
Strategy «Requirement for Completion» (TKZ) — for normal functioning, a person needs to see the process as a whole and be tuned to its holistic completion. The opposite strategy isConfidence in success”(DKU) — a person does not need a mood for completion, he is sure that everything can be interrupted and started at any time, and everything will be successful.

in thinking

There is work, a person thinks and writes. If he needs to be distracted, he cannot do it right away, he needs to complete the far-fetched, do Save, somehow save (remember) the last results of his work that have not yet been recorded. This naturally takes time, there is often irritation: “I can’t reorganize so quickly !» Returning to work, a person does not look at the existing records, but does Load: restores the memorized. (“I tune in, enter the process”). It also takes time.

With DKU — if it is necessary to be distracted, a person is simply distracted, without saving anything, immediately switching to a new business. Returning to the interrupted work, he looks at what was recorded from the previous work in writing, and from this place, as if from scratch, begins to work anew. In confidence that he will figure everything out again and come up with everything.

Falling asleep

A person cannot fall asleep “just like that”, he needs to know (“set himself up”) when he wakes up. If you get up at 3 in the morning, he will set himself up for 3 in the morning and will be sleepy. If he sets up for 9 in the morning, but you have to get up at 6, he will be sleepy, because he “did not sleep.”

In DKU, when falling asleep, the person only says to himself, “I’ll wake up no later than 7.00:3,” and at the same time, he is fully prepared to wake up any time earlier. We woke up at XNUMX in the morning — of course, we slept so much. How much sleep — how much sleep. Trust in the body that it knows how to best relax during sleep.

In food

With this life strategy, even before eating, we need to decide what and how much we eat. We tuned in to this — we are ready to eat it. If we set ourselves up that there will be a lot and something definite, but suddenly they served something unexpected or you need to interrupt the meal — that’s it, we definitely didn’t eat anything and we are hungry. The option is also unacceptable: we will start with this, we will eat, we will see how we feel and we will order if desired and necessary.

With DKU — no settings. They ate it — well, they ate a little of it. There is an opportunity to eat more — listen to the body and think how much it needs, after which we eat a new dish calmly.


The DKU strategy seems to be more preferable. But more research is needed to check and clarify all this.

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