Before the start of the beach season, many, including quite slender girls, are wondering about losing weight. Before taking specific measures, it is worth understanding why we overeat at all, whether stress is to blame, and if so, how to deal with it in other ways.
According to Chinese medicine, «spring» stress develops against the background of a lack of energy. If we assume that our body has a certain amount of vital forces (or qi energy) and we need them to maintain health, activity, heating, then the lack of strength will be perceived by the body as an alarm signal.
Symptoms of a lack of energy are obvious: fatigue, a constant desire to sleep, mood swings. If no action is taken at this stage, physiological symptoms may appear: skin and hair problems, chronic pain, and digestive failure.
We often do not associate gradually emerging chronic diseases with stress, but when the level of strength drops, our body immediately — before the state of health deteriorates — tries to replenish the resource. By any available method.
Energy sources
Where do we get our life force from? Chinese medicine claims that there are only three sources: sleep, food and breath.
At the same time, one must understand that the most powerful energy consumption in women occurs against the background of emotional outbursts: once you get very nervous or plunge into regular stressful experiences, the energy level begins to fall.
How does the body react to this? First of all, drowsiness. Sleep is the easiest and fastest way to recuperate.
“Yes, what is it! we think. — Not only do I get nervous, I get tired, I don’t have time for anything, I also want to sleep all the time! We need to push — to go in for sports, for example.
If the “hole” is large and the energy is constantly leaking, then no food will be enough to restore the desired level of strength
Seems like a pretty reasonable approach. But what’s really happening is that we don’t have much energy left, and we want to get rid of what’s left — to cheer ourselves up with a run, caffeine, or something else that activates the last reserves of energy.
“Okay,” the body replies, “it looks like hard times are coming. If they don’t let you sleep, we will eat!”
Is it logical? Quite: nutrition is the second most effective way to make up for the lack of strength. However, if the “hole” is large and the energy is constantly leaking, then no food will be enough to restore the desired level of strength. The body demands more and more, saturation seems to be coming, but not for long — stress does not disappear anywhere and continues to absorb all our strength.
Three ways to deal with stress
If you find yourself experiencing the symptoms described above, know that the usual methods of struggle — playing sports, repairing, an active social life — will not work. First of all, it is important to restore the energy potential and only after that take on the reconstruction of life.
How to start recovery:
- Dream — if the body requires sleep, you need to allow it to get enough sleep. If you want to sleep 11 hours a day, allow yourself this, at least on weekends. Do yourself a «retreat»: spend two days in bed with a book.
- emotional vacation — of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of experiences, and it is not necessary. However, during the recovery phase, try to limit your circle of contacts, protecting yourself from everything that «reveals the soul» and causes a vivid response. Friends who like to complain or scare with depressive forecasts, discussing sensitive topics on social networks — all this is not for you now. Establish a period during which you will observe the hygiene of communication. You can start with a week, and if you like it, continue.
- Proper nutrition It is important to include in your diet what is easiest for the body to absorb.
Let’s talk about the last method in more detail.
Leisure food
Our body spends a lot of energy digesting food. In Chinese medicine, there is the concept of «digestive fire»: for this «furnace» to work, it needs resources. And our task now is to save energy in order to restore balance.
What can you eat so that the body spends a minimum of energy on digestion? Thermally processed, well-cooked and easily digestible foods and dishes.
Here is an approximate diet for a person who is deficient in strength:
- Saturated soups, meat broths, jelly — what they feed the sick to help them recover as quickly as possible.
- Cereal dishes: for example, boiled cereals on the water.
- Thermally processed vegetables: steamed, boiled, stewed.
- Seeds — add them to any dishes without restriction. What needs to grow carries the energy you need. Exotic chia seeds and ordinary sunflower seeds will do.
- Vitamin cocktails — only not in the form of a smoothie from fresh berries, but thermally processed fruits, fruit drinks and compotes.
Such a diet should, if possible, be followed for at least a month (preferably longer). As your energy levels rise, small amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits can be added. But dairy products, which, according to Chinese doctors, extinguish the «fire of digestion», sweet and flour products are prohibited during the diet.
We have already said that physical activity during stress exhaustion can only do harm. How to keep the body in shape, move and have fun?
First of all, relaxation practices are recommended — for example, qigong for the spine Sing Shen Juang. It helps to relax habitual physical tensions and release the energy that supports them. In addition, it is extremely useful to master breathing practices: this will help to receive additional vitality.
By eliminating the cause that causes overeating, you are guaranteed to improve your quality of life, and health and excess vitality will allow you to achieve the figure you dream of.