

2006 The EU has decided at the legislative level that Stroh Inländer must be 100% produced at home. He was given the status of Denomination of Protected Origin (DOP).

2007 The American firm Oaktree Capital Management acquired Stock Austria GmbH, establishing the Stock Spirits Group, which also owned brands from the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia and Poland.

A year later, in August, managing director Harold Burshtein bought the necessary shares, and the brand again became exclusively Austrian.

2020 Nobody knows the recipe to this day, there is a point of view that its components are unchanged. It is aged for three years in oak barrels. Today it is one of the most popular Austrian brands and is sold on the shelves in about forty countries around the world.

Types of rum Stroh

  1. Original, 80%

    Powerful spicy with vanilla and oak nuances. For the aroma, the word “vigorous” will come in handy. Alpine herbs are collected in the aroma.

  2. Hunter Tee, 40%

    It is made according to the traditional recipe. It has a rich black tea color. The sweet taste simultaneously reveals shades of meadow flowers, chocolate, cherries and cloves. Vanilla and ripe fruit hit the nose.

How and with what to drink Stroh rum

The Austrians do not use it undiluted. As a rule, they are used for mixing cocktails, for example, B-52 instead of coffee liqueur. Add to tea and punch. In addition, rum will fit perfectly into pastries and sweets.

Cream liqueur will be in harmony with coffee and desserts.

Interesting facts about Stroh rum

  1. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the drink was included in the daily diet of the crew of the Kuk fleet, not only for mental, but also for medical reasons. This tradition went into oblivion about forty years ago.

  2. Rum with a strength of 80% cannot be taken out on board the aircraft, because it is classified as a flammable liquid.

  3. The shape of the bottle dates back to the Prohibition period in the United States. Thanks to her, it was easy to hide alcohol under clothes and carry it unnoticed.

Relevance: 17.06.2020

Tags: Rum, Roma brands

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