Strawberry Syria

Many gardeners today grow strawberries on their plots. When choosing a variety, the possibility of growing a plant in specific regions is taken into account. Strawberry Syria is currently very popular with gardeners.

The originators of the variety are Italian breeders from the New Fruits company, located near the city of Cesene. Strawberries are recommended for growing in a continental climate, which is quite suitable for many regions of Our Country. The garden strawberry variety Syria bears fruit well in hot summers, with little rainfall. Winters well at low temperatures.

Variety description

Strawberries of the Syria variety can be grown not only in summer cottages, but also on an industrial scale. Depending on the region of cultivation, harvesting begins in June. The ripening time of the berries is average, but in any case, the first fruits can be removed a little later than on Alba or Khonya.

Strawberry variety Syria is high-yielding. With proper agricultural technology, you can collect about a kilogram of fruit from a plant. Already in the first year, about 200 grams are harvested from one bush, and up to 700 grams per square meter. The fruiting of the strawberry variety continues for three years after planting.

Bush features

According to the description, reviews of gardeners, as well as photos, strawberries of the Syria variety are distinguished by large and tall sprawling bushes. This feature must be taken into account when landing.

Strawberry Syria

The leaves are large, dark green in color with a slight wrinkling. Thanks to this feature, the berries “hide” from birds, which saves most of the crop. Although harvesting with abundant foliage is not so easy.

Strawberries produce powerful flower stalks with a large number of medium-sized white flowers. They easily hold a rich harvest of ripening berries. The Syria variety produces a moderate amount of whiskers, but they are quite enough for breeding.

Attention! New plantings of strawberries should be done in 2-3 years, as recommended by Italian breeders.

Features of strawberries

The fruits of the Syria variety are medium in size and have the classic shape of a slightly elongated cone. They are moderately dense, which contributes to excellent transportation. Here they are, delicious strawberries in the photo.

Strawberry Syria

Weight of berries up to 40 grams. Moreover, the first fruits of the Syria variety are larger, then they become a little smaller. The last strawberries weigh about 25 grams. In biological ripeness, the berries are rich red, closer to the color of ripe cherries. On the cut, the fruits are pale pink, without white patches and voids. There are many yellow seeds on the surface of the strawberry, slightly pressed into the berry.

The taste of Syrian berries perfectly combines sweetness and acidity. Tasters appreciate the fruits.

What is the value of the variety

The garden strawberry variety Syria, created by Italian breeders, according to the description and reviews, as well as photos sent by gardeners, has clear advantages in comparison with some other crops:

  1. The yield of strawberries increases in the second and third years, and the berries do not become smaller and do not lose their varietal qualities.

    Strawberry Syria

  2. The taste properties of strawberries Syria are excellent, they do not disappear during storage.
  3. The fruits are quite large, have a universal purpose. In addition to fresh consumption, berries are suitable for various preparations and freezing.
  4. The indicator of adaptation to new conditions is high, which makes it possible to grow strawberries of the Syria variety in almost the entire territory of Our Country.
  5. Plants winter well even at low temperatures, they are not afraid of heat and short-term drought.
  6. The transportability of the Syria variety, according to gardeners who are thoroughly involved in culture, is excellent. What is welcomed by farmers who grow strawberries for sale. The fruits do not lose their presentation, do not flow even when transported over long distances due to the dense structure.
  7. Resistance to many strawberry diseases is not bad.

Of course, the Syria strawberry variety has drawbacks, but they are minimal. As the originators note, plants are affected by a transparent spider mite, especially when grown in greenhouse conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out timely processing.

Cultivation and care

Strawberry Syria, which is described in the article, is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush or rosettes. All methods are effective. You can buy seeds or seedlings of this variety in stores or order by mail from Becker, Gardens of Siberia, Garden and other seed companies.

Place of planting

Strawberries Syria need to create comfortable conditions, then you can count on a high yield. Garden strawberries should be planted in well-lit places. The shadow can cause small-fruitedness, an increase in acid in the fruits, and diseases of plantings.

Strawberries generally do not like heavy soils and close groundwater. If the site is located on a lowland, you will have to make high beds and lay drainage. A convenient way to arrange seating from south to north.

The soil before planting Syrian strawberries is well seasoned with mineral or organic fertilizers so that the main nutrients are enough for three years of growing the crop.

Strawberry Syria

Precursor cultures

Another point that you should pay special attention to: what crops can be the predecessors of Syria strawberries. It is best to plant seedlings after green manure:

  • rapeseed and mustard;
  • lupine and vetch;
  • buckwheat and phacelia;
  • marigolds, oats and calendula.
Attention! Siderates do not need to be removed from the site, they are embedded in the ground when digging.

Strawberries of the Syria variety feel good after such crops:

  • greens and legumes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • carrots, radishes and radishes.
Warning! It is forbidden to plant strawberries, including the Syria variety, after cabbage and pumpkin, zucchini and Jerusalem artichoke, potatoes, peppers and tomatoes.

Garden strawberries are sensitive not only to their predecessors. This plant gets along well with many cultivated plants that help rid strawberries of diseases and pests without the use of pesticides. Fans of environmentally friendly products are planted on the beds between the bushes of the Syria variety:

  • parsley, onion and garlic;
  • legumes: peas, beans, soybeans;
  • low marigolds.

Strawberries with neighbors:

Strawberries, a pot, green onions on the same bed. Mixed landings. Medvedka’s nest.

Rules of agricultural technology

Since Syria strawberries are often grown commercially, the plant requires quality care throughout the growing season.

  1. The bushes must be watered with warm water not lower than 15 degrees only in the evening. Moreover, the volumes will depend not only on the state of the soil, but also on the stage of strawberry development. The most productive for the Syria variety is drip irrigation, due to which the dosed irrigation of the soil occurs. In addition, liquid fertilizers are applied through the system.
  2. When using mulching, before digging the beds, ammonium sulfate (15 grams) and superphosphate (40 grams) are added to each square. In the future, mineral fertilizers for strawberries of the Syria variety will not be required.
  3. Grass should not be allowed to grow on a strawberry plantation, since it is on weeds that spores of diseases and pests most often settle. The topsoil is loosened after watering to provide the root system of plants with access to oxygen.

Disease Prevention

As you know, diseases are difficult to treat, it is best to take preventive measures. In early spring, while the strawberries of the Syria variety have not yet come out of dormancy, the leaves are removed, the beds are cleaned.

It is advisable to remove the top layer of the earth, which may contain overwintered pests and treat the plantings and soil with special preparations. Experts advise using Fitosporin, Thiovit Jet, Guspin, a 4% solution of Bordeaux mixture or a 2-3% solution of copper sulphate.

The second serious preventive measure is taken in the fall after the strawberry harvest. The beds are treated with any composition that disinfects the soil and destroys spores of diseases and pest larvae.

Important! At the time of filling and ripening of berries, no chemical preparations are used for processing strawberries in Syria.

It works well as a prophylactic, such a tool:

In a ten-liter bucket of water, add 3 tablespoons of already used vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of liquid detergent, table vinegar and ash. Let the solution stand for 10 minutes, filter and spray the plantation with strawberries.


Syria strawberries are resistant to many diseases, but pests will have to be fought. Plants can be affected by nematodes, mites, leaf beetles, slugs, ants and other pests.

For the destruction of pests, special preparations are used, following the recommendations on the package. Combined planting of strawberries can also help solve the problem. For example, spicy herbs and plants with a pungent odor can repel many pests.

There are also folk methods: a solution of wood ash with soap. From ants and slugs, red ground pepper helps, which is sprinkled on the soil around the strawberry bushes. If the invasion of insects is massive, you will have to resort to pesticides.

How to get rid of a pest, gardener’s tips on the video:

MITE ON STRAWBERRY: what is dangerous and how to deal with it.


Serafima, 56 years old, Kurgan
Syria liked the variety of garden strawberries from the first time. I like in strawberries not only the taste and versatility of berries, but also unpretentiousness in growing. I process plantings in the spring with ammonia, sprinkle with wood ash. For 4 years, the plants never got sick. Two years later, she already planted a new bed in the fall with her planting material.
Nikolai, 54 years old, Chita
It so happened that it was me who was doing the dacha. I immediately decided to plant strawberries. A neighbor in the country shared garden strawberries of the Syria variety. An amazing plant, almost no problems, but the harvest is excellent. Grandchildren, arriving at the dacha, immediately run to the garden with strawberries Syria. In autumn, he expanded the plantation with rosettes that had grown over the summer. Let’s see how they wintered. By the way, I covered the plantings for the winter thoroughly, since we have considerable frosts.

As you can see, reviews from gardeners who are well acquainted with the variety are mostly positive. To verify this, watch the video. These are not just emotions, but reality:

SYRIA. Who said that this strawberry variety is not fruitful?!

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