Strawberry Great Britain is a late variety with large berries. The culture is frost-resistant, so it is grown in most of the territories of Our Country. Berries are loved by gardeners for their beautiful cherry-burgundy color, unusual taste and pleasant aroma.

History of breeding

The origin of strawberries in Great Britain is not known for certain. The variety Chamora Turusi was involved in its creation. The resulting variety differs from its predecessor in a later ripening period and an interesting taste of berries.

Characteristics and description of strawberry variety Great Britain

Strawberry Great Britain is a productive variety with large fruits. The culture has a distinctive feature: the first berries on the brush resemble a cockscomb. The bushes are powerful, well developed. The foliage is rich green, large.

In one place it grows from six to eight years without a transplant. But after four years, the land is greatly depleted, so it is recommended to change the garden bed or fertilize the soil.

Appearance and taste of berries

According to gardeners, UK strawberries have a pleasant taste. Tasting score – 4,9 points out of 5.

Strawberry variety Great Britain: photo, description and reviews

The first berries on the fruit cluster of the UK variety are formed large, the rest are medium and small.

The shape of the strawberry is correct, conical. On young bushes there is only one large ovary. The color of the berries is cherry-burgundy, the flesh is dense, red. Taste and aroma are pronounced.

Ripening time and yield of strawberries UK

If the bushes are planted in spring, the first fruits begin to be harvested in the second decade of July. The process lasts until September, and in the southern regions it continues at the beginning of autumn.

Under favorable growing conditions, about 4 kg of berries can be harvested from each UK strawberry bush. With insufficient watering, the indicator is reduced to 1-2 kg.

Frost resistance

Variety Great Britain is grown in all regions. Strawberries have good frost resistance – up to minus 15-20 ° C. The variety is not afraid of return frosts. To avoid freezing, in the northern regions of planting strawberries are mulched and covered with spruce branches or spunbond.

Disease and pest resistance

The variety is not characterized by increased resistance to infectious diseases. In rainy summers, it may suffer from gray rot. The main signs of damage: the appearance of brown or dark gray spots on the berries and leaves. You can see a fluffy mouse-colored coating. Ripe fruits become watery and lose their pleasant taste, while unripe fruits dry out.

Ramulariasis affects petioles and peduncles. Rounded reddish-brown dots are visible on the leaf plates, which gradually change color to whitish with a dark border.

With brown spotting, old leaves are affected. Reddish-brown spots appear on them, which gradually turn black and become covered with a fungus. Affected leaf blades dry out and die.

Strawberry variety Great Britain: photo, description and reviews

The main pests of strawberries: slugs, weevils, nematodes, strawberry mites, ants

Important! The variety does not have resistance to insects, so the culture needs preventive treatments.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Strawberries UK have a lot of positive qualities. But, like any plant, the variety has drawbacks.

The pros and cons of culture are presented in the table.

Strawberry UK



large fruits

Weak resistance to spots and rot

High yield

Need for watering

Normal transportability and keeping quality

The need for top dressing

Good tasting score

Late ripening (this item is considered by many to be positive qualities)

Attractive appearance

No pest resistance

Frost resistance



Before planting, it is necessary to take care of the preparation of the soil. When choosing a site, pay attention to the following points:

  1. Potatoes and eggplants will be bad neighbors and predecessors for strawberries in the UK. In the garden, the presence of dill, parsley and other herbs is permissible. Marigolds, which are repellent plants that repel pests, will be good neighbors. Strawberries will feel fine if carrots or beets grow near the garden.
  2. You can disinfect the earth with a solution of ammonium nitrate. Do this in advance, a few weeks before planting strawberries. Growing lupine on walking soil will naturally disinfect the soil.
  3. For strawberries, choose fertile soil with good drainage. If the water on the site stagnates, the formation of earthen hills should be provided for planting a crop.

    Strawberry variety Great Britain: photo, description and reviews

  4. In depleted areas, humus is introduced for digging. The bed is plowed and watered.

Strawberry Planting Technology UK:

  1. Holes for strawberries should be shallow, but sufficient to accommodate the rhizomes.
  2. When planting, adhere to the following dimensions: 30 cm between the holes in a row, 40-60 cm – aisle.
  3. If humus was not applied before planting, fertilizers with microelements are added to the soil.
  4. Too long strawberry roots are shortened a little with a pruner before planting.
  5. The bush is installed in the hole, the roots are straightened.
  6. The landing hole is covered with earth.
  7. The soil is gently crushed by hand.
  8. The bushes are watered with settled water at room temperature.
  9. After the water is absorbed into the soil, the plants are mulched.

How to care

Strawberry Great Britain is not a very capricious plant, but to get a good harvest you need to know how to care for the crop.

Main events:

  1. Regular watering of the soil. The UK strawberry root system is close to the surface, so it dries out very quickly on dry days. For continuous irrigation, you can arrange a drip irrigation system. If this is not possible, then strawberries are watered daily on hot days. For 1 m² of area, 7-10 liters of water will be required. On cloudy days (without precipitation), 5-6 liters are sufficient for the same area. In the spring and during the cool period – three soil moistening per week, 5 liters per 1 m². If it rains, watering is stopped. During flowering, UK strawberries are best watered in the early morning.
    Strawberry variety Great Britain: photo, description and reviews

    In strong heat, the culture is moistened in the evening, after sunset.

    Important! Mulching or covering the beds with agrofiber allows you to reduce the amount of watering.
  2. Timely application of top dressings. They do this several times a season: after planting, during the appearance of flowers and ovaries, before the onset of cold weather. In springtime, formulations with phosphorus and potassium are used. The introduction of mullein is possible in the second year after planting. This organic compound is very concentrated, so it is used for UK strawberries only in a diluted form. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are used throughout the warm season. For 1 m² of area, 20 g of a complex agent will be required.
  3. Prevention and treatment of diseases, getting rid of pests. As a means for treating bushes, they use: Bordeaux mixture, iodine, hydrogen peroxide. To eliminate pests use Actellik, Karbofos, Spark. Strawberries are most often grown for children and grandchildren, so they try to do without chemicals. When slugs appear, they are harvested by hand, and the ground between the rows is covered with needles, crushed eggshells, and walnuts.
    Strawberry variety Great Britain: photo, description and reviews

    Repellent plants will help protect the beds from pests: marigolds, garlic, onions

  4. Weeding, mulching. Weeds can clog UK strawberries and significantly reduce yields. To prevent this from happening, the grass in the beds is weeded regularly. Mulching helps reduce weed growth and also prevents the soil from drying out. As mulching materials, wood shavings, mowed grass, straw are used.
  5. Loosening – the procedure is necessary so that the roots do not rot and receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. Carry out after watering or heavy rains.
  6. Mustache trimming is necessary to prevent thickening of the fit. The first time this is done in the spring, then the berries will form large. Re-shoots are pruned after fruiting. If strawberries need to be propagated, then part of the mustache is left. They should have no more than three outlets.
  7. In autumn, beds with strawberries must be removed. Damaged and dried foliage is cut from the bushes. The beds are watered, treated with herbicides. Mulching is carried out to protect against frost. The best material for this is coniferous litter. If it is not available, straw, wood shavings, tree leaves are used.

How it breeds

Strawberries Great Britain can be propagated by dividing the bush, mustache, seeds. Most often, gardeners use the layering method. The mustache is directed to a well-dug bed and the largest rosettes are fixed, the rest are cut off with a pruner. The procedure is carried out in the summer. The next year, new bushes will produce a crop.


Strawberry Great Britain is a large-fruited variety with a late fruiting period. The berries are tasty, with a dense skin, so they can be transported. The variety is grown not only in private farmsteads, but also for industrial purposes.

Reviews of gardeners about strawberries UK

Evseeva Elizaveta, 49 years old, Apsheronsk
Great Britain planted strawberries about five years ago. Every year I have a great harvest. The berries are tasty, elastic, and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. I make jam, compotes, I freeze. The variety is undemanding to growing conditions. Standard care: watering, fertilizing, mustache trimming.
Vasily Dementiev, 64 years old, Blagoveshchinsk
Strawberry variety Great Britain purchased from friends in the country. I liked the large berries and the minimum care for the plant. The harvest is really great. From each bush, subject to the rules of cultivation, you can collect up to 3-4 kg of berries.
Great Britain – a large-fruited strawberry variety. Saplings in Belarus

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