Strawberries are the most desirable delicacy not only for children, but also for almost all adults who strive to grow the best varieties of it in their backyard. This rich red symbol of a hot summer is represented in our country by many excellent varieties, among which is the Elizabeth strawberry. We will talk about the history of the appearance of these berries, their varieties, appearance and cultivation features today.
In order not to buy strawberries in stores, most of which are the result of the work of the chemical industry, it is better to grow your own bushes. One of the popular types of this magnificent berry today is the Queen Elizabeth strawberry variety. In fact, there are two varieties, while the variety of strawberries Elizabeth 2 is almost identical to the first variety. The only difference is that the second species is a remontant culture.
This means that its bushes have the ability to bear fruit almost constantly, namely from spring to early autumn. The first variety needs part of the daylight hours in order for high-quality and large fruits to ripen. That is, it is able to grow and develop during certain daylight hours, while the second grade does not need such a strict condition.
Variety Queen Elizabeth has such a description of the bushes – they are very strong plants, which is surprising for strawberries. Also on them you can see large leaves that have a characteristic light green color. The bushes of Elizabeth 1 begin to bear fruit at a time when daylight hours last about eight hours, and this lasts for about a month. Plants tend to form a large number of mustaches, with the help of which such a berry reproduces. As for the peduncles, they are formed standing, and also grow almost on the same level with the leaves.
If we talk about the description of the fruits, then they appear on bushes of quite impressive size, have a presentable appearance. They are also characterized by a dense structure, a pleasant gloss on the surface of the berries, and most of the fruits are identical not only in appearance, but in weight. In the case of proper care of the culture, it is able to please with such a crop of berries, the weight of each of which can reach 40 grams. Provided that the temperatures are not too high in summer, the fruits can even reach up to 100 grams and resemble a small apple in size!
This type of strawberry is amazing not only by its appearance, but also by its excellent pleasant dessert taste. The pulp of the fruit has a wonderful aroma, it always has a typical rich red color, its structure is dense. The first fruits of strawberries of this variety can really be harvested starting from June, and under good weather conditions of the season and at the very beginning of the first summer month.
The variety Queen Elizabeth has a high degree of productivity, and, as many years of practice shows, in the spring one can harvest about a kilogram of berries from one crop. It is also worth mentioning the good frost resistance of this variety of berries, but at the same time, experts still advise covering the bushes before the onset of winter.
This will need to be done so that the autumn flower stalks avoid death due to exposure to too low temperatures. Remember one more nuance – it is recommended to replant the bushes after a year, since the quality of the berries will largely depend on how old the plant is. Accordingly, the more time the bush grows on your plot, the worse its yield will be. If we compare the varieties with each other, then the second “Queen” is able to bear fruit two or three times, due to which the amount of the crop will be much larger than that of the first type.
Video “Country review”
Growing strawberries from seeds is not so easy, but such a laborious process makes it possible to get excellent bushes of the variety you need. A container for growing future seedlings from seeds should be no more than 12 cm high, they should be filled with earth. There is no need to deepen the seeds into the ground, as they need a sufficient amount of light. It is only necessary to moisten the earth a little with water, after which the seeds should be evenly placed, only slightly pressing down. Experts call the end of January the best time for planting seeds in a specially prepared container, if it is possible to create additional illumination.
Otherwise, seeds can be planted in late February – early March. In order for the seeds to have the opportunity to grow better, it is advised to cover the container with glass on top. Also for these purposes it is quite possible to use a polyethylene film. Every day, the film or glass needs to be lifted for a short time, about 10 minutes is enough. Germination of strawberry seeds is best done on a well-lit windowsill. We should not forget about the humidity of the earth in containers, for this it is customary to use a spray gun.
Seeds of this variety tend to germinate after two weeks or a little more, they also have a rather low degree of germination – a little more than 50%. After the first leaf hatches, the airing time, that is, lifting the glass and film, should be increased to 30 minutes. When the seedlings already have a few leaves, they will need to be transplanted into cups. Important for seedlings is not only careful watering, but also a sufficient amount of light. About a couple of weeks before you plan to transplant seedlings into open ground, you should begin to harden it, that is, prepare it for growth in a new place, which will enable the new fragile plant to go through a normal adaptation period. To this end, containers with seedlings must be taken outside for a short time, gradually increasing the time it stays there. Four months after germination, the seedlings are considered ready for transplanting to a new place of residence.
Strawberry variety Elizabeth requires digging the soil before planting seedlings, removing all roots. It will also be necessary to crush large clods of earth, add humus to the soil at the rate of about 8 kg per square meter of area. It should be remembered that for the normal growth and development of plants of this variety, it is important that mineral supplements are present in the soil. It should be borne in mind that phosphorus is correctly added to the soil immediately at the time of planting, and potash and nitrogen fertilizers – during the growing season of a garden crop.
When planting, it is customary to use such a scheme, which has been successfully used by gardeners for many years – the distance between plants should be approximately 25 cm, between rows – about 70 cm, subject to two-line planting, the gap between rows is approximately 30 cm. We should not forget that that if you place the outlet too high relative to the surface of the soil, then you can not harvest at all. After planting the crop, it is necessary not only to water it, but also to carefully compact it, as well as level the ground.
Proper care of strawberries involves regular watering, after which the soil must be loosened, as well as removing unnecessary weeds that interfere with the normal full development of the crop. Not so long ago, experts began to advise to mulch the soil, which makes it possible to avoid too frequent watering, and also prevents the appearance of weeds. The need for potash and nitrogen fertilizers has already been mentioned above. It is also advised to remove those peduncles that appeared first in the spring, this will help to get a crop of larger berries.
It is necessary during the growing season to carry out procedures to combat possible diseases and pests (this applies to the Elizabeth 1 variety, but even on the second, gray rot can appear). Since it is common for a variety to produce a crop in the first two years, then every couple of years of planting this type of berry needs to be updated. Before the winter cold sets in, it is imperative to cut off all the leaves, as well as cover the bushes with material. The variety is perfect not only for growing in open ground, but also for growing in portable containers or heated greenhouses.
Video “Queen Elizabeth”
From the video you will learn useful and practical information on how to grow and harvest Queen Elizabeth strawberries.