Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

Almost all summer residents grow strawberries in personal plots. The choice is extremely large, promising new items appear every year, it is easy for a novice gardener to get confused in them. If you study the varietal characteristics, Romantica strawberry looks very good. It combines the attractive appearance and palatability of berries with the ease of care and the ability to adapt to a wide range of not always favorable weather conditions.

Description and characteristics of the strawberry variety Romantica

Strawberry Romantica cannot be called a variety with any outstanding features, with the exception of the original flowering. Rather, it is an “average” variety with very good characteristics.

Appearance and taste of berries

The bushes of Romance are compact – about 25 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter. The leaves are large, the peduncles are tall, powerful, do not bend under the weight of large berries.

Important! The main feature of Romantica strawberries is pastel pink flowers.
Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

Bushes of Romance in bloom immediately attract attention in the garden

The berries are one-dimensional, weighing about 40 g, cone-shaped, most of them are ribbed. The skin is a typical “strawberry” color, dense, but thin. Seeds are small, yellowish.

The flesh of the berries of the Romantika variety is pink-red, juicy, tender. The taste is balanced, sweet, with a slight sourness.

Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

Ripe berries of Romantica are characterized by an aroma that is very reminiscent of wild strawberries.

Flowering period, ripening period and yield

Romance refers to varieties of medium ripening. It blooms towards the end of May. The main “wave” of fruiting falls on the 20th of June. Then, over the next month, you can remove individual berries. At the end of July, fruiting stops.

Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

An adult bush brings about 0,7-0,8 kg per season

Frost resistance

Strawberry Romance is able to overwinter without suffering at -25 ºС. Accordingly, when grown in a subtropical climate, she does not need shelter for the winter. In Central Our Country, in the Urals, in Siberia, plants will need protection, especially if weather forecasters predict severe frosts and a lack of snow.

Disease and pest resistance

Immunity in strawberries Romance is not bad. With proper care and the right choice of planting site, it rarely suffers from diseases and pests. Only if the weather favorable for the development of pathogens, low temperature, high humidity is established for a long time, plants require preventive treatments. Folk remedies are usually enough to repel insects.

Pros and cons of the variety

There are no very significant advantages, as well as significant disadvantages, for strawberries Romantica.



Unpretentiousness in care

Relatively few whiskers to form

Frost resistance sufficient for wintering in many regions

Shrinking and shrinking with prolonged heat and lack of watering berries

The ability of plants to endure a short drought, temperature changes, prolonged rains, and other adverse weather conditions without much damage to themselves


Developed root system that provides seedlings with quick and successful adaptation after planting in the garden


Original pale pink flowers


External presentability and very good taste of berries


Versatility of purpose – fruits can be eaten fresh, frozen, prepared for the winter


Important! When grown in one place for five years or more, the taste of the berries deteriorates, they become smaller. Suffering during “degeneration” and immunity of plants, their frost resistance, the ability to adapt to the vagaries of the weather.
Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

Strawberry Romantica has good keeping quality and transportability

Peculiarities of growing

No specific agrotechnical measures for strawberry Romantica are required. The landing site is chosen taking into account the general rules, plant care is standard:

  1. Romantic strawberries are planted in an open, well-warmed up by the sun and protected from cold drafts place.
  2. This variety is picky about the quality of the substrate. The ideal option would be nutritious, but at the same time quite loose loam or sandy loam with a neutral or slightly acidic pH (5.0-6.0). In general, Romantica strawberries take root on any soil, with the exception of the lightest and heaviest.
  3. With shallow (up to 0,5 m) groundwater, it is better to transfer the planting to another place. If there is no alternative, high (about 30 cm) bulk beds will be required.
  4. The recommended planting pattern is 30-40 cm between adjacent bushes with a row spacing of 50-60 cm.
  5. Immediately after planting, Romance strawberries need daily moderate watering. When the plants take root and new leaves begin to appear, the intervals are increased to 5-7 days, adjusting them depending on the weather. The average rate is about 3 liters per bush.
  6. During the season, Romantic strawberries are fed three times. At the very beginning of the growing season, when snow melts from the garden, natural organic matter is introduced. Further, at the stage of budding and about a month after the end of fruiting, special fertilizers for strawberries containing phosphorus and potassium are applied.
  7. To prevent damage by pathogenic microflora, romantic strawberries and the soil in the garden are treated with any fungicide before flowering. Further, spraying is repeated at intervals of 12-15 days, if the weather is favorable for the development of pathogenic fungi. To scare away pests, it is enough to periodically dust the soil in the garden and the bushes themselves with dry mustard, plant onions, garlic, marigolds, and other plants with a pungent odor unpleasant for insects next to strawberries.
  8. Variety Romance can do without special shelter from frost. But if the winter is predicted to be very cold and with little snow, it is better to play it safe. Peat or humus is poured to the bases of plants, the garden bed is covered with fallen leaves, straw, dry grass. Additionally, any covering material can be pulled over the arcs.
Strawberry variety Romantica: photo, description and reviews

This variety responds well to fertilizing with both natural organics and store-bought fertilizers.

Important! Strawberry Romance propagates in any vegetative way. With a shortage of mustaches, they resort to dividing the bush; exceptionally healthy plants at the age of 2-3 years are suitable for this.


Strawberry Romance is a variety that definitely deserves the attention of gardeners. The berries are very sweet, tasty, attractive in appearance, universal purpose. Agrotechnics plants require standard, a lot of time and effort will not have to be given to planting. The variety can adapt to weather and climatic conditions that differ from optimal, and “forgives” the gardener for unintentional mistakes in care.

Reviews about strawberry Romance

Anastasia Muratova, Krasnodar
Strawberries Romantica are very fond of my children. From the garden, she always disappears first. Berries are very tasty, sweet and juicy. In winter, preparations from them also go with a bang.
Sergey Petrenko, Volgograd
Strawberries Romantika planted a few years ago. Satisfied with the variety overall. There were no significant problems with the bushes during this time. The berries are also worthy – large, beautiful, tasty.
Tatyana Lavrova, Yekaterinburg
Strawberry mustache Romance was shared by a neighbor a year ago. She also treated me with berries – I liked the taste very much. Plantings do not require special attention and careful care, and for me this is the most suitable option. There is not always enough time for gardening.

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