Stress at work: how to win the battle?

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Modern city dwellers are literally overwhelmed by a wave of stress. Especially, according to experts, women are susceptible to this “popular” disease. In addition to the regular stress at work, the fair sex usually has to cope with parenting and household chores. As a result, due to the daily load of tasks, stress resistance decreases, and nervous tension will only increase.

The fact that women are more stressed than men is already scientifically established. Last year, Swedish scientists conducted a study in which more than a thousand of both sexes were interviewed. As a result, it turned out that women are significantly more likely to develop back and neck pain, which is considered a classic symptom of stress. The authors of the same study noted that less resistance to stress is associated not only with greater stress, but also with the way women think. The weaker sex is more accustomed to analyzing the situation and its emotional components, while men often ignore this aspect. Therefore, today the question is extremely relevant: how can a modern woman be successful both at work and at home, while maintaining calm and good mood?

In general, not every stress is created equal. Psychologists even claim that there are “good” stresses. A small shake, accompanied by an adrenaline rush, is good for the body. Such positive stresses include anxiety before a public speech, unexpected joy, short-lived experiences that have been safely resolved.

In contrast, there is bad stress. Prolonged tense and negative environment, prolonged or excessive excitement, severe fright and similar factors make the body work for wear, overexerting and depleting it. Chronic stress can provoke the development of various diseases that, at first glance, have nothing to do with the emotional state.

However, stress resistance is the quality that can and should be worked on. If you feel that recently your nervous system is giving up, try to “train” it. To begin with, try to let go of control a little and not go over the past and future events in your head over and over again, so as not to take them too personally. After all, it is not the news that is upsetting, but the way we perceive it.

If you can’t force yourself not to think about the trouble, try to distract yourself. For example, engage in some non-intellectual activity. Physical labor, as you know, plays the role of a lightning rod in a stressful situation. Basic laundry or dishwashing can help women, and while in the office, you can start cleaning your desk. Communication is also a way to get rid of stress. Talking to friends or coworkers on an irrelevant topic will quickly distract you from the stress-triggered internal dialogue.

Afobazol® will help to cope with everyday stress.

But often the influence of stress factors is so great that it is almost impossible to find peace in this frantic rhythm on your own. The level of external pressure is such that, most likely, many of us will need help to get back to normal. It is encouraging that the body has its own stress management tools.

It is worth remembering that cigarettes and alcohol, which people so often resort to to calm down, usually provoke the opposite effect. To restore the natural algorithms for counteracting anxiety and stress, special anti-anxiety drugs (anxiolytics) can come to the rescue. However, it is important to remember that sedatives often simply extinguish anxiety and anxiety, replacing them with lethargy and drowsiness, which interferes with leading a full active life.

Unlike similar drugs, a selective anxiolytic Afobazol® does not inhibit the natural course of processes in the nervous system, but, on the contrary, contributes to their restoration. Due to the fact that Afobazol®, unlike numerous “pills of happiness”, acts gently and gradually, it is prescribed in courses that can last from two weeks to three months.

The anti-anxiety effect of the drug can be useful not only in a state of chronic stress. Afobazol® It is also successfully used to combat the unpleasant manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, as well as withdrawal syndrome when refusing alcohol and nicotine. However, in whatever life situations this drug is used, it helps to cope with unnecessary anxiety so that you can start again making informed and verified decisions that will lead you to success day after day.

Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC LS-000861.

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