Strawberry Carmen

High yields, tasty berries and winter hardiness are the main reasons why gardeners in cold regions choose strawberry varieties. Plant resistance to diseases is important. One of these crops is the garden strawberry of the Carmen variety, which consistently yields large berries.

Inference history

Strawberry Carmen

By its origin, the Carmen variety is considered to be garden strawberries of the middle late ripening period. The culture was bred by Czechoslovak breeders. In 2001, strawberries were sent for variety testing, which was carried out by CJSC Skreblovo. The culture confirmed its characteristics and was distributed throughout the territory of the Federation.


Strawberry Carmen

The medium-late variety of strawberry Carmen is distinguished by the powerful structure of the bush, the splendor of which is given by wide leaves. Flowering begins in the second decade of June. At the end of the month, the first ovary is already formed. The berry has time to ripen during daylight hours.

Volumetric bushes of the Carmen variety are formed from many thin, but very strong stems. The large leaf has large notches along the edges. Leaf color is dark green. The surface is glossy.

Large saucer-shaped flowers are formed on thick, tall stems and are grouped in inflorescences. Peduncles are usually at the level of foliage. Sometimes they can be located a little lower, but the leaf blades do not greatly shade the berries from the sun, allowing them to ripen.

The largest berries of the Carmen variety are harvested from the first wave of the harvest. The cone-shaped fruits weigh about 40 g. The ripe berry becomes dark red. When overripe, the fruits become burgundy. The skin of the berry is glossy. Achenes are slightly pressed inwards. The mass of fruits of the second and subsequent crops does not exceed 17 g.

The dense pulp is strongly saturated with sweet juice. After eating the fruit, there is a slight taste of acid. The color of the pulp is dark red. Fruits of garden strawberries of the Carmen variety can be transported and stored in the refrigerator for a short time. Berries are frozen, processed, used to decorate pastries, eaten fresh.

Important! Due to its high stable yield, the Carmen variety is suitable for commercial cultivation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The variety of garden strawberries turned out to be quite successful. Culture has many positive qualities. The disadvantages are almost invisible against the background of the advantages.

Positive traits

Negative qualities

large fruits

Spreading bushes need a lot of space

High stable yield

Weight reduction of berries of the second harvest wave

The variety does not require special care

A rotten attack in a rainy summer

Winter hardiness of bushes


Rapid establishment of seedlings


Methods of reproduction

Strawberry Carmen

Garden strawberry Carmen throws out a powerful mustache. All three methods of traditional propagation are suitable for this variety: mustache, seeds, dividing the bush.


Strawberry Carmen

The engraftment of the mustache is done directly in the garden where the culture grows. After harvesting, the aisles are freed from weeds, the soil is well loosened, and stepchildren are straightened from each bush. Each outlet on the layer is slightly buried in the ground, after which it is watered. By autumn, the seedling of the Carmen variety will take root. The mustache is cut with scissors from the mother strawberry bush. A full-fledged seedling is transplanted to a new bed.

By dividing the bush

Strawberry Carmen

At the age of 2–4 years, adult bushes of Carmen garden strawberries are propagated by dividing the bush. Do this in the spring before flowering or in the fall after harvest. The bush is dug out of the garden and divided with a knife or torn by hand into several parts. Each resulting seedling should have a strong rosette with at least three leaves and a developed root system. Plants are planted at the same depth as they were still growing, being one bush.

Advice! It is better to propagate the Carmen variety by dividing the bush in cloudy weather. Planted seedlings shade until fully rooted.

Cultivation from seeds

To get garden strawberries Carmen from seeds, you need to grow seedlings. You can do this in two ways:

  • in containers with soil;
  • in pressed peat washers.
Attention! Read more about obtaining strawberry seedlings.

The main factor in obtaining good seedlings of the Carmen variety is adherence to technology, but first you need to get quality seeds. It is easier and better to buy them in a specialized nursery. If the favorite Carmen variety is already growing in the garden, the seeds are harvested from berries. A ripe large fruit without rot on the skin is cut with a knife. Cleanings with achenes are laid out on a plate and dried for about four days under the sun. Finished grains are sent for storage.

Before sowing, hand-harvested grains of Carmen garden strawberries are subjected to stratification. Seeds can be scattered on damp cotton wool, covered with polyethylene and sent for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Many gardeners are used to stratifying strawberry seeds at the same time as sowing. Snow 2 cm thick is loaded into a container with earth or tablets from pressed peat from above and the grains are laid out. The container is placed in the refrigerator. When the snow melts, the strawberry seeds themselves will sink into the ground or peat. The container is exposed to light in a warm place, waiting for seedlings.

The best time for sowing garden strawberries Carmen is the end of February – the beginning of April. During this period, daylight hours are still short. Strawberry seedlings provide artificial lighting.

Strawberry Carmen

The method of growing seedlings in pressed peat tablets is slightly different from the traditional method. Washers are installed in a plastic container, filled with warm water. After swelling, each tablet is squeezed out of excess water by hand, placed in an empty container, 1–2 strawberry seeds are placed inside a special planting recess.

Important! The advantage of the method of growing strawberries in pressed peat washers is that there is no need to pick seedlings.

Strawberry Carmen

For growing seedlings of strawberries in the soil, separate containers or common containers are used. You can roll rolls from foamed polyethylene with a layer of earth – snails.

If the seedlings of Carmen’s garden strawberries grew in a common box, with the appearance of three leaves, the plants dive into separate cups. Sowing should be done less often for ease of transplantation. Each plant is hooked with a spatula along with a clod of earth and transplanted into a cup. The method is called transshipment.

Important! Non-germination of seeds indicates their low quality or violation of seedling growing technology.


When seedlings of garden strawberry Carmen are bought or have already grown from seeds, they must be planted.

Attention! All the rules and details of the technology of growing strawberries in the open field.

How to choose seedlings

Strawberry Carmen

Good seedlings of garden strawberries have bright green foliage. Plants are chosen without spots, mechanical damage. The leaves must be whole and at least three pieces. Preference is given to plants with a horn thickness of 7 mm. When buying strawberry seedlings with open roots, they look at their splendor and length, which should be at least 7 cm.

Site selection and preparation of soil

Strawberry Carmen

Garden strawberries Carmen likes to grow on flat ground. Slopes or bumpy terrain are not good for the variety. The site is chosen sunny, ventilated, but without drafts. When digging the beds, humus is introduced up to 1 bucket per 1 m2. If the soil is heavy, then add sand. Plots with sandy and clay soil are doubly fertilized with organic matter.

Garden strawberry Carmen loves soil closer with neutral acidity. It is optimal to achieve indicators from 5,0 to 6,0. In case of increased acidity, the earth in the garden is dug up with chalk or lime. From increased alkali get rid of the introduction of peat or gypsum.

Landing scheme

The bushes of the Carmen variety are vigorous. It is not recommended to plant seedlings densely. It is optimal to maintain a distance of 30 cm between plants. Row spacing is about 45 cm. A dense planting of garden strawberries will lead to the reproduction of slugs, the occurrence of diseases, and the crushing of berries.

The video tells about the rules for planting strawberries:

Planting strawberries (strawberries)


The garden strawberry variety Carmen has the simplest growing technology. The plant needs regular watering, top dressing, weeding and do not forget to fight pests.

Care in the spring

Strawberry Carmen

With the onset of spring, the beds are cleared of shelter, the damaged foliage is cut off on the bushes, and the soil is loosened. Strawberries are watered with warm water with copper sulfate or manganese dissolved in 10 liters of 1 g. To accelerate growth, nitrogen fertilizer is applied, for example, nitrate.

Watering and mulching

Strawberry Carmen

A plantation with garden strawberries is watered depending on the weather. The soil under the bushes should be slightly damp, but not swampy. With the advent of buds and during the ovary of berries, watering is increased. So that a film does not form on the ground, the bed is loosened. Mulch helps make maintenance easier. Sawdust, peat or straw retain moisture, slow down the growth of weeds.

Feeding by month

Strawberry fruits suck out all the useful substances from the plant. For their restoration, top dressing with organic matter and mineral complexes is required.

Attention! Learn more about fertilizing strawberries.

Strawberry Carmen

 Preparation for winter

The Carmen variety is considered winter-hardy, but for the winter the bushes require shelter with straw mats, fallen leaves or pine branches.

Attention! Read more about wintering strawberries.

Diseases and methods of struggle

During an epidemic, even the most resistant varieties of strawberries are susceptible to the disease.

What is dangerous for the Carmen variety is described in the table

Attention! How to heal a plant.

Strawberry Carmen

Pests and ways to deal with them

To prevent strawberries from being affected by spider mites, weevils, leaf beetles and other pests, preventive spraying with drugs is done. From birds during the ripening of berries, the plantation is protected by a net shelter.

 Attention! Learn more about strawberry pest control.

Strawberry Carmen

The video tells about the methods of dealing with slugs:

How to deal with slugs without chemicals. The fight against slugs without chemicals.

Features of growing in pots

Strawberry Carmen

If desired, Carmen garden strawberries can be grown in flower pots. There may be only a problem with pollination. In closed conditions, you will have to move the brush over the flowers.

Attention! Learn more about growing strawberries in pots.


Garden strawberries Carmen with good care will provide a large harvest of berries. Bushes are able to decorate the yard, especially if they are planted on a high bed.

Reviews of gardeners

Vladislav, 41 years old, Izhevsk
For garden strawberries, Carmen built a pyramid-bed. The spectacle is amazing. In July, a pyramid red from berries flaunts in the courtyard. Berries are tasty, juicy, children like them.
Julia, 60 years old, Lipetsk
For sale I grow three varieties of strawberries and strawberries Carmen. She is my favourite. The berries are large, firm, always remain whole until I take them to the market. The yield of the variety is high. The taste of fruits is sweet, acid is slightly felt.

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