Strawberry Vivara is an ideal variety for growing in continental climates. The plant, bred in Italy, is easily acclimatized, can produce crops both in open ground and in a greenhouse. Fruitfulness and sweet taste attract the attention of gardeners. Before breeding Vivaro strawberries, it is important to read the description of the variety, photos and reviews of gardeners.

History of breeding

The variety was bred by Italian breeders. They set themselves the task of creating a cold-resistant and easy-to-transport crop.

Strawberry variety Vivara: description, photos and reviews

Strawberry Vivara has taken root in the CIS countries

It is often compared to another Italian variety, Mukano, as an improved version. Strawberries Vivara are actively bred for personal purposes. The variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.

Characteristics and description of Vivara strawberries

Strawberry Vivara is remontant, able to bloom and bear fruit many times. Grows well in open and closed ground.

Vivara has a compact, medium-sized bush, tall, strong flower stalks that bend under the weight of berries. The leaves are dark green in color and edged with teeth. The berries are quite large. Their weight is 20-30 g.

Appearance and taste of berries

Strawberry variety Vivara: description, photos and reviews

The symmetrical Vivara strawberries resemble a cut cone with a rounded tip.

Bright red skin after full ripening begins to darken. The sweetness of the berry is complemented by a slight sourness, there is a strawberry aroma.

Flowering period, ripening period and yield

The flowering period begins at the end of May and lasts until mid-October. At this time, 1–2 kg of berries are harvested from the bush. The variety is fast-growing, in July you can observe the appearance of the first berries after spring planting. Vivara strawberries are self-pollinating. The cycle of ripening berries and the appearance of new flowers lasts 5-6 weeks. Collection in open ground can be carried out until the first frost.

There are no gaps between the waves of fruiting – flowering is continuous. So that the strawberries do not deplete, it is sometimes recommended to break off the flower stalks, stabilizing the process.

Strawberry variety Vivara: description, photos and reviews

Strawberry Vivara is in the top 5 fruitful varieties

The culture actively bears fruit for five years, then the soil begins to deplete. To extend the period, use additional top dressing. At the end of April, strawberries can be fertilized with mullein, droppings, a mixture of organic compounds. Top dressing is carried out 2-3 times per season. Begin to apply nutrients in the spring. Among gardeners, yeast containing useful proteins and chemical trace elements is in demand. They activate the growth of Vivara, fix it more firmly in the ground after transplantation. You can also increase the yield and strengthen the plant with the help of special mineral dressings.

Important! When using organic, complex fertilizers, follow the instructions on the packages. Excessive application of nutrient compounds can harm strawberries, cause chemical burns.

Frost resistance

The strawberry variety tolerates instant climate changes well. It is frost tolerant, allowing it to take root quickly after planting. Vivara also tolerates heat well. Berries are not baked, do not lose their taste.

Disease and pest resistance

Strawberry Vivara well resists the main diseases of the crop. Pathology can be identified by the following signs:

  • white or brown spots on the leaves – a symptom of spotting;
  • whitish cobweb plaque – a feature of the manifestation of powdery mildew;
  • rotting of fruits is observed at rots.

It is recommended to grow Vivara strawberries using black agrofibre. This allows you to protect seedlings from gray rot.

Thanks to immunity, strawberries can be grown without the use of chemicals, Vivara is resistant to root rot, anthracnose, strawberry mites. In rainy, cold seasons, bushes are sprayed with iodine solution for prevention. With powdery mildew, a concentrated mixture of iodine with milk is used, such a composition will not harm the foliage.

You can scare off pests with tobacco dust scattered over the beds. As a preventive measure against parasites and diseases, strawberries and soil are sprayed with garlic infusion, decoction on onion peel. If specks often appear on strawberries, Fitosporin treatments are necessary twice a year.

Pros and cons of the variety

Vivara has both pluses and minuses. The positive qualities of the variety prevail over the negative ones.



High, continuous fruiting, which the bushes retain for 4-5 years

To maintain a good harvest, the variety needs attention from early spring to late autumn (watering, loosening, mulching, trimming mustaches, transplanting, preparing for winter)


Bushes give out few whiskers, which slows down the rate of reproduction

Sweet taste

In cold climates, with cloudy and rainy summers, sugar content decreases

Ease of transport

If you do not use additional bait, then the quality of the fruit worsens every year.

large berries


Cold weather resistance


Immunity to diseases


Fruit versatility



Seedlings are planted in the ground from spring to autumn. The mustache is transplanted at the end of July. Seating in the summer will give the bushes time to take root, get stronger, prepare for frost in order to bear fruit next year. The ideal place to grow Vivara would be a sunny area with little shade. The site is pre-dug, remove all weeds and roots.

Attention! Strawberry variety Vivara is unpretentious to the ground. The ideal acidity is 5,5–6,0 pH.

A few weeks before planting, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers: leaf compost, rotted waste, wood ash. When planting, it is important that the root collar does not go deep into the ground. The first weeks require daily watering.

Strawberry variety Vivara: description, photos and reviews

Bushes are planted at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other


To get a bountiful harvest, Vivara strawberries will need proper care. The plant needs regular irrigation. Before flowering, rain watering is suitable; after the formation of the ovaries, it is recommended to use the drip method. It is desirable that warm water flow directly under the root. 1 requires 10 liters.

Important! Cold water inhibits vegetative processes. Therefore, settled liquid is used for irrigation.

Strawberry Vivara requires regular weed removal. Weeding should be done so that the grass does not take away nutrients from the crop and does not shade it. The weeding process is combined with loosening and surface covering of the soil with mulch. In this case, the roots receive enough oxygen.

Strawberry Vivara produces a moderate amount of mustache. Rosettes quickly take root, give a harvest in the first season. Leave them or not – depends on the area. Dry, reddened leaves are to be removed.

Vivara does not require special preparation for adverse conditions. For regions with cold winters, snow cover will suffice. Where the climate is unstable, the beds are covered with spunbond. Top can be covered with spruce branches.


Reproduction is carried out with the help of a mustache. The process of their formation begins after cutting the flower stalks on the bushes. Grown sockets are recommended to be rooted in plastic containers. In this case, seedlings are formed with a closed root system.

Strawberry variety Vivara: description, photos and reviews

Children closest to the mother bush are considered the strongest.

Rosettes are separated after the development of the root system. You can transplant right away. It will take about two weeks to adapt.

Those who plan to buy seedlings should pay attention to their external characteristics:

  1. The leaves should be uniform, not have spots, dried edges.
  2. Developed root system, without growths, signs of disease on the root neck.
  3. Strong socket.


Strawberry Vivara has gained popularity among European gardeners. Commercial, cold-resistant, large-fruited variety does not lose its relevance. Growing strawberries does not require much effort, a good harvest can be achieved with minimal agrotechnical abilities, which is favorable for beginner gardeners.

Reviews of gardeners about Vivara strawberries

Alexander Lebedev, 31 years old, Krasnodar
After reading comparisons with another Italian variety Murano, I decided to try out the new Vivara. Bushes began to bear fruit in the first year. We managed to eat large and sweet berries. The children really enjoyed the delicacy. Some were used fresh, the rest was closed for the winter in the form of jam, jam and compote.
Savely Yakovlev, 57 years old, Moscow
Vivara is a productive strawberry with a good taste of fruits. It does not give a lot of whiskers, which pleases and upsets at the same time. This means that the plantings will not thicken so much, but it will not be possible to quickly breed the culture. The density of berries is average. Left for the second year, before wintering covered with foliage and spruce branches. Strawberries Vivara overwintered well.
Maria Demina, 48 years old, Pskov
The kids love strawberries. Therefore, we grow strawberries in the country. The Vivara variety quickly took root, the berries turned out to be large and medium. In taste and appearance, it resembles other varieties of strawberries from Italy: San Andreas, Asparagus, Murano.

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