Strawberry Asia: variety description
Strawberry “Asia”, bred by Italian breeders not so long ago, managed to win the love of Russian gardeners. She has large berries without voids inside, very sweet in taste, with juicy red pulp and a pleasant strawberry aroma. The variety is suitable for industrial cultivation, as the crop is well preserved during transport and sale.
Description of the strawberry variety “Asia”
Photos of “Asia” strawberries always surprise with the large size of berries. This variety was developed in 2005 by Italian breeders. Berries can weigh up to 70 grams, they have an elongated, conical shape.
Strawberries “Asia” are distinguished by large berries weighing up to 70 grams
The variety is medium early in terms of ripening, can be grown in a greenhouse and in the open field
The advantages of the variety include resistance to common diseases of the root system. It is advisable not to plant potatoes and other nightshades next to strawberry beds, since they are carriers of a disease that is fatal to strawberries – verticillosis.
Loamy, slightly acidic or neutral soil is suitable for planting strawberries. It is advisable to choose a place that is well lit by the sun during the day. In partial shade from buildings and trees, strawberries will not give maximum yield. A plot for strawberries is prepared in advance, a month before planting. They are freed from weeds, dug up and fertilized.
Strawberries do not tolerate stagnant water, so if there is a danger of flooding the beds during heavy rains, it is necessary to make good drainage
Before planting in the fall, it is advisable to add horse humus or humus to the soil, about 5 kg per 1 sq. m, as well as superphosphate and potassium salt. During cultivation, strawberries are fed every ten days with any complex fertilizer, for example, “Kemira”, until fruiting begins.
Strawberry beds are often watered in small quantities. It is advisable to do this in the morning or evening. If watering is insufficient, you may be left without a crop. For the winter, it is advisable to cover strawberries with straw or other covering material, since the variety is not very frost-resistant.
To increase the yield of strawberries, it is necessary to trim the excess mustache. The plantings will not thicken and the plants will be able to develop and bear fruit better.
Strawberry variety “Asia” has become popular due to its large sweet berries and good fruiting. Knowing the characteristics of the variety, you can annually grow a high-quality crop not only for your family, but also for sale.