Strictly scientific: when is the best time to get pregnant
If you want to have children, there is no concept of a good time or a bad time to conceive. With a lot of effort and faith in fate, you will achieve your goal, regardless of age, career and other factors.
Time and biology are on the side of the twenties. At this stage, the body is ready for pregnancy. Scientists say that on average, the peak of fertility in women is between 20-25 years. At this age, the best quality eggs are produced, in which there are fewer genetic abnormalities, for example, causing Down syndrome. Less and the risk of miscarriage. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it is 12-15% for women under the age of 30 and about 25% for women in their forties. Young people find it easier to carry a baby because they are less likely to have high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, and other health problems. Their children are less likely to be born prematurely and with low weight.
Children are expensive. Therefore, there is nothing stupid about wanting to start a family after you have a career and feel financially secure. Taking a break from your career can make it difficult to get back on track later. If you have a baby later, you potentially earn more and have more opportunities. In addition, young couples may not be emotionally and physically prepared for the sacrifice and patience required to raise a child.
If you just got married, having a baby will put your marriage to a big test, especially if you are young. You have no experience that tells you that the first, difficult days of caring for a baby are temporary. Mom feels that she does not have enough strength, and the father feels abandoned, because the wife spends all the time with the baby. So we recommend that you try a few things before you get pregnant, such as traveling as much as possible, getting a sports car, going to five-star restaurants, or seeing movie and performance premieres. Then you will have fewer regrets about what you missed.
Your basal body temperature (BT)
Over the course of several months, schedule BT to determine if ovulation is occurring – the process by which one or more eggs are released from the ovaries. BT is the temperature of complete rest, which can rise during the cycle. Use a special thermometer to measure BT in tenths of a degree. Most likely, ovulation has occurred if the temperature is slightly above BT for three days. However, there is not much time for conception, therefore, having established the regularity of ovulation, plan to have sex a few days before the rise of BT.
Not every woman has a regular 28-day cycle. On average, a cycle can be 28 to 32 days for different women. Ovulation can occur 11-21 days after the first day of the last cycle. Or on the 12-16th day from the expected start of a new cycle. Some ovulation symptoms are as follows: increased libido, breast tenderness and tenderness, increased sense of smell or taste, abdominal swelling, mild rash.
A fertility or ovulation calendar or calculator can help you determine the best time to try to get pregnant. It allows you to set the day during the month when you are at peak fertility and the length of your cycle. You record the first day of your cycle over several months in a diary or app. The resulting diagram will help you calculate the optimal time for lovemaking,
The quantity and quality of cervical mucus varies throughout the cycle. It is optimal before ovulation and least suitable at the end of the period. This is because estrogen stimulates the production of cervical mucus, and estrogen levels rise before ovulation. The cervix receives a signal to produce more fertile cervical mucus (similar to egg white). And the more of this mucus, the higher the chances of getting pregnant. It is believed that ovulation has passed as soon as the cervical mucus begins to thicken and becomes less noticeable.
According to statistics, most healthy couples who want to conceive a child and have sex regularly become pregnant within one year.