Strawberry San Andreas

Growing strawberries (strawberries) for some gardeners is a hobby, for others it is a real business. But regardless of this, everyone is trying to acquire a unique variety that would not only give a rich harvest of delicious fragrant berries, but also would not require much effort in care.

Remontant strawberry San Andreas meets all of the above requirements. So that gardeners can be convinced of this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description of the variety, photographs and reviews of our readers. Let’s say right away that the San Andreas garden strawberry is a product of Californian breeders. It is clear that the climate is somewhat different, therefore, there are special nuances in growing and caring for strawberries. Gardeners, especially beginners, should know about them.


Strawberry San Andreas

Look at the photo. What beautiful berries the strawberry variety has! You yourself will be able to grow strawberries on your plots. Having become acquainted in absentia with San Andreas strawberries according to the description of the variety, photos and reviews of gardeners, you will certainly go to plant it on your site.

So, what is interesting about the overseas variety:

  1. The berries of the San Andreas variety actually correspond to those shown in the photo in the article. They are hard and shiny. Slightly rough to the touch due to deeply planted seeds. The fruits are bright red on the outside, but inside the flesh is orange with white streaks. The berries themselves are hard, have the shape of a cone, the tip is slightly rounded. The taste is sweet with slight hints of acid.
  2. The berries hold well on the stalk, even when overripe, they do not drain to the ground. The fruits of strawberries are large, weighing about 30 grams, although some kind of giants can be found – up to 60 grams. Each berry is the size of a chicken egg. Look at the photo sent by the gardeners.

    Strawberry San Andreas

  3. The firmness of the berries is highly appreciated by gardeners growing strawberries for sale, which ensures excellent transportability.
  4. The bushes of garden strawberries, the San Andreas variety, are not too large, the leaves are light green. The root system, unlike many varieties of this crop, is powerful, branched. This also affects productivity.
  5. Strawberries give little whiskers, so to replace plantings, some of them must be rooted.
  6. During the budding period, the plant throws out up to 10 thick peduncles capable of holding a crop of ripening berries. Look at the photo, what varietal strawberries look like during fruiting – everything is in accordance with the description.

    Strawberry San Andreas

  7. When applying the norms of agricultural technology, you can get more than a kilogram of delicious juicy berries from one bush.
  8. Remontant strawberries are a day-neutral variety, that is, a decrease in daylight hours does not affect fruiting. As a rule, it begins in May, the last berries are picked in October. Berries ripen in waves in 5-7 weeks. The July heat somewhat reduces the fruiting of strawberries of this variety. To prevent this from happening, nets or awnings are pulled over the landings. In the conditions of giving it is quite possible to do to save the crop.
  9. Garden strawberries San Andreas can resist many diseases and pests due to high immunity.
  10. Since the fruiting is plentiful and long, the plants must be fed several times during the vegetative period.

Strawberry San Andreas

Features of agricultural technology

Even a beginner can grow strawberries Andreas, since caring for her is not much different from other varieties of remontant garden strawberries. The main thing is to take into account agrotechnical standards.

First, you need to prepare a fertile bed with the introduction of peat, humus, compost or mineral fertilizers.

Warning! Fresh manure for strawberries cannot be applied.

Secondly, when planting between the bushes of San Andreas strawberries, there should be at least 30 cm, between rows up to 40. It is better to plant seedlings in the fall. Plants are well watered, and the soil is mulched.

Strawberry San Andreas

Important! In the first year, flower stalks should be cut off on the San Andreas variety so that the plant gains strength for subsequent fruiting within 3-4 years.

Then the landings need to be updated.

Thirdly, as gardeners note in the reviews, the San Andreas strawberry variety has a high need for watering and feeding. Does not tolerate the slightest drought. A drip irrigation system will help solve the problem of drying out the beds.

Moreover, even a beginner does not have any special problems with its installation. The simplest drip irrigation can be organized using ordinary hoses, as shown in the photo below. What else is convenient? All strawberry crops frown upon wetting leaves, flowers and fruits with water. No matter how carefully the gardeners use the watering can, wetting strawberries cannot be avoided.

Strawberry San Andreas

For the winter, the beds in the open ground are sheltered from frost. The degree of shelter will depend on climatic conditions.


Based on the description of the botanical properties and characteristics of the variety, during the vegetative period and when preparing plants for wintering, regular top dressing is necessary. These are both minerals and organic matter.

Although in recent years, gardeners have been trying to move away from mineral fertilizers, preferring organic top dressing. But that’s not the point. The main thing is to feed the San Andreas variety several times a season, starting in early spring. According to the description, strawberries bear fruit several times during the summer, the soil is depleted.

Video tips on how to feed strawberries without chemicals:

AMMONIA SPIRI- as FERTILIZER and from STRAWBERRY PESTS.. Ammonium alcohol as a fertilizer..

Important! Only having received the necessary nutrition, strawberries will provide the owners of the site with a rich harvest of delicious berries with a unique aroma.

Strawberries of the San Andreas variety can be successfully grown in a greenhouse, especially if you are engaged in a commercial crop. Who does not want to have such a crop of large-fruited remontant strawberries, as in the photo below. There is something to be proud of!

Strawberry San Andreas

Diseases and pests

Although the variety is considered resistant to many diseases, as stated in the description, gardeners indicate in reviews that powdery mildew, white spot, strawberry mites, and aphids cannot always be avoided.

Advice! Do not neglect preventive measures, process strawberry bushes in a timely manner.

To destroy diseases and pests, special chemicals are used. The main thing is not to process strawberries during fruit ripening. Plants can be saved by garlic, calendula, dill and parsley planted in the beds.

Reviews of gardeners

Elena, 43 years old, Volochok
I have been growing the San Andreas variety for a single year and I cannot get enough of it. Caring for him is no more difficult than for other plantings of strawberries. I treat them the same way. But my Sanych (as we call the overseas variety) needs more top dressing. Recommended even for beginners.
Anna, 60 years old Belgorod
A friend shared with me a San Andreas strawberry. In the first year of cultivation, I made many mistakes. I want to warn other gardeners against them. I zealously began to feed the plants. From this appeared a huge number of mustaches. Some of them were removed, but this was not enough. In a short time, my garden bed was covered with rooted rosettes. There were very few fruits, they were slightly larger than wild strawberries. I wanted to pull it out already, but I called my friend. She explained everything to me and helped me solve the problem. Now the San Andreas variety is the most fruitful and beloved.
Savely, 35 years old, Vologda
My San Andreas strawberries have been growing for 3 years. Next spring, I will rejuvenate the first bed, as the berries have become smaller. Every year I prepare planting material from a mustache. Fragrant fruits like all my family. We eat plenty fresh and freeze.

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