Strawberry tincture at home

With a good harvest, it is not necessary to process all the strawberries for jam and compote. Some of the berries can be used to make homemade strawberry tincture. It will turn out a delicious alcoholic drink with a characteristic aroma of fresh fruits. We will consider the best recipe that has been used for several decades.

Any ripe garden or wild strawberry is suitable for tincture: fresh, frozen or dried (it takes half as much as indicated in the recipe). The main thing is that the berries are ripe. First, the fruits are carefully sorted out, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy. Even one bad berry can spoil the entire batch of the drink, so you need to sort the raw materials carefully.

The alcoholic base can be vodka, ethyl alcohol diluted with water up to 40-45%, cheap cognac or moonshine purified from unpleasant odors (preferably double distillation). Strawberry tincture on cognac has interesting tannic notes that complement the aroma of wild berries well.

strawberry tincture recipe


  • strawberries – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 0,3-0,5 kg (to taste);
  • vodka – 0,5 liters.


1. Wash the berries, cut off the tails. Remove damaged parts.

2. Grind strawberries with sugar, crushing each berry. You should get a homogeneous liquid mass.

3. Pour the resulting puree into a container for infusion. After 45-60 minutes, pour in vodka. Mix, seal tightly.

4. Put the jar for 10-12 days in a dark, cool place. Shake every 2-3 days.

5. Strain the prepared strawberry tincture through cheesecloth, squeeze the cake well. If the drink is cloudy, you can filter it through cotton wool.

6. Pour the tincture into bottles, seal tightly. When stored in a place protected from direct sunlight, the shelf life is up to 5 years. The strength of the tincture on strawberries is 24-26 degrees.

Strawberry tincture at home

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