Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Strawberry Chamora Turusi is characterized by a medium-late ripening period, high yield and excellent taste. The origin of the variety is not exactly known; according to one version, the berry was brought from Japan.

Strawberries have their own characteristics that must be considered when growing. Chamora Turusi is considered an unpretentious variety that can cope with frost.

You can evaluate the external qualities of the variety from the photo:

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Variety description

Strawberry Chamora Turusi has the following characteristics:

  • ripens with a short light day;
  • has tall, powerful bushes with lots of leaves;
  • forms a lot of whiskers;
  • has high winter hardiness, but does not tolerate drought;
  • strawberries are little susceptible to powdery mildew;
  • requires additional treatment for fungal infections;
  • comb-shaped fruits, rounded, rich red;
  • berries have a bright aroma of wild strawberries;
  • the average weight of Chamora Turusi fruits is from 50 to 70 g;
  • the maximum fruit weight is from 80 to 110 g;
  • yield – 1,5 kg per bush;
  • duration of fruiting strawberries – 6 years;
  • the maximum yield is harvested 3 years after planting;
  • the first berries ripen in mid-June, the peak of fruiting occurs at the end of the month.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Peculiarities of growing

Caring for Chamora Turusi strawberries includes watering, pruning dried and diseased leaves, loosening the soil. Particular attention is paid to watering and fertilizing. Strawberries are fertilized several times a season.

Breeding varieties

Chamora Turusi reproduces by mustache or by dividing the bush. Plant seedlings quickly take root and grow.

Mustaches are not taken from the bushes that brought the harvest, since Chamora Turusi directed most of her forces to the ripening of berries. In this case, the plant is not able to give high-quality seedlings.

For propagation of strawberries, uterine bushes are chosen, on which all buds are removed. The strongest whiskers are left on plants.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

The powerful root system of the Chamora Turusi strawberry allows reproduction by dividing the bush. For this, plants are selected that give a rich harvest. The procedure is carried out in the spring, so that young plantings have time to adapt to new conditions.

Pre-seedlings are placed in small pots with earth and peat and placed in a greenhouse for several weeks. In the first year, buds are removed from Chamora Turusi to help them take root.

Rules of landing

Chamora Turusi is planted in black earth, sandy or loamy soils. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with nutrients.

If the soil is sandy, then under the influence of the sun the strawberry roots dry out. As a result, the size and number of fruits decreases. Such soil must be fertilized with peat or compost in an amount of up to 12 kg per square meter of Chamora Turusi plantings.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

In heavy clay soils, the strawberry root system develops slowly. Coarse river sand will help improve the quality of the soil. High beds are often arranged with a draining layer of branches.

Advice! Strawberries prefer well-lit areas protected from the wind.

Between the bushes leave up to 50 cm to avoid thickening of plantings. With good ventilation, Chamora Turusi gets sick less and does not attract insects. With this method of planting, it is easy to remove the whiskers, carry out weeding and loosening.

Important! Strawberries develop well on soils where onions, cabbage, beans, rye, and legumes previously grew.

The seedling is placed in the ground to a depth of 15 cm, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with earth. For planting Chamora Turusi, the end of August is chosen so that the plant takes root and gains strength. If the region is characterized by cold and little snowy winters, then strawberries are planted in May.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Features of watering

The Chamora Turusi variety requires moderate watering. With a lack of moisture, the plant fades, the leaves become stiff, and the berries become small. Excessive watering will also not benefit the strawberries – the bush will rot, the fruits will become watery in taste, gray rot and brown spotting will spread.

Advice! Strawberries begin to be watered in late April (in warm climates) or early May.

Before the first watering of plants, the mulch layer and old foliage are removed. The procedure is carried out in the morning to avoid burning the leaves. For watering Chamora Turusi, water with a temperature of 15 degrees or more is required. You can preheat the water.

Important! In the spring, each strawberry bush needs up to 0,5 liters of moisture.

On average, it is enough to water the plantings once a week. In hot weather, the procedure is carried out more often. Irrigation is often combined with the application of fertilizers (mullein, minerals, etc.).

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi does not tolerate drought well. Therefore, when the temperature rises in summer, strawberries need to be watered. Especially important is the access of moisture during fruiting. Then it is allowed to water daily.

Advice! Watering strawberries is carried out from a watering can, hose or drip system.

Drip irrigation involves a network of pipelines that provide moisture to the roots of plants. As a result, there is a uniform distribution of moisture and its consumption is reduced.

Pruning and loosening

Strawberry Chamora Turusi is prone to rapid overgrowth, and therefore requires constant care. In the spring and after the end of fruiting, you need to remove the mustache, old and diseased leaves. A pruner is used to carry out the work.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

In autumn, you can remove all strawberry leaves to direct its forces to the formation of the root system. This procedure has its drawbacks, since the kidneys from which the berries appear are eliminated. The plant will take more time to grow green mass.

Important! Remove excess leaves in the spring to preserve the crop.

In September, the soil is loosened to a depth of 15 cm between the rows of Chamora Turusi. Under the bush, the depth of loosening is up to 3 cm, so as not to damage the rhizome.

Loosening improves the access of oxygen to the roots, which has a positive effect on the development of strawberries. Loosening requires a fork or a metal rod.

Additionally, the beds are covered with a layer of sawdust, peat or straw. So, Chamora Turusi receives protection from pests, and the soil retains moisture and heat better.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Application of fertilizers

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

The use of fertilizers increases the yield of strawberries and promotes its development. To get the largest berries, Chamore Turusi needs to provide complex top dressing. Even in the absence of feeding, the plant is able to produce fruits weighing up to 30 g.

Summer residents feed strawberries in several stages:

  • in spring before flowering;
  • after the appearance of the ovaries;
  • summer after harvest;
  • during the autumn period.

The first top dressing is carried out in the spring after the removal of old leaves and loosening. During this period, it is necessary to provide the Chamora Turusi strawberries with the supply of nitrogen, which contributes to the growth of the green mass of plants.

The solution is prepared on the basis of chicken manure (0,2 g) per 10 liters of water. A day later, the product is used for watering.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Advice! When ovaries appear, Chamoru Turusi is fertilized with a solution of ash (1 cup per bucket of water).

Ash contains potassium, calcium and phosphorus, which improve the taste of berries and speed up their ripening. When the crop is harvested, strawberries are fed with nitrophoska (30 g per bucket of water).

In autumn, mullein is used to feed strawberries. 0,1 kg of fertilizer is enough for a bucket of water. During the day, the remedy is insisted, then the strawberries are watered under the root.

Protection against diseases and pests

The Japanese variety Chamora Turusi is prone to fungal diseases – brown and white spot, lesions of the root system. You can determine the development of diseases by the presence of spots on the leaves and the depressed state of strawberries.

Procedures are performed in the spring before the strawberries begin to bloom. For processing, fungicides are used that destroy the fungus (“Ridomil”, “Horus”, “Oxyhom”).

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

When they get on plants, they form a protective layer that prevents the disease from developing. Additionally, you can pour the soil with an iodine solution (20 drops of iodine per bucket of water).

Advice! Drugs for diseases are used by spraying.

Chamora Turusi can suffer from cockchafer larvae, slugs and weevil. Insecticide treatment (Calypso, Aktara, Decis) will help protect strawberry plantings.

Insect treatment is carried out before flowering. The equipment of small ditches, where ash or tobacco dust is poured, will help protect strawberries from slugs. Additionally, plantings are treated with a solution of iodine, ash or garlic.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Reviews of gardeners

Alexandra, 45 years old, Ulyanovsk
Chamora deserves the most flattering praise. During the season, rot never appeared on the strawberries. I prepared the beds in October, there were not enough seedlings, so even weak bushes were used. Surprisingly, everyone got along. There were frosts two weeks after planting, but the strawberries survived them. Today I have two beds with massive strawberry bushes and a large berry.
Hope, 56 years, Kirov
Among all large-fruited varieties, Chamora Turusi ripens the fastest, and is highly durable. When arranging the beds, I bring in ash and organic matter, then the berry grows up to 100 g in weight. Up to 1 kg of crop is harvested from a young bush. The main thing is to leave more free space between the bushes. They make preparations for the winter from strawberries, and they quickly leave fresh.
Igor, 64 years old, Ufa
I grow Chamora Turusi for sale. Berries are large and sweet, always in demand. For 1 sq. I plant no more than 4 bushes. Strawberries grow rapidly, there is never a lack of planting material. In the heat, I observed the roasting of fruits, when they dry out half-green in June, but gray rot did not bother. But it tolerates frosts without problems, especially if the snow cover is high.
Vladimir, 45 years old, Stavropol
Chamora Turusi is one of the latest berries in my garden. Berries need constant watering, since ripening occurs in 3-4 days. With a lack of moisture, they do not grow as large, however, they acquire a sweet taste. For planting strawberries I use only fertile soils, I prefer not to overdo it with fertilizers. I treat the bushes in the fall with fungicides, while there were no problems with diseases.


Strawberry Chamora Turusi

Chamora Turusi is valued for its taste, unpretentiousness and large berries. The variety is suitable for growing for sale, canning and freezing. Strawberries require proper care, which includes watering, loosening, pruning, protection from insects and diseases.

Strawberry Chamora Turusi

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