Gardeners who have been growing strawberries for more than one year have thoroughly studied the characteristics of their plants. They are well aware that only with proper care for each variety, you can achieve excellent results, get a rich harvest of delicious and healthy berries.
Breeders every year delight gardeners with new varieties, but some of them do not give up old varieties of garden strawberries and continue to grow them on their plots. One of the varieties – Festivalnaya strawberry, despite its “venerable” age remains popular. And how to refuse tasty and fragrant berries. Look at the photo, a real strawberry festival! So I want to enjoy it.
It should be noted that the Festivalnaya strawberry variety enjoys prestige not only in Our Country, but also abroad.
Let’s find out the botanical properties of the Festival Strawberry and the characteristic features:
- Strawberry Festivalnaya, according to the description of the variety from photos and reviews, gives the first berries at the end of June, since it belongs to mid-ripening varieties. But on the other hand, the berries, having bathed in the rays of the June sun, are distinguished by a special taste and aroma.
- The bushes are tall with dense large leaves. But they do not prevent the berries from basking in the sun, because the flower stalks are located at the bottom of the bush. They do not lie down even with berries. Peduncles are powerful, thick, many large snow-white flowers with bright centers bloom on them.
- Inflorescences are not scattered around, neat, compact. The flowers on the bushes are bisexual, additional pollination is not required. Strawberries of the Festivalnaya variety can bear fruit in greenhouses and greenhouses.
- It is easy to determine the variety by the berries: they are oval, elongated. The short neck is well developed, the stalk comes off without difficulty, without injuring the berry. The first berries are quite large, their weight is up to 40 grams, the latter are two times smaller. The fruits are red-scarlet, glossy. On ripe strawberries, dark seeds are clearly visible, they are right on the surface. When mass ripening begins, the beds open the strawberry festival.
- The pulp is tender, but at the same time dense, the fruits are convenient to transport. During harvesting, the berries are not damaged, remain dry, clean. The taste is delicate, unobtrusive.
- Judging by the description of the variety, its characteristics and the reviews of gardeners, there is a lot of sugar in the berries, but there is also a slight sourness. The berry contains more than 90% sugar, and about 1,5% different acids.
A real strawberry festival in the garden:
STRAWBERRY grade “Festival” // STRAWBERRY grade “Festival” - Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of remontant strawberries or not. We note right away that Festivalnaya does not belong to remontant varieties, although fruiting is long. The variety is universal, suitable for fresh consumption, canning, jamming and freezing.
- Festivalnaya garden strawberries grow better in central Our Country and in the north, in Siberia and the Urals, than in the southern regions (it’s all about too hot summers). Plants are frost-resistant, with good shelter they do not freeze out.
Gardeners love to share photos of grown plants. We bring to your attention a photo gallery.
Peculiarities of growing
Garden strawberries of the Festivalnaya variety are demanding on watering, especially at the time of laying flower stalks. The lack of moisture leads to a suspension of plant development, which ultimately adversely affects the yield. And not only in the current season, but also next year.
To the landing site, judging by the reviews, strawberries are unpretentious, can grow in the shade. That is why many gardeners plant the Festival variety between young trees and garden shrubs. Plus, in the fact that in partial shade the soil remains moist longer, and this contributes to the laying of new flower stalks.
Although there is a fly in the ointment if it rains. Powdery mildew can develop on the Festivalnaya strawberry variety due to air humidity and little exposure to the sun. You will have to treat the plantings with fungicidal preparations.
It needs top dressing during the period of laying peduncles, fruiting and in preparing the beds for wintering. Today, many gardeners, as they write in reviews, refuse chemicals, preferring organics and folk remedies. For strawberries of the Festivalnaya variety, any top dressing that the gardener decides to use is suitable.
As for the rest of the agricultural practices, they are identical for all varieties of strawberries. Plants need to be loosened, treated from insects and pests.
It should be borne in mind that annually you need to receive new seedlings for planting. Strawberries can be propagated by any known means. But it is best to root mustaches from mother plants. Rooted rosettes in summer will give a rich harvest of large berries next year. And the hassle compared to seed propagation is much less.
Festivalnaya strawberries are good for everyone and the reviews about it are rave. But it only bears fruit for a short time. If you want to get a real festival of delicious and fragrant strawberries in your garden, plant varieties with different ripening dates.