Strawberries Black Prince: description, photo

Strawberries Black Prince: description, photo

The Black Prince strawberry originated in Italy. It got its name for its dark, rich color. It can be grown on site if you learn how to do it.

Description of the variety of strawberries “Black Prince”

The bushes, abundantly covered with foliage, grow large dark red berries in the form of truncated cones. The whiskers on the bushes are thick, dense. There are few of them, and every year the number decreases. Many peduncles are formed on the shoots.

Strawberry “Black Prince” has a pleasant sweet and sour taste

Here are the key characteristics of the variety:

  • the pulp is bright red and juicy, dense, there are no internal voids;
  • the taste of berries is sweet and sour;
  • one berry weighs an average of 30 g;
  • rich aroma, strawberry-strawberry;
  • berries are suitable for transportation, due to their dense pulp, they do not lose their attractive appearance during transportation;
  • the shelf life of fresh berries is long – 10-12 days;
  • the yield is average, from one bush you can collect up to 1 kg of berries, from 1 hectare of the field – up to 20 tons of berries;
  • the fruit contains a high level of phytoncides and vitamin C;
  • the life cycle of one bush is 6 years;
  • the variety is winter-hardy, withstands frosts down to –18 ° C.

One of the features of the variety is disease resistance. In rare cases, by the end of October, spotting can start on the bushes. Of the pests, only the transparent strawberry mite poses a serious threat to the variety.

Growing strawberries “Black Prince”

It is necessary to plant bushes in areas with light suspended soil, it is desirable that there are good aeration indicators at the planting site. It is contraindicated to plant strawberries of this variety in clay soil, there is too much moisture and not enough air. In general, excessive humidity is a serious enemy of this variety, therefore it is better to plant it on a hill, so the groundwater will be farther from the roots and in the spring there will be no stagnation of water at the planting site.

The ideal time for planting is September. The air temperature at this time is moderate, the humidity of the earth is sufficient. Saplings have time to root well before the onset of cold weather. If you didn’t manage to plant them in the fall, you can plant them in late April – early May.

Do not plant this type of strawberry where potatoes or tomatoes were grown last year.

The optimal breeding method is with antennae. Choose the strongest antennae from the bush. When they take root, plant them in a new location. Make sure that the roots are at the level of the soil, as they do not grow deeper in this variety.

Take a look at the photo of the Black Prince strawberry to understand what makes it special. It is immediately evident that these berries are darker than usual. And to appreciate the taste of the “Black Prince”, try it at least once.

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