Strawberry liqueur: 4 recipes at home

Ripe, juicy and sweet, that’s what it takes from a strawberry to make an amazing alcoholic liqueur.

They also make wine, liquor, tincture, syrup from strawberries.

Classic strawberry liqueur

The proportions are indicated for a 10-liter bottle.


  1. Strawberries – 7 kg

  2. Sugar – 2,5 kg

  3. For re-fermentation: 5 liters of water, 1,3 kg of sugar.

Method of preparation

  1. Put fresh ripe sorted strawberries in a colander, dip them three times in a bucket of water, let drain, pour into a large bottle, add sugar, tie the neck with gauze and put in a warm place for 2-4 days.

  2. As soon as there are signs of fermentation of the liquor, remove the gauze from the bottle, install a water lock, transfer the bottle to the shady part of the room and keep it under the water lock for 12-20 days until fermentation stops.

  3. At the end of fermentation, filter the liquor through gauze and cotton wool placed in a funnel or colander. Then pour the liquor into bottles and cork.

  4. To more fully extract extractive substances, pour boiled and cooled to +35 degrees water into the remaining pulp and hold for 2 days.

  5. Then drain the juice and squeeze out the pulp, and pour the resulting juice into a bottle, add sugar, install a water seal and hold for another 15-20 days.

  6. At the end of fermentation, the resulting fermented juice is filtered through gauze and cotton wool and bottled.

Simple strawberry liqueur


  1. Vodka – 1 liter of 100 ml

  2. Strawberries – 1 kg

  3. Sugar – 400-600 g

Method of preparation

  1. Fill the bottle with clean, dry berries to the top, pour vodka and leave in a sunny place for 24 hours.

  2. Carefully drain the tincture, pour into a bottle, cork and keep in a cool place. Pour the remaining berries with a small amount of sugar, cover the bottle with gauze.

  3. Soak in the sun until the sugar melts, drain the juice, and cover the berries again with sugar.

  4. Repeat the process until the juice comes out. In one container, mix all the juices and tincture, strain the resulting liquid, let it brew in tightly sealed bottles in a dark place until consumed for 20-30 days.

Alternative recipe for strawberry liqueur


  1. Alcohol – 500 ml

  2. Water – 500 ml

  3. Strawberries – 2,5 kg

  4. Sugars – 200 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour dry clean berries into a large container, pour alcohol, cover with gauze, leave in a warm place for 15-25 days.

  2. Drain the liquor well, squeeze out the thick and mix the squeezed liquid with the liquor.

  3. Prepare sugar syrup, strain well and cool. Pour the sugar syrup into the liqueur, shake a few times and bottle for storage.

  4. Seal tightly, keep in a cool place.

Strawberry-brandy liqueur


  1. Strawberries – 5 kg

  2. Boiled water – 10 l

  3. Sugar – 3 kg

  4. Citric acid – 30–40 g

  5. Raisins – 200 g

  6. Cognac – 1 l

Method of preparation

  1. Place all the ingredients in a large bowl (the total volume of the wort according to this recipe will be 17 liters), mix and leave at room temperature for 5-6 days.

  2. Fermentation will be rapid, with abundant foam, so the dishes should be filled no more than 2/3 of the volume. It is desirable that 40-50 g of sugar per 1 liter remain in the finished drink, therefore, during the fermentation process, you need to repeatedly try the fermenting wort and try to at least taste its sugar content.

  3. After 5-6 days, filter the fermenting wort and pour into liter bottles.

  4. Squeeze the remaining berries, filter and add to the same bottles. Cork bottles and store in a cold room.

Relevance: 02.08.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Liqueur Recipes

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