Strawberries protect against diabetes and heart disease

Strawberries are not only a favorite delicacy of Wimbledon fans, but also have a positive effect on our metabolism – informs the website of the University of Warwick (UK).

Chaired by prof. Paul Thornalley, the team found that strawberry extracts activate a protein called Nrf2, which increases the activity of protective processes, including anti-oxidation. Thanks to Nrf2, the level of fats and cholesterol in the body is reduced, which reduces the risk of heart disease.

Earlier work has shown that eating strawberries prevents high blood sugar levels and elevated levels of LDL (the bad cholesterol). However, this is the first time that strawberries have been shown to actively stimulate proteins that protect against diabetes and heart disease.

Further research by the Warwick researchers will look at the healthiest strawberry varieties, the best ways to serve and process them, and the optimal serving size. Professor Thornalley recommends strawberries to health-conscious people, but also cautions against adding too much whipped cream (PAP).

pmw / agt /

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