Strawberry Clery

Modern breeders delight gardeners with a wide variety of varieties of garden strawberries or strawberries. This culture occupies more and more areas in summer cottages and household plots. Strawberry gardeners create fruitful beds with different ripening periods in order to get fragrant and tasty berries for as long as possible.

Often, gardeners plant early varieties of strawberries, but not all of them are adapted to the climatic conditions of regions. Strawberry Clery satisfies the requirements of gardeners in many ways, including frost resistance and early yield. This is a variety of Italian breeders, bred at the Mazzoni Group enterprise.

Strawberry Clery

botanical properties

To learn more about Clery strawberries, you should look at the description of the variety, photos and reviews of gardeners.

  1. Garden strawberries belong to the early remontant varieties. It grows as a strong, spreading or compact shrub.
  2. On a tall stem are large dark green leaves with a characteristic Clery brilliance.
  3. Inflorescences do not rise above foliage. The flowers are white, with a bright center. Fruit set is high.
  4. The berries of the Clery variety are large, each weighing up to 40 grams. The fruits are almost the same size. There are varieties of their champions, reaching a weight of 50 grams.

    Strawberry Clery

  5. The shape of the berries is conical with a slightly blunt tip.
  6. At the ripening stage, the fruits are red, with technical ripeness – shiny, dark cherry.
  7. The variety has sweet berries with almost no sourness, with the aroma of strawberries.
  8. The fruits, as gardeners note in the reviews, are as dense as those of the Alba variety, without voids inside. This is clearly seen in the photo below.

Strawberry Clery

Strawberries begin to bloom early, in early May, because the flowers are not afraid of slight frosts. At the end of May, beginning of June, you can treat yourself to a delicious fragrant berry.

The mustache formation is high, so there are no problems with growing strawberries. Mustaches are located close to the ground, well rooted.

Attention! Planting material for Clery strawberry is the most expensive.
Strawberry Clery


The Clery variety, bred in Italy, has many advantages, although the disadvantages could not be avoided.

Let’s start the characterization of the variety with positive points:

  1. The high density of Clery strawberry pulp makes it possible to transport the crop over long distances. This quality attracts farmers. Berries during transportation do not crumple, do not lose their shape and do not expire with juice.
  2. When creating optimal conditions, they can be stored without processing for up to 5 days.
  3. The Clery strawberry variety is universal, suitable for any culinary processing, including freezing.

    Strawberry Clery

  4. The absence of acid allows people with gastrointestinal problems and high acidity to use the berry.
  5. In terms of chemical composition, the Clery variety is superior to many varieties of strawberries, therefore it is considered the most useful.
  6. The unpretentiousness of care is also attractive, because the plants tolerate winter well, are able to endure short-term drought with virtually no crop loss. Strawberry Clery is not too demanding on the soil.
  7. A plant with an average yield, which does not always suit gardeners: 250-300 grams of shiny tasty berries can be harvested from a bush.
  8. Clery garden strawberries are resistant to root diseases and various molds.

According to gardeners, Clery has a number of disadvantages:

  • Clery seedlings in the first year give a small harvest, good fruiting is observed in the third year of life;
  • frequent replacement of landings, after about 4 years;
  • when one bush of Clery garden strawberries becomes ill, all plantings are affected by the infection;
  • high cost of planting material.

Methods of reproduction

Garden strawberries of the Clery variety can be propagated in any way, but, according to gardeners with extensive experience in growing strawberries, it is better to use rooting rosettes and dividing the bush.

We propagate strawberries with a mustache

Unlike many varieties of garden strawberries, including Alba, Clery develops a sufficient amount of whiskers. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the yield of the bush. Since seedlings with a closed root system take root at 100%, any plastic containers are used for rooting. The method of obtaining seedlings of the Clery variety is well presented in the photo.

Strawberry Clery

Advice! Rosettes are not separated from the mother bush until an independent root system is formed.

When 6 leaves are formed on the seedlings, the seedling is transferred to a permanent place.

By dividing the bush

The yield of the Clery variety when planted in divisions is faster than seed or rosette seedlings. To do this, choose the strongest and healthiest three-year-old garden strawberry bush and divide it into parts.

Important! Pay attention to the fact that the root system and socket are available for each fragment, as in the photo.

Strawberry Clery

Rules of landing and care

It is best to plant Clery strawberries in early August, so that strawberries can gain strength before frost. You can apply spring planting immediately after the snow melts.

Strawberries Clery do not require a high bed, but it is necessary to fertilize and water it well.

Bushes are planted in two rows with a step of 30 cm, row spacing within 45-50 cm. Pay attention to the growth point: the heart should rise slightly above the ground.

Attention! Spring plantings of strawberries should be covered with a film or agrospan to protect them from frost.

With proper planting and care in June, Clery strawberry bushes will look like in the photo.

Strawberry Clery

Caring for the Clery variety is no more difficult than other strawberry plantings. It all comes down to loosening the soil, timely watering, removing weeds and weeding.

Warning! Clery garden strawberries do not like too damp soil.

For its watering it is better to use a drip system.

Despite the resistance of the Clery strawberry variety to diseases, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes. At the first sign of illness, urgent action must be taken.

How and what to feed

Strawberry Clery is demanding for regular feeding. Organics should be applied in the spring, it is more to the liking of the plants.

The scheme for fertilizing the Clery variety with mineral fertilizers is shown in the table:

early springComplex, including a large number of trace elements.
During buddingNitrophoska – 40 g + potassium sulfate – 5 g per 10 liters of water. Root top dressing of 0,5 liters for each plant.
When strawberries bloomWatering with mullein in a ratio of 1:8.
On the 20th of Augustadd complex fertilizer for strawberries (10g) and a glass of ash to a 40-liter bucket of water. For one bush 1000 ml.


Clery strawberries produce a fair amount of whiskers. If they are not removed in a timely manner, then rooted sockets will completely close the bed. In this case, you can not dream of any harvest. There will be few berries, they will begin to shrink. After all, Clery’s garden strawberries will use all their strength not for fruiting, but for growing daughter bushes.

Since a lot of leaves are formed, they are cut off, but only the old shrunken ones. Green leaves must not be touched. Pruning strawberries is done at the end of fruiting, so that new leaves can grow before the onset of frost. Cut the petioles, trying not to hook the future flower stalks. Look at the photo below, how the gardener does this work.

Advice! Trimming the mustache and leaves is done with a sharp pruner.

Strawberry Clery


If garden strawberries of the Clery variety are grown on the street, then it must be covered for the winter. Before this, leaves, shoots, mustaches are cut. The soil under each bush is loosened so that oxygen enters the roots.

A bed with strawberries needs to be mulched, then covered with needles, straw or hay. The photo below shows how to properly cover the Clery variety in the warm regions of Our Country. In regions with harsh winters, strawberry shelter needs to be taken more seriously.

Strawberry Clery

Attention! As soon as the snow begins to melt in the spring, the shelter is removed to avoid overheating of the plantings.

The garden strawberry Clery has an amazing property: it can bear fruit all year round. Many gardeners transplant plants into large pots and grow strawberries in the apartment.

Different varieties of strawberries in the video:

Strawberry Clery.

What do gardeners think?

Maxim, 30 years old, Nizhny Novgorod
Most often, gardeners choose varieties that immediately give a rich harvest of berries. As for the strawberries of the Clery variety, a large number of berries are not observed in the first year of planting. But in the second and third years, you can enjoy a very sweet and fragrant berry. I advise you to plant at least a few bushes in your area.
Verlioka, 54 years old, Samara region
For some reason, my neighbors summer residents do not favor the Clery variety. But buyers like berries. Clary disperses instantly. The delicate aroma of garden strawberries can be heard from afar. The only problem that arises for me is visiting the beds by birds. Have to hide.
Alexandra, 32 years old, Moscow
On the advice of friends, I planted several Clery bushes. The first berries have ripened. They were big and fragrant. But the children did not like the taste, they said that the berries are too sweet.
Vasily, 44 years old, Saratov
We have been growing Clery strawberries with my wife for more than 10 years. She likes her fragrant fruits. But most importantly, the plants are undemanding to care for. It is not always possible to come to the country. She calmly waits for us during the week, even if there was no rain.

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