Strawberry wine: 6 recipes at home

Strawberry wine is a drink with a charming aroma and a delicate light pink color. English poets wrote about it back in the XNUMXth century, because once you have tasted strawberry wine, it is simply impossible not to fall in love with its taste and aroma.

They also cook from strawberries: liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures

Tips before starting

  1. For wine, garden and wild berries are suitable.

  2. Strawberries should be ripe and of good quality, but not overripe.

  3. Strawberries must be sorted out, the stalks, rotten, spoiled and moldy berries removed.

  4. It is advisable not to wash the prepared strawberries before use, as you can wash off the natural yeast, which is very necessary for the fermentation of wine. If the berry is heavily contaminated, then you can lightly rinse in water.

  5. It is important to remember that garden strawberries are juicier and sweeter than wild ones and less sugar may be needed. The strength of the wine also depends on the level of sugar.

  6. Strawberries are high in sugar and can form a lot of sediment during the cooking process. You need to keep a close eye on all the steps of the preparation, and it can take a little longer than when making fruit wine.

  7. For wine, you need to take a capacious glass container.

  8. Homemade wine will eventually change its color from light pink to amber.

Table wine from wild strawberries


  1. Wild strawberry – 9,5 kg

  2. Granulated sugar – 1,25 kg

  3. Water – 3,6 L

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be carefully sorted, remove the stalks and spoiled berries.

  2. Prepared berries do not need to be washed, but immediately smashed into a pulp for wine.

  3. Cook simple sugar syrup and cool it to 25 degrees.

  4. We mix syrup and pulp in a saucepan, cover with gauze for natural fermentation. It is necessary to mix the contents of the container daily.

  5. After the appearance of the first foam, we filter the juice through a purchased or home-made filter, and rub the pulp through a fine sieve into the wort.

  6. Mix the prepared ingredients, pour into a glass container. We put the must on fermentation at a temperature of 18–22 degrees for 2 months.

  7. After the end of the fermentation process, carefully filter the young wine and pour it into glass bottles.

  8. If the sediment appears again, then the wine must be filtered again.

  9. Store the finished product in the basement.

Strong table wine from wild strawberries


  1. Wild strawberry – 10,7 kg

  2. Granulated sugar – 1,9 kg

  3. Water – 2,4 L

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be carefully sorted out, the stalks, spoiled berries removed and killed with a blender or passed through a meat grinder.

  2. Divide sugar into two parts. One part of sugar must be dissolved in warm water and mixed with the prepared berry. We leave the covered container for fermentation for 1-2 days in a warm place.

  3. After the appearance of the first foam, we filter the juice through a purchased or home-made filter, and rub the pulp through a fine sieve into the wort.

  4. We fill the glass bottle with prepared wort by 2/3 and put a water seal or a clean glove with a small hole on the finger.

  5. After 2 weeks, when active fermentation is over, you need to add the rest of the sugar. For its better dissolution, it is necessary to pour 2 liters of must and heat it up to 30 degrees (wine yeast dies at a higher temperature) and then dissolve sugar in it.

  6. Pour the sweetened wort back into the bottle, stir well again and put a water seal or a glove with a small hole on your finger again until fermentation is complete.

  7. After the end of the fermentation process, the wine will become transparent, after that, carefully, without shaking, drain it from the sediment. Important! You can not keep the wine on the lees for more than 14 days, otherwise, due to the remaining yeast at the bottom of the container, the finished product will be bitter. And if during these 2 weeks the wine has not become transparent, it must be poured into a clean container and filtered after precipitation.

  8. Pour the finished strawberry wine into glass bottles and store in a cool place. Aged wine will change color and taste over time, but this will not affect the quality of the drink.

Strong wine from wild strawberries and garden strawberries


  1. Wild strawberry – 4 kg

  2. Strawberries – 10 kg

  3. Granulated sugar – 3,2 kg

  4. Sherry yeast – 2 g

  5. Tannin – 20 g

  6. Wine alcohol (70%) – 700 ml

Method of preparation

  1. We put two berries under a press to get juice for further preparation of wine. From this amount of strawberries and strawberries, at least 8 liters of juice should be obtained, if the strawberries are not juicy enough and there is less juice, then you need to add water (after boiling it and cooling it to 25 degrees).

  2. We add half of the sugar to the resulting juice, mix until it is completely dissolved, pour the must into a glass container and put a water seal or a clean glove with a small hole on the finger.

  3. After 3-7 days, when the stage of quiet fermentation begins, we add sherry yeast to the wort and mix thoroughly. We put back the water seal or a clean glove with a small hole on the finger.

  4. After 3-4 months, when the must is completely fermented, we drain the wine from the sediment and add wine alcohol, tannin and the remaining sugar (sweetness can be adjusted to taste).

  5. It is desirable to store the finished wine in an oak barrel at a constant temperature of 12 degrees. If there is no barrel, then the wine can be stored in a glass container, throwing oak bark into it, after wrapping it in gauze.

  6. Before the start of the tasting, the wine should be aged for at least 10 months so that the wine fully reveals its taste and aroma.

Dessert wine from strawberries


  1. Garden strawberries – 6,5 kg

  2. Wild strawberry – 6,5 kg

  3. Granulated sugar – 3,7 kg

  4. Tannic acid – 14 g

Method of preparation

  1. We put two berries under the press to get juice for further preparation of wine. From the indicated number of berries, about 8 liters of juice should be obtained.

  2. Pour 510 g of sugar into a separate container, and pour the rest into strawberry juice and mix well. We cover the container with gauze for natural fermentation.

  3. After the appearance of the first foam, we filter the juice through a purchased or home-made filter, then add tannic acid and the remaining sugar. After thorough mixing, pour the wort into a glass container and ferment at a temperature of 18–22 degrees for 2 months.

  4. After the end of the fermentation process, we pour the young wine into glass bottles. If sediment appears, the wine must be filtered again.

  5. Store the finished product in the basement.

Strawberry and raspberry liqueur wine


  1. Wild strawberry – 5,5 kg

  2. Raspberries – 5 kg

  3. Tartaric acid – 43 g

  4. Tannin – 30 g

  5. Sugar – 2,5 kg (± 100g)

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries and raspberries must be carefully sorted out, the stalks and spoiled berries removed.

  2. Pour 1/4 part of granulated sugar into the prepared berries, cover with gauze and leave until fermentation begins.

  3. After the first signs of fermentation appear, it is necessary to squeeze the juice under pressure.

  4. We add tartaric acid to the juice, pour it into a glass container and put a water seal or a clean glove with a small hole on the finger. Every week you need to add 100 g of sugar for every liter of wort.

  5. After the wine has acquired a lighter shade, it must be filtered, then add the last part of the sugar, mix thoroughly and pour it into a sterile glass container.

  6. We withstand 2 months at a temperature of 10-14 degrees.

PS If you want the wine to have a strawberry-caramel taste, then before aging you need to boil the classic sugar syrup (from the last part of the sugar), cool it and add it to the future wine.

Sparkling semi-sweet strawberry wine


  1. Garden strawberries – 5 kg

  2. Wild strawberry – 5 kg

  3. Granulated sugar – 3 kg

  4. Water – 2 L

  5. Sherry yeast – 2g

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be carefully sorted, remove the stalks and spoiled berries. Prepared berries do not need to be washed, but immediately smashed into a pulp for wine.

  2. Add 2 kg of granulated sugar to the pulp, mix and leave to ferment in an enamel bowl, after covering the container with gauze.

  3. After the first signs of fermentation (foam and sour smell) appear, the juice must be drained, and the pulp must be rubbed through a sieve into the must.

  4. We add water to the wort and heat it up to 35 degrees, mix it with juice and filter through a purchased or home-made filter. Pour the wort into a glass container and put a water seal or a clean glove with a small hole in the finger.

  5. After 3-7 days, when the stage of quiet fermentation begins, we add sherry yeast to the wort and mix thoroughly. We put back the water seal or a clean glove with a small hole on the finger.

  6. After the end of fermentation and after the wine has brightened with special care, we drain it from the sediment and filter it several times.

  7. Pour some wine, add the remaining sugar and heat a little so that the sugar is completely dissolved, then add it to the total mass and mix well.

  8. We pour strawberry wine into thick glass bottles (you can use champagne bottles), close with corks and fix them with wire.

  9. In order for the wine to turn into sparkling and the yeast to play again, it must be kept at a temperature of 2 degrees for 22 days.

  10. Store sparkling strawberry wine in a horizontal position at a temperature of 14 degrees.

Relevance: 21.10.2017

Tags: Wine and vermouth, Wine recipes

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