Strawberry liqueur at home – 4 cool recipes

Strawberry liqueur is an amazing drink that can instantly bring back the mind on sunny days of summer. Such things should always be at hand, especially on gray and not friendly days of late autumn or winter. We have in store for you as many as four recipes for strawberry liqueurs, both with and without the use of alcohol. Let’s cook!

Almost all formulations describing liqueurs as a separate alcoholic drink cannot fully describe their essence. For most, this is a drink prepared without strong alcohol, that is, solely due to natural fermentation. Then how do liqueurs differ from dessert or liqueur fruit and berry wines, the strength and sweetness of which are almost always comparable? Moreover, why prepare this drink using a very primitive winemaking technology, if you can follow all the rules and get a product of a higher quality? Unclear.

However, you can cook strawberry liqueurs in a folk way. If you read an article about strawberry wines, it will immediately become clear to you that their dessert and liqueur variations do not bring much joy to those preparing them. Another thing is the liqueur, originally prepared in such a way as to be as strong, sweet and rich strawberry as possible. Therefore, I will begin my story with just such a recipe, where the main ingredients are just strawberries and sugar. Well, then the recipes will become more and more interesting and sophisticated …

Wine is not the only thing we offered you to make from strawberries. Not much before this article was written, unique recipes for strawberry liqueurs were proposed, and in this article we learned how to make strawberry moonshine.

Recipe for strawberry liqueur without vodka

In this recipe, it is better to use fresh strawberries, not frozen, as it uses wild yeast that lives on the surface of the berries. But it is better to wash the berries to avoid unpleasant earthy flavors. The output is a very aromatic drink with a strength of not more than 14%.

2,2 kg ripe fresh strawberries

800 g sugar

How to cook:

The berries washed and peeled from the stalks should be put in a three-liter jar and sprinkled with sugar. Mix well, bandage the neck of the jar with gauze in a couple of layers and put for 2-3 days in a dark, warm place (18-25 ° C). When the berry ferments (there will be foam and a sour smell, a hiss will be heard), the gauze must be removed and a water seal should be installed on the jar or a rubber glove with a hole in one of the fingers should be put on (see the recipe for apple cider, the fermentation process is well described there). Strawberries ferment from 2 to 4 weeks. During fermentation, the temperature should be maintained at 22-27 degrees.

When the drink ferments (the glove deflates and the water seal stops bubbling), it will need to be filtered through several layers of gauze and sent to a cool place for a week. Then filter again (you can use cotton wool), pour into clean bottles and store in a dark, cool place. The shelf life of such a liqueur is 2-3 years.

Pour strawberry “Polish”

This is a recipe for Polish strawberry liqueur, which is called Likier Truskawkowy in its homeland. In principle, it is not much different from strawberry liqueur, only a little sweeter and takes much longer to prepare. It is stronger than the previous liquor, as it requires vodka to make it. In addition, it is very important to observe sterility here, so it is better to pre-sterilize the container.

  • 1,2 kg ripe fresh strawberries
  • 1 liter of vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%
  • 480 g sugar

How to cook:

Wash strawberries and remove stems. Pour it into a sterile jar of a suitable volume and pour vodka so that it completely covers the berries. Close the jar tightly and send it to a dark, cool place for 1 week. After a week, strain the infusion, pour strawberry vodka into a clean container and cork. Pour the remaining strawberries with sugar, mix well and close the lid tightly. Both containers should be stored in a dark, cool place for at least 1 month.

After a month, filter the strawberry syrup, mix with vodka and pour the finished liqueur into sterile bottles. It is good to cork the bottles and keep the drink for a few more months (as long as you have enough patience, you can roll it into jars and open it for the New Year). Candied and alcoholized strawberries can be added to ice cream or baked goods immediately after separation from the syrup.

Pour strawberries on alcohol with rum

  • 2 kg ripe fresh strawberries
  • 750 g sugar
  • Xnum l alcohol
  • 0,5 l light rum
  • sprig of mint
  • lemon
  • ground chili pepper

How to cook:

Rinse the strawberries and free from the stalks, cut the berries in half and transfer to a jar of a suitable volume. Add sugar, shake well and leave in this form for 3 days in a dark, warm place, not forgetting to shake the jar every day. During this time, the sugar should turn into syrup, and the strawberries will release juice and ferment a little. After three days, add a sprig of mint, 2-3 slices of lemon (you can lime) and a pinch of chili pepper to the jar. Pour alcohol, close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 10 days. It is advisable to shake the jar periodically.

When the specified period approaches, the maceration product for alcohol must be carefully drained through a sieve into a clean jar. Pour the remaining strawberries with rum and leave in a dark, cool place for another 2 weeks. Drain the second infusion through a sieve, mix with the first, filter through coffee filters or cotton wool, and then pour into clean bottles. You need to store the liqueur in a dark, cool place. Exposure from half a year. Shelf-life Unlimited.

Strawberry liqueur with elderberry color

Interesting experimental recipe. The result: an incredibly tasty liqueur with an amazing spring aroma that will remind you of the sunny days of May even on the harshest winter evening. The principle of preparation is the same as for the Polish liqueur, only the timing is different. In general, it is very tasty!

  • 1 kg fresh strawberries
  • 12 umbrellas of elderflowers
  • 8 fresh mint leaves
  • 0,7 liter of vodka/alcohol/moonshine 40-50%
  • 0,8 kg of sugar

First, sterilize a jar of a suitable volume (for these proportions, 3 liters is just right). Place elder flowers and mint at the bottom, and washed whole strawberries without stalks on top. Pour everything with vodka or diluted alcohol / moonshine so as to completely cover the strawberries. Close the jar tightly and leave in a dark, cool place for 2-3 months. When the time comes, drain the infusion through a sieve, and sprinkle strawberries with flowers and mint with sugar. Close the jar tightly again and leave it in a dark, cool place for 2-3 weeks until the sugar is completely dissolved. The jar can be shaken periodically. Drain the resulting syrup through a sieve or several layers of gauze, combine it with the infusion drained earlier, filter through cotton wool or coffee filters and pour into clean bottles. You can drink the liqueur in a month.

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