Strawberry liqueur: 8 recipes at home

Strawberries are very fragrant and make excellent liqueurs. You may have tasted the famous Marie Brizard or Fragoli Wild Strawberries before, but now it’s time to learn how to make the legendary drinks at home.

For the preparation of liqueurs, any garden, forest, and even frozen berries are suitable. Fresh berries should be ripe and without visible damage, and frozen strawberries should be thawed and drained of all excess liquid before use.

They also cook from strawberries: wine, liqueurs, tinctures

Quick strawberry liqueur


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Water – 500 ml

  4. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. The berries must be washed and ground with sugar using a blender.

  2. Transfer the strawberry puree to a saucepan, add water and boil until a syrupy consistency.

  3. Pour the liquid into a transparent glass container and let it brew for 5 days in sunlight.

  4. Do not forget to stir the contents of the container every day.

  5. After that, it is necessary to filter the “strawberry syrup” through a home-made or purchased filter and dilute with vodka.

  6. Pour the finished liquor into glass bottles and let it brew for another 3 days in a cool place. Store the drink in the refrigerator or cellar.

Classic strawberry liqueur


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugars – 750 g

  3. Water – 500 ml

  4. Vodka – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed.

  2. Transfer the prepared berries to a glass container and pour the alcohol base (2 cm above the level of the strawberries). We insist in a dark cool place for 25 days.

  3. After 25 days, it is necessary to strain the tincture through a homemade or purchased filter.

  4. Cook classic sugar syrup.

  5. After cooling, mix it with tincture, pour it into glass bottles and let it brew for another 1 week.

  6. Store ready-made strawberry liqueur in a dark, cool place.

Strawberry liqueur on alcohol


  1. Strawberries – 500 g

  2. Granulated sugar – 500 g

  3. Water – 250 ml

  4. Alcohol – 500 ml

  5. Lemon juice – 6 drops

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed.

  2. Transfer the prepared berries to a glass container and pour undiluted alcohol. We insist in a dark warm place for 14 days.

  3. After 2 weeks, it is necessary to strain the tincture through a homemade or purchased filter.

  4. Cook sugar syrup with lemon juice.

  5. After cooling, mix it with tincture and pour into glass bottles.

  6. Store ready-made strawberry liqueur in a dark, cool place.

Strawberry liqueur on cognac

To prepare this liquor, you need to take high-quality (real) cognac / brandy so that it complements the drink with woody notes, and does not spoil the finished product.


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugars – 750 g

  3. Cognac / brandy – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed.

  2. Put prepared berries and sugar in layers in a glass container, pour cognac and cover with a homemade parchment lid.

  3. We insist in a sunny place for 10 days and periodically shake the container.

  4. After this time, strain the strawberry liqueur through a filter and pour into glass bottles.

  5. Store the finished product in a dark, cool place.

Strawberry liqueur with condensed milk

To prepare this liquor, it is necessary to take high-quality condensed milk without impurities of vegetable fats.


  1. Strawberries – 600 g

  2. Condensed milk – 240 g

  3. Vodka – 350 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed.

  2. Mix condensed milk with strawberries and beat with a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed.

  3. Then add vodka and beat well again.

  4. Pour the finished liquor into a glass bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Spicy strawberry liqueur with mint


  1. Strawberries – 1 kg

  2. Sugars – 800 g

  3. Water – 500 ml

  4. Vodka – 1 l

  5. Fresh mint – 2 sprigs

  6. Bean vanilla – half a stick

  7. Juice of half a lemon

  8. Zest of half a lemon

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed.

  2. Transfer the prepared berries to a glass container and pour over the alcohol base. We insist in a dark warm place for 30 days.

  3. After a month, we filter the tincture and pour it into a glass container again.

  4. Cook classic sugar syrup.

  5. Add mint, zest and vanilla to the finished syrup. Close and let it brew for at least 4-5 hours.

  6. Then we filter the syrup and add it to the strawberry tincture along with lemon juice and mix well.

  7. Filter the finished liquor and then pour it into glass bottles.

  8. Store strawberry liqueur in a dark, cool place.

Strawberry liqueur «Double alcohol»


  1. Strawberries – 2 kg

  2. Sugar – 1 kg

  3. Vodka – 1 l

  4. Rum – 700 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed, spoiled fruits removed and dried from excess water.

  2. Transfer the prepared berries to a glass container and add sugar. We insist at least 3 hours before the allocation of strawberry juice.

  3. After the specified time, add the prepared alcohol to the strawberries and mix thoroughly. We insist 2 months in a dark place, periodically stirring the future liquor.

  4. After 60 days, we filter the strawberry liqueur through a filter. Pour into glass bottles.

  5. Store the finished product in the refrigerator.

Strawberry liqueur with banana


  1. Strawberries – 350 g

  2. Banana – 2 pc.

  3. Granulated sugar – 250 g

  4. Water – 200 ml

  5. Vodka – 500 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Strawberries must be thoroughly washed and spoiled fruits removed, and the banana must be peeled and cut into circles.

  2. Transfer the prepared products to a glass container and pour the alcohol base. We insist in a dark warm place for 2 weeks.

  3. After this time, we filter the strawberry-banana tincture through a purchased or home-made filter.

  4. Cook classic sugar syrup.

  5. After cooling, mix it with strained tincture and pour into glass bottles. We let it brew for another 7 days.

  6. Store ready-made strawberry liqueur with banana in a dark, cool place.

Relevance: 19.10.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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