Everyone has their own meaning of life, but the desire for conquest, the desire to be the one who became the master of new territories in the struggle — this desire is familiar to very many.
Academician A.D. Sakharov once uttered an unexpected phrase in an interview: “The meaning of life is occupation.” Yes, for male leaders, this is almost always the case. Every real man is a conqueror of the universe. Whether, as a growing entrepreneur, you want to occupy the market with your product, or, as a new leader, you are carefully looking for an opportunity to make these people your own and become an authority for them; if you are a leader, you are a conqueror. Conquest, capture, occupation — for someone a small but favorite entertainment, for someone one of the main life aspirations, and for someone the meaning of life.
The most famous computer game of a strategic direction (that is, one where you don’t have to wet toothy monsters with a plasma gun, but you have to think with your head) is “Civilization”. Its goal is to spread its political influence, culture, scientific achievements throughout the planet. And, not necessarily by violent means. However, at first, the authors tried to create a completely «non-aggressive» game, where you do not need to spread your influence, but you just need to peacefully neighbor. No, it’s nonsense. As in life.
Another question is what and why do you conquer, what do you bring with you to these worlds? There are people who love to cultivate the land and turn it into a flowering garden. And there is Genghis Khan, who, having conquered Bukhara, destroyed this flourishing city and razed it to the ground. The greatest pleasure in life for Genghis Khan, as a conqueror: «Defeat enemies, pursue them, deprive them of their property, make those who love them weep, ride their horses, hug their daughters and wives.» However, there are other people, creators, creative people, loving people. The lover also wants to win the heart of the beloved, but the greatest joy of the lover is to give joy to the beloved. And if you fell in love with the most beautiful woman in the world, you occupy her soul with yourself and your love at the utmost tension, after which the beloved woman tightly occupies your house and fills your life with meaning and warmth.
The woman does not call it an occupation, she calls it the creation of a space of love. It’s like this: there was no one’s territory, it became hers, and it became — beautiful!
The correct philosophy of the conqueror bears fruit in business. The IKEA mission statement states: “Victory always goes to positive people. They bring joy to their colleagues and to themselves. But winning does not mean that someone else must necessarily lose. The most beautiful victories know no losers.
The desire for conquest is familiar to women, but first of all it is a male trait. Men are warriors and conquerors. The traits of a man, if he is a man, are courage, calmness, confidence, curiosity, interest and a mood for development. The features of a woman, if she is a woman, are fears, anxieties, worries, fears and concern for safety. The male strategy is to go forward, look for something new, be a scout, develop, desire to be the first, win! Women’s strategy is conservative, it is important for her to keep what she has, she would prefer not to be the first, but behind the first. A man is interested in acquiring something new, a woman is afraid of losing what she has. A man is attracted to constructive tension leading him to victory, a woman prefers relaxed comfort.