Strength training – no equipment, for reduction, calories, diet

Properly planned strength training can be an excellent means of improving well-being, fitness, general health, as well as preventing the effects of the aging process. It affects the body comprehensively, both physically and mentally. It not only improves physical fitness and body posture, but also encourages other activities and increases vitality, thus improving the quality of life.

Strength exercises effectively increase the efficiency of the muscular system. They increase muscle endurance and strength, which brings health and everyday life benefits. In combination with a properly balanced diet, it contributes to the regulation of body composition and weight.

To obtain positive health effects, it is recommended to exercise for about 20-60 minutes at least twice a week (on non-consecutive days). Exercise should involve all major muscle groups to improve their strength and endurance.

It is important to set a training goal at the very beginning of their performance. This will help to achieve the desired results through properly targeted actions. The goal may be:

  1. improving physical fitness and well-being (health training),
  2. increasing muscle mass,
  3. improvement of maximum strength,
  4. slimming figure
  5. increasing strength endurance.

Strength training can be performed both at home (with or without equipment) and at the gym.

Strength training without equipment

In weight training without equipment, the exerciser uses the weight of their own body to burn fat, shape their muscular body and increase their relative strength (i.e. the maximum strength that the exerciser can achieve in relation to their body weight). This type of training is intended for almost everyone, including those who do not find time for regular training (and want to exercise from time to time without expecting big results). This type of training can also be performed by people familiar with sports equipment as a variety of training in the gym.

Strength training without equipment consists of exercises such as push-ups, rompers, high knee lift, squats, and more.

When strength training without equipment, remember to:

1. Warm-up. Training should be preceded by at least ten minutes of preparation. This could be skipping rope, exercise bike riding or jumping jacks.

2. Appropriate exercise rhythm during proper training. This type of training is circuit training – it involves performing exercises one after the other, with short breaks or (preferably) without breaks. The traditional strength training system consists of 10 to 12 exercises per muscle group. The number of repetitions and the intensity of the exercises depend on the intended goal.

3. Cooling down, the so-called cooling down. After training, you should spend about 20 minutes on “calmer” exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles of the entire body.

Strength training – calories

There are different calculations for how many calories you can burn in an hour of strength training. It is averaged that a man weighing 80 kg will burn from 200 to even 600 kcal during an hourly intensive training. Much depends on how fit, because a person who exercises longer needs less energy to do the same exercises than a person who is just starting out.

Strength training – diet

A well-balanced, healthy diet plays a very important role in training and other strength sports. It is to provide the body with macronutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for muscle development and health. Without a well-balanced diet, training ceases to be reliable and effective. Therefore, education (both book and coaching) is important, thanks to which every training person will be able to adjust the diet to the manner and purpose of their exercises.

Strength training for reduction

The main task of strength training in the period of fat reduction (on a low-calorie diet) is to increase and maintain muscle mass. Trainers advise: “The best weight training for reduction is also the best strength training for mass.” Exercises consisting of basic movements (squats, lunges, barbells and dumbbells, chin-ups, rowing, push-ups and others), repeated 5-12 times in proper series, will work best. The training plan should increase the intensity of exercise over time in order to stimulate the development of the muscles all the time.

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