Stress: how to get out of the vicious circle?

Small annoyances can accumulate day after day and disturb you even at night, causing the effect of round-the-clock stress. There is only one way out – to relieve stress in time.

Sometimes it feels like everything has fallen on you at once. You get stuck in a traffic jam, there’s a deadline at work, your child throws a tantrum, and at night you can’t close your eyes because you’re replaying the events of a hard day in your head. As a result, you do not get enough sleep, become irritable, and chronic fatigue appears.

The nature of the factors that cause stress – stressors – can be different: everyday, interpersonal, professional. You can’t avoid stressors, but you can learn to deal with them.

Stress, I know you

The physiological response to stressors in most people is similar: it all starts with mild anxiety, then stomach cramps, hands shaking, sweating increases, dry mouth appears, and sleep is disturbed. Such feelings are familiar to everyone.

It is generally accepted that people with an external locus of control are most susceptible to stress – those who care about the assessment of others, the praise of loved ones, the attitude of the team. People with an internal locus of control, in turn, rely only on themselves, but this does not mean at all that there is no place for stressors in their lives: strained relationships in the family, problems at school for a child, or a difficult situation at work will unsettle anyone.

The “risk group” also includes workaholics who are ready to work for days, ignoring fatigue and alarming signals from the body. It turns out that no one has insurance against nervous experiences.

And yet this is one of the most dangerous human conditions. During severe or ongoing stress, immunity decreases, signs of aging make themselves felt prematurely, metabolism deteriorates, and stomach problems arise. Ancient practices and modern means help to prevent severe consequences.

Keep calm

About 5000 years ago, a special type of healing appeared in ancient China – acupuncture or acupuncture. According to the teachings, Qi energy flows inside each of us through channels connected with internal organs. If for some reason Qi stagnates in the channels, the work of the body is disrupted. Including Qi stagnation can cause deep stress.

Tiny needles, arranged in a special order throughout the body, regulate the flow of Qi energy, adjusting the functioning of the body and leveling the emotional state. Today, acupuncture is used not only by adherents of Eastern culture, but also by skeptics – therapy helps them to deeply relax and leave anxiety behind the threshold, which is already a lot for the modern rhythm of life.

Among celebrities, meditation is popular, which is usually combined with yoga. However, in order to let off steam and calm down, it is also effective as an independent method. To learn how to meditate, it is not at all necessary to take the lotus position and sing “om-m-m”.

Find a comfortable body position, close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel good and calm. It can be a bamboo forest, an oceanfront bungalow, or a spacious field. The location is not as important as your condition – try to focus on it: what sensations do you experience, what smells are hovering around, how is the wind noisy, is your skin warm? Over time, you will notice how adversity recedes into the background, and, after finishing the session, you will feel balanced and light.

Breathing practices, in turn, act as an SOS method. It is not for nothing that when we are annoyed, they tell us: “Exhale!” At the first sign of stress, it is helpful to use abdominal breathing. To do this, put your hand on your stomach, slowly inhale and exhale through your nose, counting up to 5. You should get a wave: when you inhale, the stomach first draws in, then the chest expands, and vice versa – when exhaling. A couple of minutes – and emotions subside.

Closer to nature

Medications that gently affect the body can also become reliable support for stress. So, the natural remedy “Homeostres®» Gently soothes and reduces the manifestation of key symptoms of stress day after day, leading to normalization in the emotional sphere. Celandine, licorice and viburnum are responsible for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, disturbed by stress, and wrestler, belladonna and calendula restore healthy sleep.

Lozenges should be taken two or three times a day for two weeks of the course. After three days, the manifestations of stress will become less pronounced, after another week, good health will be restored and stress resistance will increase. Thanks to proper rest at night, you will be able to more confidently resist negative factors during the day and get out of the cycle of stressful conditions. It is important that “Homeostres®» does not cause drowsiness, lethargy and addiction, therefore it is suitable even for children from three years old who have causes for stress can be no less than in adults.

Adversity happens to everyone, but it’s up to you to learn how to relieve stress and prevent its devastating effects on health.

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult with a specialist. Registration number: LSR-006558/09

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