Strawberry Arosa

Strawberry Arosa, according to the description, reviews of gardeners and photos sent by them, is a promising variety for growing not only in garden plots, but also on large plantations. This is a medium maturing commercial cultivar producing a record yield of delicious, sweet berries.

Strawberry Arosa

Inference history

Клубника Ароза или Ароса (в некоторых источниках указывается это название) относится к продуктам итальянской селекции. Среднеспелый сорт выведен в Италии на опытной станции CIV. Для получения нового сорта селекционеры скрестили сорт Мармолада и американскую клубнику Чендлер.



Кусты клубники сорта Ароза по описанию и отзывам небольшие с раскидистыми листьями. Листовые пластинки светло-зеленые, слабоморщинистые. Опушение имеется по краю листа и на черешках. Растут кусты клубники быстро.

Peduncles are located above the foliage. The flowers are large, calyx-shaped. The formation of mustaches in Aroza strawberries is average, but it is quite enough for the propagation of the variety.

Strawberry Arosa


The fruits of the Arosa variety are orange-red, shiny, round-conical in shape, as in the photo below. The mass of one berry is up to 30 grams. The strawberry variety also has its champions, reaching a weight of 45 grams.

Strawberry Arosa

On the first fruits, scallops are sometimes observed (you can see in the photo), all the rest are only of the correct shape. Seeds are located on the surface of the berries, they are slightly depressed, they are practically on the surface.

Important! The berries are dense, so they tolerate transportation well, which makes the Arosa variety attractive to merchants.

Gardeners in the reviews note that sometimes the tips of berries in technical ripeness are not colored. There is nothing surprising in this, just such a feature was the parent of the strawberry Marmolada. In fact, Arosa berries are ripe and tasty, with sweet, juicy flesh and a wine aftertaste.

На одном растении бывает до 10 соцветий, на каждом из которых распускается до десятка цветочков. При соблюдении агротехники с одного гектара собирают до 220 центнеров вкусных ароматных ягод сорта Ароза.

Attention! You can buy seeds or planting material for Aroza strawberries at Becker, Gardens of Siberia and other online stores.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Клубника сорта Ароза не зря пользуется популярностью у дачников и крупных сельхозпроизводителей. Продукт итальянской селекции обладает массой достоинств, а вот недостатков практически нет.

First berry picking in mid-June, no crop lossWith a lack of moisture, the berries become smaller, lose their taste
Winter hardiness. In the southern regions do without shelterUneven ripening of berries: a new portion is harvested after a week. Although this factor is an advantage for many gardeners
High productivity – up to 220 q/ha 
Possibility of growing in open, protected ground and in pots 
Excellent taste properties 
Хорошая устойчивость ко многим заболеваниям 

Methods of reproduction

Experienced gardeners who are serious about strawberries monitor the bushes and rejuvenate plantings in a timely manner. There are several ways to propagate a garden plant, and all of them are suitable for the Arosa strawberry variety.


Arosa strawberry bushes, according to the description and reviews of gardeners, do not give a large number of mustaches. But the sockets on them are strong, viable. It is best to choose a few mother bushes and cut flower stalks from them. Mustaches take root themselves, although you can add earth. When the sockets give good roots, they are cut off from the mother bush and planted in a new place (see photo).

Strawberry Arosa

By dividing the bush

Кусты сорта Ароза мощные, разрастаются быстро, поэтому размножить клубнику итальянской селекции можно делением куста на несколько частей.

Cultivation from seeds

Propagation of strawberries of the Aroza variety by seeds, according to gardeners, is a completely acceptable procedure. It should be noted that this method of obtaining seedlings is quite difficult and painstaking. Special rules and agricultural practices must be observed.

Attention! Подробная информация о семенном размножении клубники.

Technique for obtaining and stratification of seeds

Arosa strawberry seeds do not have to be bought at the store. They can be collected independently from ripe berries. To do this, cut off the skin along with the seeds and lay out on a napkin in the sun to dry.

Когда мякоть высохнет, нужно аккуратно размять сухие корочки между ладонями, затем провеять. Полученный семенной материал складывают в бумажные пакеты и убирают в холодное место.

Семена сорта клубники Ароза трудно всходят, поэтому требуют специальной подготовки – стратификации. Ее можно проводить разными способами:

  1. Put the soaked seeds in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf of the day for 3-4.
  2. Put snow on the prepared soil, and spread strawberry seeds on top. Keep the container in the refrigerator so that the snow melts slowly. When the snow melts, the water will pull the seed with it. He manages to stratify and gives friendly shoots.

Sowing time

To obtain high-quality seedlings of the Aroza strawberry variety, seed sowing should begin in late January, early February. During this time, the plants have time to gain strength, powerful Arosa strawberry bushes grow, which begin to bear fruit in the summer.

Sowing in peat tablets

It is convenient to grow strawberry seedlings in peat tablets. First, the tablets are soaked in warm water. When it swells, in the middle, in the dimple, they put the Arosa strawberry seed directly on the surface. Cover with foil on top. Here they are, sprouts, in the photo.

Strawberry Arosa

Seeding into the soil

Для посева используют пластиковые контейнеры, которые наполняют питательным грунтом. Его обрабатывают горячим раствором марганца. Семена раскладывают поверх и накрывают стеклом или пленкой.

Attention! Shoots of Arosa strawberry with any method of cultivation are left under glass or film until 3-4 true leaves appear on the seedlings.

Укрытие каждый день приоткрывают, чтобы проветрить посадки.

Picking sprouts

Arosa strawberry seedlings grow slowly. Plants with 3-4 leaves dive. The soil is selected the same as when sowing seeds. You need to work carefully so as not to break the shoots. After picking, strawberry seedlings are exposed to a well-lit window. It is more convenient to work with plants grown in peat tablets, as the plants do not experience transplant shock.

Comment! Light and heat are necessary for Arosa sprouts at all stages of cultivation. If necessary, the plants need to be highlighted, otherwise they will stretch.

Why seeds don’t germinate

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to wait for the seedlings of garden strawberries and strawberries. The most common reason is:

  • в неправильной стратификации;
  • in deep placement of seeds;
  • in overdrying or excessive moisture of the soil;
  • в некачественном (просроченном) посевном материале.


In the open ground, Aroza strawberry seedlings, like other varieties of this crop, are planted in early May. If there is a threat of return frosts, shelter should be provided.

How to choose seedlings

The future harvest of fragrant berries depends on the quality of planting material. Strawberry seedlings ready for planting should have at least 5 leaves and a good root system. With any signs of diseases found on plants, seedlings are discarded.

If the seedlings were received by mail, then before planting they are soaked in water for a day and planted the next day.

Site selection and preparation of soil

Arosa strawberries are planted in an open, well-lit area with fertile neutral soil.

The ridges are dug up, weeds are removed and watered with warm (about 15 degrees) water. It is better to plant strawberries after legumes, garlic, celery, carrots and onions.

Landing scheme

Arosa strawberry bushes are compact, although tall. They are planted in one or two lines, depending on the site. Between plants, a step of 35 cm. When planting in two lines, the aisle should be from 30 to 40 cm. This is how the ridges with strawberries look in the photo.

Strawberry Arosa

Attention! Чтобы разобраться в особенностях посадки клубники в открытом грунте, полезно прочесть статью.


At different stages of the growing season, the Arosa variety requires special care. This applies to watering, loosening, fertilizing and protecting plants from diseases and pests.

Care in the spring

  1. After the snow melts from the garden, remove dry leaves and be sure to burn.
  2. When Arosa strawberries begin to move away from wintering, replace the dead plants.
  3. Water the plantings.
  4. Loosen the aisles.
  5. Spray with drugs for diseases and pests, as well as feed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Watering and mulching

Поливают гряды с клубникой сорта Ароза только по необходимости, так как сильное увлажнение отрицательно сказывается на корневой системе. Для полива используют воду не ниже 15 градусов. Сразу после процедуры землю неглубоко рыхлят.

Attention! Strawberries of the Arosa variety are drought-resistant, but this only applies to foliage. If the drought lasts for a long time, then the quality of the berries deteriorates.

Лучше всего использовать капельный полив, он особенно актуален при выращивании клубники Ароза на больших плантациях. Из шланга поливать нежелательно, поскольку напором воды вымывается грунт, и оголяются корни.

Moisture is retained in the soil for a long time if it is mulched. Straw, rotted sawdust, peat, black film can be used as mulch.

Strawberry Arosa

Feeding by month

MonthFeeding Options
April (after snowmelt)Nitrogen-containing fertilizers
  1. Dilute 1 liter of serum in three liters of water.
  2. For 10 liters of water, 500 ml of mullein and a tablespoon of ammonium sulfate.
  3. In a bucket of water, dissolve 1 cup of wood ash and a teaspoon of boric acid.
  4. Soak fresh nettles for 3-4 days, then pour strawberries.
  5. Pour water over rye bread. A week later, when the fermentation is over, dilute 1 liter of infusion with three liters of water.
JuneIn a bucket of water, stir 100 grams of ash and pour the bushes under the root.
Aug. Sept
  1. Dissolve 10 liter of mullein and half a glass of ash in 1 liters of water.
  2. For 10 liters of water, 1 glass of ash and 2 tablespoons of nitroammophoska are needed.

Strawberry Arosa

Attention! The gardener chooses any food option for his strawberry beds. Detailed information about the features of feeding strawberries during the growing season.

Spring top dressing of strawberries with “complex fertilizer”:

The best strawberry feeding !!!!!!!

Preparation for winter

С наступлением похолодания клубнику сорта Ароза обрезают, оставляя не менее 4 см длины листьев, как на фото. Их после уборки уничтожают. Если корневая система обнажена, ее присыпают перегноем.

Strawberry Arosa

Клубника итальянской селекции считается зимостойким сортом. В южных регионах можно вообще обходиться без укрытия на зиму. В более суровых условиях на посадки можно набросить агроспан и предусмотреть надежное укрытие.

Strawberry Arosa

Attention! How to properly prepare strawberry beds for winter.

Diseases and methods of struggle

DiseasesWhat to do
Gray moldSpray strawberries during budding with Euparen, Plaris or Alirin B.

Of the folk methods of struggle, infusions of garlic and wood ash are used.

brown spotTreatment of strawberry plantation with Nitrofen.
White spotProcessing plantings before flowering with Bordeaux liquid.

Spraying with iodine solution before flowering.

Mučnistaâ rosaTreatment with fungicides and copper-containing preparations.

Watering plants with solutions of serum, iodine, potassium permanganate.

brown spottingPlanting treatment with Nitrafen, Bordeaux liquid, Ordan.

Spraying strawberries with ash, kefir.

PhytophthoraTreatment with a solution of iodine, garlic infusions, potassium permanganate.
Attention! Description of strawberry diseases, rules for the preparation of solutions to combat diseases.

Pests and ways to deal with them

WeevilRemove old mulch, sprinkle plantings with tansy, wormwood, red hot pepper
Strawberry miteВесной облить куст и почву горячей водой (+60 градусов). Обрабатывать посадками настоем луковой шелухи или химикатами.
NematodeRemoval of diseased plants with a clod of earth, planting calendula in the beds.
Leaf beetle, sawfly, leafworm, aphid, whiteflyInfusion of ash, the use of pesticides, biological pesticides.
SlugsMake traps, collect by hand
BirdsCover landings with a protective net
Attention! Details about pests of strawberries and garden strawberries, methods of dealing with them.

Harvesting and storage of crops

If Arosa strawberries are intended for storage and transportation, then they are harvested two days before full ripening. You need to pick berries with a tail and with green caps. Harvesting is done early in the morning when the dew has dried on a sunny day. You can work in the evening before sunset so that the sun’s rays do not fall on the berry.

Strawberry Arosa

Warning! It is undesirable to take strawberries with your hands, it will be stored worse, better by the tail.

Store strawberries in plastic containers in one row in a cool room.

Features of growing in pots

Как было отмечено в описании, клубнику сорта Ароса можно выращивать в защищенном грунте. Это дает возможность высаживать саженцы от итальянских селекционеров в горшки и получать урожай вкусных ягод в помещении.

Attention! This article will help you avoid mistakes.


Выращивать итальянский сорт клубники можно во многих регионах России. Главное, соблюдать агротехнику. И тогда на вашем столе будет вкусная и полезная ягода.

Reviews of gardeners

Sergey, 34 years old, Ryazan
The Arosa strawberry variety is relatively young, but has already earned the love of many compatriots. The plant is not too picky to care for, all activities are the same as when growing other varieties of garden strawberries. Fruits are stored for a long time, they tolerate transportation well, which corresponds to the description of the variety. I cover Arosa strawberries for the winter.
Valentina, 45 years old, Novosibirsk
I grow strawberries for sale. I have varieties of different ripening periods on the site. There is also Arosa. Strawberries of this variety have excellent commercial and taste qualities, the harvest is excellent every year. It’s easy to take care of. I recommend having a variety from Italian breeders on the site.

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