Stretch ceiling care: video
The possibilities of finishing ceilings today are quite diverse. The method of stretching a fabric or special film is very widespread. It is beautiful, stylish and practical. You just need to know and follow the rules for caring for a stretch ceiling, and then it will last a long time without losing its original qualities.
How to care for a stretch ceiling
How to clean a stretch ceiling
Proper cleaning for stretch ceilings is dry only. At the same time, the set of tools and materials is minimal: a special soft napkin (you can buy it at a hardware store) and an eraser. The use of one or another handy tool depends on the criticality of the situation. If you have to remove a small stain, you can completely do with a soft eraser (just gently clean the contaminated area with it). If your goal is to get rid of dust accumulated on the ceiling, use a dry cloth. The only condition is that you do not use force when cleaning, your movements should be light and accurate in order to avoid damage to the ceiling sheet.
If the stretch ceiling is made of glossy material, try not to touch it with your hands initially, because you will get fairly crisp fingerprints (matte surfaces are more resistant to this kind of dirt). During cleaning, this rule must also be observed.
Prohibited cleaning agents and tools: – abrasive powders and pastes; – spatulas and scrapers; – kitchen, clothing and toothbrushes; – brooms; – knives.
All these devices can cause irreparable damage to the stretch ceiling in the form of scratches, cuts and other visible traces.
Not suitable for cleaning stretch ceilings and vacuum cleaner. Its action can lead to deformation and a change in the configuration of the canvas. Simply put, it will simply sag in places and it will be impossible to reanimate it.
How to clean a stretch ceiling
The easiest way is to clean the ceiling with soapy water and a soft cloth. To do this, it is enough to grate laundry soap, dissolve it in warm water, strain and, wetting a soft cloth in the solution, gently, without pressure and strong friction, wipe the ceiling. After that, walk with a dry napkin and … that’s it.
But cleaning will seem less time-consuming to you, and the result is likely to please more if you buy special brushes, napkins and sponges, as well as chemical detergents designed specifically for this type of surface. Usually on the packages it is indicated for which type of material – PVC, fabric or film with a glossy coating – the product is intended for care. Follow the instructions and get the cleanest ceiling.
So that when washing on the ceiling there are no streaks, just change the used napkins more often with new ones or go over the stains with a dry soft sponge.
You can use a mop with a special nozzle to wash the stretch ceiling. But keep in mind that this requires a certain dexterity and skill. The cleaning service specialists handle this easily, but for a beginner it is a difficult job. Therefore, draw your own conclusions: confident in yourself – act, there is no confidence, but there is concern for the integrity of the stretch ceiling – contact the services of specialists.
What if a “catastrophe” occurs and a hole or cut appears on the canvas? As soon as possible, cover the damaged area with tape or duct tape and call the craftsmen. They will come and give a verdict whether your ceiling is due for repair or not. If so, negotiate a repair.
And further. When washing a stretch ceiling, do not forget to follow safety precautions. Do not build unreliable tables and stools, use a stepladder. Take your time, in a hurry you risk damaging the ceiling sheet. Choose a free day for cleaning and ask your family not to disturb you.