STRETCHING + ABS – purpose and features of training

What is Stretching + ABS, what is training for. Benefits of Stretching+ABS workouts. Who shows regular exercise. Contraindications.

Mixed training Stretching + ABS is aimed at working out the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks. With its help, you can stretch the muscles, achieve a beautiful figure, a relief body. For this purpose, combined exercises are included in the classes – strength and stretching. During the execution, almost all parts of the body will be involved. As a result, you will achieve a perfectly even royal landing of the back, no fat, a flat stomach without a hint of cellulite.

What are the goals of Stretching+ABS training?

  • rapid weight loss followed by its consolidation;
  • disappearance of fatty deposits;
  • strengthening the abdominal muscles;
  • elimination of cellulite on different parts of the body – the skin will look smooth and toned;
  • the waist will be significantly reduced in volume.

Already after the first workout, you will see that the body has noticeably tightened up, acquired relief outlines, which will become more and more apparent as you exercise. The main condition for achieving results is regularity.

For your workout, you will need to find clothes that are great for intense workouts. It is best that it be made of plain fabric, but with the addition of synthetic fibers to increase elasticity. T-shirt and pants should be well ventilated, let air through, so that you feel good. In addition to this, you need to pick up stable shoes with shock absorbers. In the gym, you will be given a fitball, dumbbells and other additional devices for performing certain exercises.

What are the Benefits of Stretching+ABS Workouts?

The benefits of Stretching+ABS training are invaluable. It allows you to align your posture, tighten problematic parts of the body, gain flexibility, and improve your health. If you constantly go to workouts, blood circulation will soon normalize and increase.

You will forget about what is back pain or interruptions in the work of the heart. Forever say goodbye to nervous breakdowns, learn to overcome stressful situations without harm to the psyche. Training does not overload the body, and after them you will not feel pain in the muscles.


Stretching+ABS exercises are essential for people who want to improve their physical fitness. They are especially suitable for those who constantly sit or perform monotonous activities. In this case, some muscles are processed, while others sag. This has a bad effect on both internal organs and the respiratory system.

Sports loads will eliminate all the negative symptoms caused by physical inactivity, relieve stress, get rid of the feeling of chronic fatigue, cheer up and relax. Training is safe for the body. They can be visited even by those who have never dealt with sports before.

But still there are diseases that are an obstacle to regular exercise:

  • joint dislocations, fractures that you have recently suffered;
  • spinal hernia;
  • curvature of the back in a large stage;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • joint diseases in acute form;
  • vein expansion.

If you have hypertension, then you are not recommended to do slopes. And with osteochondrosis, it is better not to perform twisting movements.

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