Strawberry Maryshka

If strawberries are already growing on the site, and it suits the owner quite well in terms of its parameters, then you still want to try new varieties. Among the line of Czech selection, the Maryshka strawberry variety stands out, see photo. Gardeners note the excellent qualities of large-fruited berries and the reliability of the main characteristics of the variety. To help summer residents learn the strengths and weaknesses of the Maryshka strawberry, the article will address the main issues of agricultural technology for growing a popular species. The main characteristics from the description of the variety will also be listed, photos of the Maryshka strawberries and gardeners’ reviews will be provided.

Strawberry Maryshka

Description of the variety and characteristics

For gardeners, the most important are those characteristics of the Maryshka strawberry variety that allow you to get a decent harvest. These include:

  • Productivity. Usually this parameter is calculated according to indicators per 1 sq. km. m of landing area. But in the description of the Maryshka strawberry, the fertility from one bush is indicated, which is about 0,5 kg. If we translate this figure into the usual calculation, then from 1 sq. m gardeners collect 2,5 kg of delicious and juicy berries.
  • Maturing period. “Maryshka” – This is a variety of strawberries of medium ripening. The harvest ripens in mid-June, but the fruiting is not stretched, the berries ripen almost simultaneously. When grown in the southern regions, the variety should be classified as early ripening, because the dates are shifted to an earlier period.
  • Large fruit. A very beneficial option for gardeners. According to reviews, the Maryshka strawberry also has a distinctive feature that attracts gardeners. During the entire period of fruiting, the berries do not shrink, maintaining the nominal size. The weight of one strawberry is about 60 g, the shape may be different, but the taste does not depend on this.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  • Berries. In their reviews, gardeners note that the Maryshka strawberry variety has very juicy, fragrant and sweet pulp. Due to the high juiciness of the berries, it is not recommended to freeze them; after defrosting, they do not hold their shape due to the large amount of liquid. At the same time, the pulp has a good density, which allows you to transport “Maryshka” quite far without spoiling the berries. Fruit taste is sweet. The berries are bright red with clearly visible yellow seeds. The largest number of seeds is located at the tip of the strawberry, so even ripe berries can be mistaken for unripe ones.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  • Bushes are short and compact. The peduncles of the Maryshka variety are arranged in clusters above the leaves, so the berries do not touch the ground and are little affected by rot. It is the arrangement of the fruits in clusters that leads to the fact that they have a different shape. Located close to each other, the berries have a mutual influence on the development of each of them. Ripe fruits of “Maryshka” resemble an elongated or flat cone.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  • Medium formation of rosettes and whiskers. This quality allows you to independently propagate the variety. At the same time, it does not require regular removal of whiskers and reduces the temporary burden of gardeners when growing a variety.
  • Disease resistance is high. This is facilitated by a powerful root system that supplies the plant with enough nutrients.
  • Frost resistance and winter hardiness at a sufficient level. Strawberry variety “Maryshka” grows well in the regions of the middle lane.

There are other advantages in the description of the Maryshka strawberry variety, so summer residents need to learn all the nuances of growing healthy berries.

Advantages and disadvantages

Strawberry Maryshka

Based on the reviews of gardeners and the description of the Maryshka strawberry variety, we will group the main characteristics.

Advantages of strawberries of the “Maryshka” variety:

  • dessert taste and strawberry aroma of berries;
  • the invariability of the size of the fruit during the fruiting period;
  • the power of the bushes, allowing you to observe a rare landing;
  • high arrangement of peduncles;
  • transportability, frost resistance and good winter hardiness;
  • resistance to diseases and pests.

Among the shortcomings of strawberries of the Maryshka variety are noted:

  • instability to damage by red root rot;
  • low frost resistance for the Urals and Siberia.

A detailed description sufficiently familiarized gardeners with the characteristics of the Maryshka strawberry variety. Now you should go to the landing features.


The culture is not very whimsical. But still, for the Maryshka variety, you will have to adhere to some rules, the main of which is the choice of a place for the ridges. What are the site requirements?

The first is crop rotation. You should not plant strawberries in the place where nightshade, eggplant or pepper grew. These crops are capable of provoking the spread of verticillium, a dangerous disease for strawberries of the Maryshka variety. It is desirable that there are no plantings of these plants next to strawberries. Excellent predecessors will be onions and cereals.

The second is good lighting and an indicator of soil acidity. Suitable loam with a pH of 5,5 – 6. Additionally, the moisture permeability of the soil is taken into account. In areas with a risk of flooding, a drainage layer is made or ridges are placed on bulk hills. This should also be done in regions with rainy summers. The lack of lighting will lead to a loss of sugar content in the fruits of the Maryshka variety. Therefore, gardeners need to make sure that there are no tall trees or shrubs next to the strawberries that shade the beds.

The next step is to determine the landing date. It depends on how you land. If it is planned to plant Maryshka strawberries with a mustache, then plants should be planted at the end of summer (August – September). With the seedling method of growing, the period is postponed to spring or early June.

Strawberry Maryshka

Variety seedlings can be purchased at a nursery or grown on their own if there are already several bushes on the site. When buying seedlings, you need to choose strong healthy specimens. The root neck of a seedling should be at least 6 cm thick and 7 cm high. When propagating with a mustache, the process begins at the end of summer. In strong parent strawberry bushes, the ends of the grown mustaches are cut off, leaving 2 “kids” on them. When they grow, they are separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

Strawberry Maryshka

Before planting strawberry bushes “Maryshka”, the soil is dug up and fertilized. For spring planting, organic matter and mineral components are added. For 1 sq. m area will need:

  • 0,5 buckets of good quality humus or compost;
  • 20 g of potash fertilizer;
  • 60 g superphosphate.

During autumn planting, mineral components are not added, limited only to organic matter.

According to the description of the Maryshka strawberry variety, plants can be planted in several ways (see photo):

  1. Separate bushes. At the same time, the distance between the holes is 0,5 m, and 2-3 plants are planted in one hole. The advantage of the method is the ease of care, the disadvantage is the need to regularly loosen, weed and mulch the beds.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  2. In rows. Here they maintain a distance between the bushes of 20 cm, in the aisles of 40 cm. The most popular method.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  3. Nests or a method of compacted fit. 7 plants are planted in one hole. Between nests maintain a distance of 30 cm, between rows 40 cm.

    Strawberry Maryshka

  4. Carpet. It is used by summer residents who do not have the opportunity to constantly care for plants. With this option, the landing is carried out randomly in order to get a continuous carpet of strawberries as a result. The disadvantage is a decrease in yield due to thickened plantings.

    Strawberry Maryshka

More about planting strawberries:


After planting, Maryshka seedlings are watered and mulched.

Strawberry Maryshka

Plant Care

During the growing season, strawberries should not be left unattended. Only in this case, you can count on a decent result. To enjoy the large fruits of “Maryshka”, you need to provide plants with:

  1. Quality watering. Gardeners note that the variety responds well to weekly sprinkling. But you need to water the strawberries without fanaticism. Maryshka bushes do not tolerate flooding and immediately react with a deterioration in disease resistance. But after harvesting, bushes of a large-fruited variety are recommended to be well filled with water. This technique helps the roots to recover.
  2. Feeding. For strawberries of the “Maryshka” variety, both organic and mineral compositions can be used. When feeding strawberries, the dosage is strictly observed so as not to harm the fruits. Particular attention should be paid to nitrogen fertilizers, but carefully. If the plants are overfed, then the strong growth of greenery will deprive the gardener of the harvest. With a deficiency, the berries will become smaller, lose their taste, and the leaves will change color. In the first year, Maryshka strawberries are not fed, provided that the soil was fertilized before planting. Then, in the second year of plant life, from the flowering period, the bushes are watered with an infusion of bird droppings, ash, or complex mineral fertilizers for strawberries are applied. It is also important not to skip autumn feeding. During this period, strawberries need to recover from fruiting. It is good to feed the plot with humus in the fall (3 kg per 1 sq. M).
  3. Disease prevention. First of all, plants are regularly inspected so as not to miss the appearance of a problem. Most often, “Maryshka” suffers from red root rot. The disease affects plantings with excess moisture and a lack of sunlight. To avoid this, seedlings are soaked in a fungicide solution before planting. If alarming symptoms still appear, then the plant is removed.
  4. Shelter for the winter. Landings should be covered with a protective film, especially in the northern regions.

Strawberry Maryshka

Subject to agricultural technology, the Maryshka strawberry crop fully corresponds to the description of the variety and photo, which is confirmed by numerous reviews of gardeners.


Anna, Voronezh region
Strawberries “Maryshka” are satisfied not only with me, but also with my family. Very tasty and fragrant berry with the smell of strawberries. The variety does not impose special requirements for care, attention should be paid to watering. When waterlogged, plants begin to have problems. That rot will appear, then the berries become watery. Therefore, I immediately lay a drainage layer on the beds. Very helpful.
Viktor, Belgorod
Variety “Maryshka” satisfies in all respects. I especially like those that do not tolerate heat and cold. I don’t cover the bushes for the winter, but I leave the mulch to protect the plants from frost. It bears fruit well even with irregular care, but you should not make this a rule. In a year or two, the harvest will be much worse.

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