Strepsils for cough – a novelty in the fight against wet cough
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The well-known and proven by millions of Poles brand for sore throat – Strepsils, this autumn expands the brand’s portfolio by introducing a novelty in the treatment of wet cough – Strepsils for cough.

Strepsils for cough is intended for the treatment of wet cough. The drug contains carbocysteine ​​- the strongest mucoregulatory substance [1]. It quickly cuts the residual secretion into pieces [2], facilitating expectoration and reducing the intensity of cough [3]. The active substance contained in it – carbocysteine, changes the physical and biochemical properties of the mucus, reducing its viscosity [4]. It is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, facilitating expectoration and, consequently, limiting the cough [5]. It supports the purification process not only of the bronchi, but also of the sinuses [6].

Cough is uneven – wet cough

A wet cough is defined as a productive cough because it clears the respiratory tract of the residual secretions. It appears in the course of most infections, both viral and bacterial [7]:

Wet cough also occurs in 47% of people with a cold. As many as 22% of respondents stated that cough is its most troublesome symptom [8]. Doctors emphasize that the success of treatment depends on the correct diagnosis of the type of cough (dry or wet), because the selection of appropriate medications depends on it.

How do you recognize a wet cough?

A wet cough often progresses from a previous dry cough and is accompanied by discharge (purulent or mucous). It is less violent than a dry cough. In the treatment of wet cough, drugs that inhibit the cough reflex should not be taken [9].

Strepsils for cough

Strepsils for cough is one of the first over-the-counter carbocysteine ​​medicines. The product is available in the form of capsules that are easy to swallow. The recommended dosage is indicated on the packaging.

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