Gardeners carefully select strawberry varieties for planting on the site, focusing on yield, berry quality, and disease resistance. Despite the fact that breeders have recently created many hybrids with excellent characteristics, old, proven varieties are still in demand. Strawberry Belrubi is one of the most famous, popular and sought after.

History of breeding

Strawberry Belrubi (Fragaria ananassa Belrubi) was obtained by French breeders in the 80s of the last century as a result of crossing two varieties – Pocahontas (Fragaria ananassa Pokahonta) and Red Cout (Fragaria ananassa Red Cout). The first was created by American breeders, the ripening time is medium early. Bushes are tall, compact, with large foliage.

Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

Strawberries Pocahontas can produce two harvests per season

The second “parent” variety of Red Coat strawberries was obtained in Canada. Its bush is compact, the berries are medium in size, oval in shape, very fragrant.

Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

Red Coat Strawberries ripen early, have an average yield

Since 1988, Belrubi has been on trial in the Federation, after which in 1990 it was entered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. Recommended for cultivation in the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia.

Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

The climatic conditions of the North Caucasus are optimal for growing Belrubi strawberries

Characteristics and description of Belrubi strawberries

The universal variety Belrubi is mid-season. Strawberries are consumed fresh and subjected to thermal processing, valued for their high taste and technical characteristics. The plant forms an upright shrub up to 40 cm high and wide. The peduncles are long, the inflorescences are lush, located at the level of the foliage. A lot of mustache.

Appearance and taste of berries

After ripening, Belrubi strawberries acquire a dark red color with a smooth glossy surface. Their shape is elongated, conical. The neck is clearly defined. The pulp is pink, dense structure. Berries have a sweet taste with a slight sourness. According to experts, the taste characteristics are high. The average weight is 15-20 g. The transportability is excellent, the berries are not deformed when transported over long distances.

Flowering period, ripening period and yield

Buds on Belrubi strawberries appear in the first half of June. When grown in the middle lane, flowering occurs ten days later than in the south. Berries ripen after three weeks. The collection is carried out in several steps. The fruits are well separated from the pedicels. The yield of the variety is average. Each bush gives about 0,5 kg of berries.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance of Belrubi strawberries is high. When grown in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the berries are not covered for the winter. So that the soil does not dry out in cold weather, it is mulched with a small layer of compost. In regions with more severe winters, before the onset of persistent frosts, Belrubi strawberries are covered with a layer of straw, having previously freed the ridges from weeds, dry and diseased foliage.

Important! You should not cut the bushes “to zero”, as this method leads to weakening of the plants and lower yields.

Disease and pest resistance

Strawberry Belrubi has a high immunity, it is rarely affected by diseases and pests, but insect attacks are possible:

  1. Weevil – females lay eggs in buds, gnaw the stalks, which ends with their withering and reduced yields.
    Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

    To prevent the appearance of the weevil on Belrubi strawberries, the aisles are sprinkled with sawdust moistened with creolin.

  2. Strawberry mite – sucks juices from rudimentary leaves, which turn yellow and deform.
    Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

    To combat the insect, spraying strawberry foliage with solutions of chemicals (Maroleks, Teovit) is used.

  3. Spider mite – damages foliage and entangles it.
    Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

    Infusion of calendula, dandelion, tobacco decoction help to cope with the pest if processed 3-5 times

  4. Whitefly – destroys young plants.
    Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

    In the fight against whiteflies, intestinal insecticides are effective (Aktara, Atellik, Rovikurt, Pegasus)

  5. The larvae of the May beetle – eat away the roots.
    Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

    To combat the larvae of the Maybug, traps, sowing green manure, manual collection, and agrotechnical measures are used.

Among the most common diseases affecting Belrubi strawberries are blotch and Fusarium wilt. If there is a possibility of developing diseases, treatments with copper-containing preparations, a solution of potassium permanganate and boric acid are used.

Important! For the purpose of timely prevention, it is necessary to periodically inspect Belrubi strawberry bushes.
Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

When Fusarium wilt is detected, the plants are dug up and burned.

Pros and cons of the variety

Despite the fact that the yield and appearance of the Belrubi variety largely depend on the conditions and region of growth, the general disadvantages and advantages remain unchanged.

Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

Strawberries of the Belrubi variety are distinguished by a bright aroma.




compactness of bushes

short fruiting period

winter hardiness

too many mustaches

drought tolerance

average fruit size

high palatability of berries

lower yield than other varieties

excellent immunity


unpretentious care


high transportability


versatility of use


Peculiarities of growing

For planting strawberries Belrubi choose a well-lit area. If the terrain is elevated, the ridges do not, unlike low-lying places, where the variety is planted in high ridges. The best predecessors are garlic, lentils, rye, wheat, mustard, sorrel, clover.

Important! It is unacceptable to choose a place for strawberries where nightshade crops (potatoes, tomatoes, physalis) grew before it.

Planting of the Belrubi variety is carried out according to the algorithm:

  1. Dig up the area, level it.
  2. Holes are made 15-25 cm deep at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  3. Pour into each humus (1 kg) and superphosphate (50 g).
  4. Place one or two plants in the wells.
  5. Straighten the roots.
  6. Cover with soil, compact.
  7. Watered.
Important! Landing is carried out in cloudy or rainy weather.
Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

Loamy or sandy soil for Belrubi strawberries must have neutral acidity

Further care of plants consists in watering, feeding, removing mustaches. Immediately after the snow melts, damaged and rotten leaves, weeds are removed, row spacing is loosened and nitrogen fertilizers are simultaneously applied to the soil. Spud, without deepening the core of the bush into the ground. Mulch the surface with peat, straw, sawdust. Watering Belrubi strawberries is carried out at least twice a week. If necessary, if the weather is hot, dry, the procedure is carried out more often. Whiskers are removed as they appear. Carefully cut with scissors so as not to damage the base of the bush.


The easiest and most popular way to propagate Belrubi strawberries is with lateral shoots (whiskers), of which she has a lot. The method does not require much effort from the gardener, it guarantees the preservation of varietal characteristics. As seedlings, rosettes of the first and second order are used. They are the strongest and grow fast. It is they who are kept on the mustache, and the rest are removed. If the soil is loose, air and moisture permeable, rooting is fast. The outlet is later separated from the mother bush and transplanted.

Important! If the whiskers are not cut off, they themselves gradually dry out, and the new plant begins to develop on its own.

In order not to weaken the entire Belrubi strawberry plantation, several bushes are selected for propagation, in which varietal characteristics are most pronounced. They leave 5-7 lateral processes and rosettes of the first two orders. Mustache formation begins already in June, but the highest quality planting material is obtained from the July mustache.

Important! On strawberry bushes, from which planting material is taken, flower stalks are removed in a timely manner so as not to weaken the mother plant.
Strawberry variety Belrubi: description, photo and reviews

At the time of the formation of the roots on the outlet, it should be pinned to the soil and sprinkled with humus

Young plants are ready for transplantation in two months. The best time to start a new plantation is from the third decade of August to mid-September. Each seedling should have a developed “heart”, powerful roots, 4-5 healthy, large leaves.

Important! Belrubi strawberry rejuvenation is carried out once every four years.


Strawberry Belrubi has long passed the test of time, invariably gives sustainable yields. Its excellent taste, unpretentiousness in care and undemanding to growing conditions are noted by many gardeners, and resistance to diseases and pests is another reason to opt for this variety.

Reviews of gardeners about Belrubi strawberries

Ipatova Valeria, Stavropol Territory
I planted Belrubi strawberries immediately after I bought a summer cottage. Ten years have passed since then, I have tried many varieties, but I am not going to display the first one. The harvest is stable, annual, the taste of the berries is excellent, and the aroma is incomparable to any other.
Kudryashova Evgenia, Voronezh region
It is simply impossible to imagine summer without strawberries. Belrubi started four years ago, got hold of seedlings from friends. The variety is very tolerant of a lack of moisture, and this is worth a lot in our climate. Harvest average, but regular, annual. The berries are tasty, after picking they do not become sour, they can be stored fresh.

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