Strawberry Eliane

The Eliane variety was bred in 1998 and its feature is a long fruiting period. Strawberries begin to ripen early, but the berries do not quickly depart, but continue to grow until the end of the season. The value of the variety is in fragrant and beautiful fruits. However, Eliane’s strawberry is quite whimsical. Culture is demanding on the soil, climate and even the area where it will grow.

Variety description

Strawberry Eliane

When considering the description of the Eliane strawberry variety, photos, reviews, you can also find names such as Elianny or simply Eliana. In addition to these names, the Eliani frigo strawberry variety often comes across on the Internet, which has a complete similarity of characteristics. There is nothing surprising. This is the same variety. But the word FRIGO is translated as cold. There is a special technology that allows you to keep plants frozen, and the Eliani frigo variety lends itself to it.

Briefly characterize strawberries as a culture of short daylight hours. If we take the well-known variety Elsanta as a standard, then Eliane ripens 3-4 days earlier. Fruiting lasts from late May to late June. Peduncles appear as the berries of the previous ovary ripen.

A more detailed description of the variety looks like this:

  • Powerful Eliane bushes have intensive growth. The plant develops especially quickly with abundant watering. Peduncles rise above the leaves and may be on a level with them.
  • Berries are characterized by dense pulp with a bright red color of the skin. The shape of the fruit is cone-shaped, slightly elongated. The sepals are expanded. Tender flesh becomes pink when fully ripe. Fruit ripening starts from the sepal. The white tip of the berry indicates its technical ripeness. The yellow seeds are slightly recessed into the skin of the fruit. Ripe Eliane strawberries are easily detached from the stalk. By the end of fruiting, the berries do not shrink.
  • About Eliana’s strawberries, gardeners’ reviews say that the berries can be kept chilled for a long time. The density of the fruit pulp is inferior to the reference varieties, but the harvested crop can be transported.
  • On the palate, Eliane berries are quite sweet with a slight sour taste. The most appreciated is the elegant aroma. The taste of fruits resembles strawberries, where peach and flower notes are combined.
  • The Eliane strawberry variety can be characterized as a culture resistant to various types of rot and fungi.

According to gardeners, of all the advantages of Eliane, taste qualities are in the first place. Stretched fruiting and a high rate of productivity are no less valued.

Lack of variety

Strawberry Eliane

There are a lot of reviews about the Eliane strawberry variety. They allow you to identify not only positive, but also negative qualities:

  • When grown in the southern regions, Eliane is not resistant to extreme heat. Fruiting is reduced, and it cannot be called full-fledged.
  • In hot summers, the lack of moisture affects the poor formation of mustaches. If timely watering is not observed in summer, strawberries will begin to grow belated mustaches in late August and early September.
  • Heat, accompanied by drought, affects the size of the berries. With insufficient watering in such weather, the fruits will grow small.
  • The yield of the variety allows you to grow Eliane for your own garden. Strawberries are not suitable for industrial production.
  • Oversaturation with moisture, especially during prolonged summer rains, affects the taste of berries. Sweetness fades into the background, and acid begins to predominate.
  • Least of all reviews are found about the manifestation of remontance. Most often this happens during a long hot summer.
  • Berries do not tolerate heat well. Strawberries are baked in the sun. However, the fruits remain edible. Moreover, only those berries are baked that are not hidden under the foliage.
Important! Most of the reviews regarding the sintering of Eliane fruits under the sun are observed from gardeners from the Moscow region and Samara.

Residents of the northeast complain about the poor wintering of the variety. In severe frosts, many bushes freeze out, and the surviving plants slowly grow in spring. To protect strawberry plantations for the winter, it must be well covered.

Rules for planting seedlings in the ground

Strawberry Eliane

So, we examined the photo, the description of the Eliane strawberry variety, and now let’s look at the rules for growing a crop. Let’s start with the fact that infertile soil has a bad effect on the development of the plant. Eliane loves light soil with low acidity. Sandy or loamy soil is ideal. Eliane seedlings are planted in the beds. For their preparation, they dig the ground well. 1 m2 beds contribute 30 g of mineral fertilizers and organics. Loose soil is given time to settle, after which they begin to mark the rows.

Under each bush, Eliane digs a hole. Humus is introduced into the soil, it is well watered and the seedling is lowered. The roots of the plant are crushed with loose soil, then it is carefully rammed with hands and another watering is performed. To prevent moisture from evaporating quickly, the ground around the seedling is covered with a thin layer of sawdust.

Strawberry Eliane

Gardeners adhere to two schemes for planting Eliane seedlings:

  • The bush scheme provides for planting strawberry seedlings in increments of 15 to 25 cm. At the same time, row spacings are kept within 40–60 cm. Whiskers are cut off from plants three times a season.
  • The strip planting scheme for strawberries of the Eliane variety provides for leaving wide row-spacings up to 90 cm in size. The seedlings are planted in rows, adhering to a step of 20 to 30 cm. This is how a new lane is created.

With any planting scheme for Eliane strawberries, the yield indicator does not change. However, according to observations, the bush method allows you to get larger berries. This is due to the fact that the plant does not spend its energy on the formation and development of mustaches, because they are constantly cut off.

Rules for the care of strawberries

Caring for strawberries only at first glance, the gardener presents great difficulties. In fact, the Eliane variety requires standard procedures, like any garden crop: watering, weeding, top dressing.

Weed removal and watering rules

Strawberry Eliane

The frequency and number of irrigations for the Eliane variety is determined individually, taking into account the weather conditions and the condition of the soil. If the ground is dry, naturally, it needs to be moistened. The optimal watering time is early morning. Before flowering, a small strawberry plantation is watered with a watering can, and in a large area you can use a pump. Drops of water falling from above will wash the dust from the foliage.

When Eliane strawberries bloom, watering is carried out under a bush so that water does not wash pollen from the peduncle. With the advent of the ovary, water should also not be poured on the fruits, otherwise they will begin to rot. In hot weather, strawberries are usually watered once a week. In this case, the approximate water consumption is from 10 to 25 l / m2. With the advent of the ovary, the frequency of watering is reduced, but not to a critical minimum.

Attention! Planted seedlings of Eliane strawberries are watered only with warm water. Otherwise, the growth of the bushes will slow down.

Strawberry weeds should be removed immediately. Grass draws moisture and nutrients from the soil. Regardless of the presence of weeds, the soil is periodically loosened to a depth of 10 cm. Loose soil better passes oxygen to the strawberry roots.

Strawberry Eliane

In large areas, weed control by weeding is difficult. Here you can use herbicides, but you need to spray the grass no later than two weeks before planting strawberries.

Additional fertilizing

Strawberry Eliane

The Eliane variety, like all strawberries, loves top dressing, but within reasonable limits. Seedlings require nutrients in the process of bush formation. Under adult plants, top dressing is applied during the ovary period. At the end of fruiting, strawberries can be fertilized again. At this time, the plant is preparing for wintering and it needs nutrients.

Complex fertilizers, which contain many trace elements, are ideal for top dressing. From organic matter, humus or rotted peat is used. The amount of fertilizer application depends on the condition of the soil. Usually 10m2 use 15–25 kg of complex fertilizers.


Strawberry Eliane

The mulching process reduces the chance of weed growth and also retains moisture under the strawberries. Mulch made from straw or sawdust is considered environmentally friendly. This mass is covered with earth around the bushes. After harvesting, the mulch is buried in the beds, and it makes an excellent fertilizer.

 According to new technologies, black film or agrofibre is used as mulch. The entire garden is covered with a canvas, and strawberries are planted in cut windows.

Mustache removal

Strawberry Eliane

Strawberry whiskers are needed for reproduction. The need for trimming them depends on the landing pattern. However, without fail, the mustache from strawberries is cut off during fruiting, otherwise they will deplete the mother plant. In other cases, if the whiskers do not interfere, they can be left on the bushes.

Mustache trimming is done with sharp scissors early in the morning. This cannot be done during the rainy season. The mustache is not cut off at the very root of the plant, but a stump 4 cm long is left. In August, after fruiting is completed, the mustache is removed from the bushes along with the leaves. On the bed after the cut, only short stems remain.

Preparation for wintering

Strawberry Eliane

Before the onset of winter, weeding should not be carried out. From these actions, the roots of strawberries can be damaged, and the plant will freeze. The bed for the winter is covered with a thick layer of mulch. Any leaves, straw, cut raspberry twigs will do. From artificial materials for shelter, agrofibre has proven itself well.

On the video strawberry Eliane in Belarus:

ELIANI – Dutch variety with a beautiful berry.


After reviewing the description of the Eliane strawberry variety, gardeners’ reviews will help to finally sum up the acquaintance with the culture.

Irina, 37 years old, Ekaterinburg
Eliane likes the variety because of the delicious berries. Strawberries are fragrant fresh and tasty jam is obtained. Here in cultivation it is capricious. I changed three beds on the site until I found a suitable place. Looks like the problem was with the soil.
Alla, 39 years old, Irkutsk
I grow many varieties of strawberries. Eliane is growing for the second year and received only the first harvest. From the most developed bushes I collected up to 2 kg of berries. Strawberries are delicious. The aroma of berries is reminiscent of strawberries.

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