Strawberries are a berry familiar to everyone, and every owner of at least a few acres of land is sure to strive to grow it on his site. Of course, in order to get a good harvest, you need to make an effort, because strawberries are not a berry for the lazy, they require attention and constant care. Therefore, the desire of every gardener to find and plant a strawberry variety that would please with a good harvest and excellent taste of berries is understandable. And then after all, it also happens that a person makes maximum efforts, and as a result, the cat bursts into tears, or it turns out to be sour and is suitable only for jam.

One such variety that is unlikely to disappoint anyone, especially with proper care, is the Asia Strawberry.

Strawberry Asia

This variety, despite its relative youth, has already managed to win the hearts of not only many summer residents and gardeners, but also professionals. What did many lovers of this delicious berry find so attractive in the Asia variety?

In this article you can find not only a description of the Asia strawberry variety, but also its photo, as well as reviews from gardeners who have had experience growing it in their backyards.

Description of the variety and its characteristics

Strawberry varieties Asia come from Italy. It was obtained by breeders of the New Fruits company in Cesena. It happened more than 10 years ago in 2005.

  • Strawberry Asia is characterized by a powerful root system, which is able to easily endure frosts, therefore, although it can survive at -17 ° C without shelter, it will also withstand severe Siberian winters under good snow cover. If, in your region, winters are characterized by a small amount of snow, then strawberry bushes must be covered for the winter.

    Strawberry Asia

    For these purposes, you can use both non-woven material and various organics: straw, coniferous spruce branches, fallen leaves.

  • The bushes of this variety are large in size, medium foliage, a little mustache is formed, but they are strong and thick. The leaves are quite large in size, slightly wrinkled, rich green in color. The shoots are thick, tall, form a large number of peduncles.
  • Strawberry variety Asia belongs to the middle-early in terms of ripening, that is, the first berries appear around the beginning of June, in the southern regions the beginning of fruiting can even shift to May. The fruiting period is quite extended – within a month.
  • The variety can be called fruitful, especially when compared with ordinary, non-remontant strawberry varieties. From one bush you can get from one to one and a half kilograms of sweet berries.

    Strawberry Asia

  • The description of the Asia strawberry variety will be incomplete without mentioning its shortcomings. Strawberry Asia shows medium resistance to drought and various types of rot. It does not resist the effects of anthracnose well, and is characterized by poor resistance to powdery mildew and chlorosis.

Fruit Characteristics

Why do you love strawberries the most? Of course, for her berries. And in this respect, the Asia variety compares favorably with many others in the shape and size of strawberries. On average, the size of berries can vary from 25 to 40 g, but truly gigantic specimens weighing up to 100 grams are quite common. And in general, the berries are rather large, and most importantly, with age, their grinding is practically not observed, as in many other varieties.

The shape of the berries is also often unusual. As a rule, they resemble a truncated, slightly flattened cone, sometimes with two tops.

Strawberry Asia

The color of the berries is rich bright red, with a glossy finish. The flesh has the same color, but a more delicate shade. Internal voids are usually not observed, the density is moderate.

The taste characteristics of Asia berries are excellent.

Attention! Strawberries of this variety contain a lot of sugar, so the berry can be eaten directly from the bush, enjoying its pronounced strawberry flavor.

Due to its wonderful taste, Asia strawberries are universal varieties. It is suitable both for fresh consumption and for freezing, as well as for preparing an endless number of preparations for the winter: jam, jam, compote and other yummy.

Strawberry Asia

The berries are easily detached from the stem. Asia strawberries are quite suitable for long-term storage at low temperatures, as well as for transportation over long distances. In addition, berries are able to attract buyers with their appearance. From the foregoing, it follows that the Asia variety may well be grown for sale and even used on an industrial scale.

In this video, you can get acquainted with the berries and bushes of Asia strawberries from all angles:

Strawberry variety Asia – a guarantee of a good and tasty harvest

Planting strawberries

When planting this variety, it must be taken into account that the bushes are large in size, respectively, and the distance between them should be at least 40 cm. It is better to plant Asia strawberries on level ground, with good illumination from all sides. Neither elevated places nor holes are suitable for good strawberry growth. Since in the lowlands the bushes can begin to rot from stagnant water, and on the hills the plants may lack moisture all the time.

Strawberry Asia

Comment! The most optimal time for planting seedlings of the Asia variety can be considered April-May or August-September.

Each term has its advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, when planted in the spring, the seedlings take root well and immediately grow, but you should not count on the harvest this season. It will bear fruit only next year. Moreover, in the year of planting, it is necessary to cut off all the mustaches and peduncles from her, so that the seedlings have the opportunity to form a strong root system, survive the winter well and give an excellent harvest next season.

If you plant strawberry seedlings in the fall, then in the summer you can already harvest a completely full-fledged crop. But if the winter is too cold and snowless, then the bushes can freeze.

Important! Please note when buying seedlings that good Asia strawberry seedlings should have 3-4 healthy leaves and a root system about 9-10 cm long.

Strawberry Asia

For good development and full return of the strawberry crop, Asia requires a light, breathable, but fertile land. Two weeks before the proposed planting of seedlings, the ground must be carefully loosened by selecting all the rhizomes of weeds and making beds for each square meter:

  • 2 buckets of humus or compost;
  • Half a bucket of coarse sand;
  • 1 tablespoon of ash;
  • 50 grams of urea.

All components are mixed, the surface of the beds is leveled. Its width can be about one meter. A good way is to plant strawberry seedlings on a ridge in a checkerboard pattern. At the same time, bushes receive enough lighting and nutrition, and more bushes can be planted per square meter.

When planting seedlings, make sure not to cover the central growth point with soil – it should be directly at ground level. After planting, moisten all the bushes well, and mulch with any organic matter: straw, sawdust, mowed grass with a layer about 5 cm thick.

Strawberry Asia

Features of care and reproduction

Strawberry variety Asia is comparatively drought-resistant, so plants can tolerate a lack of moisture for several days. But if possible, it is better not to arrange such tests for strawberries. On hot days, it is advisable to water every two to three days, spending about 3 liters of water under each bush.

Advice! If after each watering you can add a little fresh mulch under the bushes, then it will be possible to water less and less each time.

Due to the high yield of strawberries, Asia needs regular top dressing throughout the growing season. At the beginning of growth, she needs fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. For these purposes, you can use a solution of mullein or bird droppings, diluted with a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15, respectively. You can also use watering with a solution of urea with the addition of wood ash. For 1 sq. meter uses 10 liters of solution with 50 g of urea and 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash.

Strawberry Asia

Before flowering, strawberry bushes must be fed again with manure or bird droppings in the same concentration. It is also good to use spraying with solutions of Agricola preparations with trace elements and Ovary. They help good fruit set even under adverse weather conditions.

After fruiting, Asia’s strawberries are fed for the third time, and in autumn the bushes are covered with humus or compost.

Since Asian strawberries do not have a large number of mustaches, it is optimal to use a transplant of young rosettes at the end of summer for its propagation. They have time to take root well before the onset of frost and by next summer they will delight you with the first harvest.

Also, after the end of fruiting, you can carefully dig and divide the largest mother bushes. It is advisable only to do this in cloudy cool weather.

Strawberry Asia

Reviews of gardeners

Valentin, 45 years old, Kurganinsk
I have been growing garden strawberries Asia for several years. It has already become one of my favorites. The berry is simply luxurious, from one bush of the first year after planting in the fall I collect up to 1 kg of berries. And the berries themselves reached 120 grams, I really do not exaggerate. Of course, not all berries are like this, but others are not small either. This variety of strawberries just struck me, now I will not exchange it for anything. And in the sense of diseases, well, I treat it three times a season with phytosporin, and this is quite enough for her. So far, no major problems have been observed.
Nadezhda, 54 years old, Voronezh
At my dacha, I grew many varieties of garden strawberries or strawberries. I still appreciate some of them: these are Mashenka, Zenga-Zenga and Anniversary. But lately there have been so many interesting new varieties that I really want to try at least some of them. I heard about Asia from a friend, I took a few bushes for seedlings from her. Berries, of course, are very beautiful and I immediately liked it. Divorced quite easily, although the mustache is not to say that it gives a lot. But this is even for the better – you don’t have to go and constantly monitor and cut them. But the rosettes from the first mustache I immediately carefully plant on a separate bed, they take root quickly, and they develop well. By autumn, you can hardly distinguish them from adults – they are all so plump, strong.

As you can see, the reviews of gardeners growing strawberries in Asia are quite positive, they mostly notice only positive aspects behind it.

ASIA is an Italian variety with a very high yield.

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