strawberry marshmallow

Gardeners in many regions of Our Country grow different varieties of garden strawberries, calling them strawberries. Today, thanks to the hard work of breeders in the world, there are a huge number of varieties. But it is precisely this diversity that sometimes baffles gardeners. I want not just something new on the site, the main thing is that there should be a result.

Varieties of breeders from Denmark are becoming more and more popular. One of these plants is strawberry Zephyr. Believe me, we do not advertise garden strawberries, but simply state the facts: based on reviews and photographs sent by gardeners. This is, indeed, a large-fruited and productive variety of delicious fragrant berries.

strawberry marshmallow

Description and characteristics

Zephyr strawberries are grown not only on private plots, but also on large farm plantations. Moreover, this ultra-early garden strawberry gives a rich harvest not only in the open field, but also in greenhouses.

botanical properties

  1. The bush is compact with pubescent emerald green leaves. They are large, with a slight corrugation. Petioles up to 10 cm long, erect. Strawberries throw out a lot of powerful flower stalks that can hold a large number of berries. As stated in the description of the variety (this can also be seen in the photo), on one shoot there are at least 20 snow-white flowers, each of which, when tied, turns into a berry. Why not a marshmallow!

    strawberry marshmallow

  2. The berries are crimson, shiny, kept on a strong stem, so they never “drain”. The fruits may be blunt-tipped, scalloped or ribbed. The inner part has no voids, pale pink with slight white streaks. The berries are sweet with a pronounced aroma.
  3. Strawberry Zephyr, according to the description of the variety, photos and reviews of gardeners, has fruits of the same size throughout the season – from 20 to 35 grams. Some gardeners in the reviews indicate that Zephyr strawberries have their own champions, reaching 60 grams.

    strawberry marshmallow

  4. Seed propagation of this variety is difficult. In the reviews, gardeners indicate that the maternal qualities of the variety are rarely preserved. Therefore, to obtain seedlings, division of the bush and rooting of the mustache are used, which are enough for strawberries of this variety. The first rosettes on the mustache are chosen from the most prolific plant.
Comment! It is necessary to change the planting of garden strawberries of the Zephyr variety after 4 years.


Consider what attracts a plant gardeners:

  • Marshmallow is not a remontant variety, but with proper agricultural technology it can bear fruit for a long time.
  • Despite the juiciness, the fruits are highly transportable, do not crumple, do not flow.
  • Fruiting begins already in the year of planting, as a rule, at the end of May, you can pick the first berries. If marshmallow strawberries are grown in a greenhouse, then ripening begins in early May. The yield is high, almost a kilogram of fragrant sweet berries can be removed from one bush.
  • The variety is universal, suitable for fresh consumption, canning, preparation of compotes and freezing. Reviews of gardeners regarding Zephyr strawberries are only positive.

strawberry marshmallow

Zephyr strawberries, judging by the characteristics, can be grown in the regions of Our Country, where in winter the thermometer drops below 35 degrees if the winter is snowy. In order not to freeze the roots in the absence of snow, the beds with strawberries of the Zephyr variety need to be well covered.

Important! Plants are resistant to many strawberry diseases, including blight, powdery rose and Fusarium.

Peculiarities of growing

Growing strawberries of the Zephyr variety is not difficult, because it does not require special care. The main thing is to comply with agrotechnical rules.


  1. Priming. Garden strawberries of the Zephyr variety give a good harvest on neutral soils. It is best to plant it after beets, onions, cabbage. The soil needs to be fertilized. You can use mineral fertilizers or organic matter. It depends on the preference of the grower. The soil should be loose, breathable.
  2. When to plant. Seedlings of the Zephyr variety are planted in open ground in the second half of August, so that strawberries gain strength before wintering and bestow a rich harvest in the spring.
  3. When planting garden strawberries, you need to maintain a distance of 45 cm. Row spacing for two-row planting up to 60 cm. Seedling holes should be at least 25 cm deep. If you are using planting material with a closed system, shake off the ground and trim the long roots. When planting, position the roots so that they look down. To prevent the soil from drying out (it can withstand a short drought), immediately after planting Zephyr strawberries, it is necessary to apply mulching with straw or hay.


Watering strawberries, despite drought resistance, should be done regularly, once a week is enough. When Zephyr begins to form buds and ovaries, the need for water increases. With insufficient watering, you can not only lose part of the crop, but also get dryish small fruits.

If you water Zephyr strawberries in the usual way, you should avoid getting water on the leaves and fruits. For them it is harmful, diseases can appear. The best way to water is to install a drip system. In this case, the plants will receive water in a timely manner and in the right amount. See the photo below for how it actually looks.

strawberry marshmallow

Since fruiting is plentiful, strawberries draw all the nutrients and trace elements from the soil. If you do not carry out timely top dressing, the plant will be depleted, which will negatively affect the yield. Strawberry variety Zephyr is fed twice a month. You can use ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt, taking fertilizers in equal amounts.

Attention! Fertilizers containing chlorine are not recommended for feeding strawberries.

strawberry marshmallow

Weeding and loosening are laborious processes, but they can be avoided by mulching the soil with hay, straw or covering the beds with black film.

Strawberry Zephyr is resistant to strawberry diseases, prevention does not hurt. In the spring, it is advisable to spray a garden bed with plantings with a one percent solution of copper sulphate. This will save you from diseases and some pests.

Attention! Processing during flowering and fruiting can not be carried out.

Reviews of gardeners

Victor, 39 years old, Irkutsk Region
When I planted garden strawberries of the Zephyr variety on the site, my dacha neighbors looked at me like I was an eccentric, they did not believe in success. It has been 3 years now, my strawberry is growing and fruiting successfully. The berries are tasty and fragrant. The wife refuses to use the fruits for jam, prepares compotes and freezes. Children eat in winter, lick their lips. You don’t even need to add sugar to the berries. Of course, in order for the bushes to overwinter, you have to work hard in the fall.
Andrey, 46 years old, Alexandrov
Growing strawberries is my business. I have been involved in culture for several years. I also have a Zephyr variety. I can only say good things about him. This is a strawberry that will never let you down.
She is 34 years old. Bryansk
I started growing strawberries last year. I bought seedlings from a flower shop. To be honest, I didn’t want to take Zephyr, although the seller praised him. I decided to take only 3 bushes for testing. I remember this man with gratitude. Even in the first year, the bushes pleased with large, one to one, berries. I collected 2 kg of juicy appetizing berries from plants. Part of the berry was eaten, and the rest was frozen. Yes, I rooted my mustache and now I don’t have 3 bushes, but a lot. I am, in fact, a beginner in this business, but I succeeded, the main thing is desire.

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