We can confidently call atherosclerosis the disease of the XNUMXst century. Destructive stress, haste, poor diet, and stealing atherosclerosis is ready. While genetic susceptibility, age or gender is beyond our control – men suffer from it more often, we are responsible for eating foods rich in fats, carbohydrates and smoking cigarettes.
Similarly, failure to treat diabetes, high blood pressure, systemic inflammation, or lack of exercise may contribute to the development of this deadly disease of civilization.
Symptoms and development of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis occurs as a result of an excessive amount of cholesterol particles that circulate in the blood and, unfavorably for our health, can be deposited in the form of atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries.
Atherosclerosis is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage when the size of the arteries is halved. This is accompanied by rapid fatigue, which is inadequate to the activity performed, problems with memory and concentration. A characteristic, although not always occurring, symptom may be visible in the area of eyelids, breasts, wrist tendons, Achilles tendon or elbow joint, cholesterol deposits in the form of thickening.
A complication may be coronary artery disease, which contributes to the development of aneurysms and mental changes. If the clumped cholesterol plaques become detached from the walls of the arteries, this immediately leads to a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. Another serious complication is ischemia of the legs. In this case, the tissue partially dies, the ulcers do not want to heal, and sometimes a decision is made to amputate.
Heart and circulatory diseases account for 45% of all causes of death in Poland, atherosclerosis is the most common cause of tragedy. For this reason, it is worth seeking help from a doctor. Elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides will be shown by a basic blood test.
In the initial stage of atherosclerosis Sea fish, olive and linseed oil rich in Omega-3 fatty acids are recommended. Omega-3 acids are important because they regulate lipid metabolism, thanks to which the level of good cholesterol increases and the level of triglycerides decreases. Avoid simple sugars and fatty foods at all costs. Flavonoids, plant sterols, allicin and fiber are worth recommending. The goal is to bring your cholesterol down to 4,0 mmol/l or less.
If we have missed the beginning of the disease, it will probably not do without surgery. During the operation, atherosclerotic plaques are extracted through incisions in the blood vessels. However, sometimes it is necessary to implant bypasses to allow blood to be transported to the heart, bypassing narrowed sections of arteries along the way. Thanks to this, the probability of stroke and heart attack significantly decreases.