Strawberry Kimberly – an unusual variety with a pleasant “caramel” taste

There are many varieties of strawberries, but the Kimberley strawberry is one of the most delicious. Many, both beginners and professional gardeners, choose to grow and sell it.


As a rule, this variety has cone-shaped berries, and the weight of each individually reaches about fifty grams. Their color spectrum is in the region of bright red shades with a characteristic reflection.

 Strawberry Kimberly - an unusual variety with a pleasant caramel taste

This variety is extremely tasty, its flesh is refreshing and has a pleasant “caramel” taste. Each fruit is filled with natural sugars. As for productivity, up to two kilograms of berries can be obtained from each bush.

This variety has excellent resistance to various diseases of the fungal type, as well as to powdery mildew. A continental climate is ideal for it, since the Kimberley needs to provide a fairly large number of cold hours during the winter period.

Kimberley belongs to the early breeding varieties. Her bushes are not very tall, but nevertheless quite strong. The number of leaves is not very large – about below average. Their shape is rounded, and the reflection is oily.

Kimberley inflorescences themselves most often grow below the level of the leaves or on a par with them. It should be remembered that, although the antennae do not grow too much, they must be removed in a timely manner in order to avoid problems with fruiting.


Direct seedlings of this variety should be carried out either in spring or autumn. Bushes should be regularly watered with plenty of water, making sure that it falls on the plants evenly. This is especially true during dry periods.

Strawberry Kimberly - an unusual variety with a pleasant caramel taste

Every day, for seven days after planting, strawberries are watered every day. After a week has passed, it is enough to water the plants once every seven days. In addition, after each watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil and eliminate all weeds.

With the advent of winter, it is necessary to cover the bushes with spruce branches, which will help hold back the snow.

Also, kimberley strawberries “love” a flat terrain with a slope to the southwest. The best yield is achieved when the strawberry plantation is protected from gusts of wind from the north, as this variety does not like the cold too much.

The steep southern slopes are the most detrimental to strawberries, because the snow falls off them very quickly, which is the result of insufficient moisture levels. This variety is very fond of water and overly moist soil just for him. Before planting, make sure that there is not a single weed in the area.

All gardeners leave only positive reviews about this variety, since it has practically no negative qualities.

Video “How to plant strawberries”

A video on how to plant strawberries in compliance with all gardening rules and how this affects yields.

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