Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

Strawberry compote is not only a tasty and fragrant drink. Strawberries are rich in vitamins B9, C, useful substances and amino acids. The berry season is moving fast. In order to have time to enjoy the fragrant berry in the cold season, most housewives are happy to prepare winter twists from red berries.

Ways of preparation

Let’s look at how to cook delicious strawberry compote according to traditional recipes.

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

To prepare the drink, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 6 kg of strawberries;
  • 1–1,5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 4 L of water.

The classic recipe is designed for 20 cans of 0,5 liters, which require mandatory sterilization. Berries should be selected ripe, without twigs.

Step-by-step instructions for making compote:

  1. Be sure to rinse the fruits, peel and carefully place them in a colander so that the water is completely glassed.
  2. In the prepared jars, add the ingredients, filling the glass container by ⅔.
  3. Boil the syrup – to do this, boil water in a saucepan and gradually add sugar until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Fill the jars with hot syrup and prepare the dishes for sterilization by covering them with a metal lid.
  5. It is recommended to put a wooden board or towel on the bottom of the container so that the jars do not burst during heating.
  6. Sterilize the decoction for about 10 minutes.
  7. Roll up the jars, cover with a blanket, let cool in a dark place for up to 3 hours.

Video “Strawberry compote for the winter”

From this video you will learn how to make delicious strawberry compote for the winter.

Strawberry compote for the winter. Season trend))

Without sterilization

Unfortunately, during the processing of berries, some of the necessary substances in strawberries evaporate. To get a healthy compote with an abundant content of vitamins, there is a recipe for a drink without heat treatment. To prepare a homemade compote with a volume of 3 liters, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g of berries;
  • 1-1,5 cups of sugar;
  • 2,5 L of water.

The method without heat treatment practically does not differ from the classic recipe and consists of the following steps:

  1. Sort the strawberries, leaving whole berries.
  2. Rinse the fruit thoroughly and gently in a colander.
  3. Place the berries in a jar, filling the volume to the middle.
  4. Pour boiling water over them, leave for 15 minutes and cover with a lid.
  5. Make a hole in the plastic lid and pour the resulting rose water into a separate pan.
  6. Boil the separated juice over a fire, add sugar.
  7. After dissolving the granulated sugar in the drink, boil for another 2-3 minutes.
  8. Pour the strawberries with the resulting hot syrup and roll up the jar with a lid.
  9. After complete cooling, put everything in a dark place.

In the multivariate

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

Strawberry compote cooked in a slow cooker will refresh better than store-bought juices. Any multicooker is suitable for a drink. For a homemade compote recipe, take the standard ingredients:

  • Xnumx strawberry;
  • sugar to taste;
  • 1,5 L of water.

A delicious drink will turn out if it is prepared with the addition of filtered water. And it is better to divide the berries into several parts.

Adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Put the prepared fruits on the bottom of the multicooker.
  2. Sprinkle them with sugar and pour the right amount of water.
  3. Close the lid tightly and select the “Soup” mode.
  4. Boil the drink in a slow cooker for about 1 hour.
  5. Strain the finished broth, cool and can be served at the table.

From frozen berries

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

If you want to enjoy berries in any season, pay attention to the recipes for frozen fruit compotes. The classic recipe for such drinks is so simple that every housewife gets it. To prepare it you will need:

  • 200 g frozen fruits;
  • 3 Art. liter. sugar;
  • 0,5 liters of purified water.

Before preparing the compote, you should defrost a little and rinse the strawberry blank in running water. Berries can be either more or less. You can also add dried fruits, spices. For the basis of any compote of frozen berries, you can take the usual recipe:

  1. Bring water with sugar to a boil.
  2. Throw the prepared berries to the boiling syrup.
  3. Boil over low heat for up to 7 minutes.

Boiled fruits from the broth can be removed by straining them with a strainer. After brewing, pour the drink into a suitable container and let it cool.

Interesting combinations for an unusual taste

Strawberry compote goes well with other berries and fruits. To add more fragrant notes and necessary vitamins for the cold period, let’s look at what other delicious recipes with strawberries exist.

With cherry

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

Homemade berry platter can be stored for a long period and delight with its fragrant taste, and the recipe for its preparation does not cause difficulties for housewives. To cook a healthy cherry compote, you will need:

  • 0,5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0,5 kg of sweet cherry;
  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • 2 L of water.

To prepare homemade compote, it is advisable to choose dark cherry fruits. Such a drink will be saturated. Before starting cooking, cut off all the tails from the berries, rinse well in running water and allow to dry. Now for the step by step instructions:

  1. Transfer the prepared fruits to a glass container.
  2. Pour boiling water, cover with lids for twisting for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the rose water into a saucepan, add the right amount of sugar.
  4. Boil the syrup for 5 minutes so that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour jars of cherries and strawberries with the resulting syrup, roll up the lids and leave to cool.

with cherry

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

No less saturated is the drink if you cook compote with cherries. Most often, the ripening time of these berries does not coincide. To cook compote according to this recipe, take frozen strawberries. To prepare a drink with a capacity of 3 liters you will need:

  • Xnumx strawberry;
  • Xnumx g cherries;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 1,5–2 liters of water.

How to cook cherry compote for the winter:

  1. Peel the berries from the twigs, rinse well.
  2. Put the ingredients in a jar.
  3. Sprinkle with sugar and pour boiling water over.
  4. Wait up to 15 minutes for the juice to infuse, and then drain it into a saucepan.
  5. Boil the pink drink for 5 minutes and pour it back into the jars.
  6. Close with metal lids and leave to cool in a dark place.

With mint

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

In different seasons, a tonic compote with the addition of mint will delight with its aroma and saturate with vitamins. Sprigs of mint give the drink soothing properties and a pleasant aroma. To prepare a fragrant compote with mint, take:

  • 0,5 kg of strawberries;
  • Xnumx g of granulated sugar;
  • a couple of sprigs of mint;
  • the required amount of water.

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly brew a homemade drink:

  1. Remove the tendrils from the berries and rinse thoroughly in water.
  2. Add a little boiling water to clean the berries well from dust.
  3. Put the berries in clean jars and pour boiling water over them.
  4. Cover the glass container with a lid, let the juice brew for 15 minutes.
  5. Drain the pink liquid into a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add mint and boil the syrup for 3 minutes.
  6. Pour the strawberries with the resulting syrup and screw the jars with lids.
  7. Turn over the finished compote in jars, wrap it with a blanket and let it cool.

With oranges

Strawberry compote: healthy harvesting of berries for the winter, delicious homemade recipes for a strawberry drink in jars, a slow cooker

To strengthen your health and immunity, add healthy citrus fruits to your berry compote. In winter, it is especially good to drink drinks containing orange. For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

  • Xnumx strawberry;
  • 1 large orange;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 2,5 L of water.

Sort and clean the berries before cooking. Orange should be poured over with boiling water, rinsed well in running water to remove all layers of paraffin, which is used to process citrus fruits.

Follow these cooking steps:

  1. Cut the prepared orange into half rings without peeling the fruit itself.
  2. Put the berries and orange slices in the prepared jar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the ingredients and leave to infuse, covered, for up to 15 minutes.
  4. Drain the resulting juice into a separate container, add sugar and boil the syrup for up to 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the resulting broth back into the jar with fruits and tighten the lid.
  6. Turn over the finished compote in the jar and let it cool in a dark place.

The benefits of the drink

Winter is the time when it is necessary to strengthen the immune system with compotes, jams with a high content of vitamins.

Strawberries have a low calorie content, and the berry itself has all the necessary elements to replenish the body with vitamins C, B9 and useful substances.

Strawberry compote is a good natural remedy for liver and kidney stones, neurasthenia, anemia and atherosclerosis. Follow the step-by-step instructions for preparing a fragrant drink, and then even in winter you can enjoy healthy berries.

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