Strange surnames: two funny stories from life

😉 Hello everyone! Many of us studied at school, institute, or worked with people with strange surnames. For example, as in these stories.

Probably, many people remember the film “The Queen of the Gas Station”, in which the main character was a girl named Lyudmila by the name of Good Evening. There are quite a few similar surnames in Ukraine and Belarus, for example, Perebeinos, Vapeypiva and others.

Beetle and Director

A man with the Ukrainian surname Tyzhuk lived in our village. His name was Peter Yakovlevich. One day he comes to the office of the new director of the state farm.

– What did you want? – asks the new director, who sees Pyotr Yakovlevich Tyzhuk for the first time.

– Yes, I should write out the nails, comrade director, – says Pyotr Yakovlevich.

– Surname?

– You-y-zhu-uk, – handed Pyotr Yakovlevich in response.

He had such a pronunciation feature – to stretch words.

– Who is this beetle? – the new director soared. – Get out of my office! I’ll show you a bug! They got completely insolent under the old leadership, you know …

– Yes-and-no-no, fa-ami-iliya-I am mine-I am so-a-aka – You-zhu uk … – Pyotr Yakovlevich began to explain to the director.

-Do you not understand well? Get out of my office! Lyudmila! – Called the director to the secretary: – Explain to me, please, what kind of person is he leaning on me? Rude here, you know, he calls me names …

– Comrade director, this is our chauffeur Pyotr Yakovlevich Tyzhuk, he came to write two kilograms of nails for repairing the car body.

– What, really his surname is: Tyzhuk?

– Yes, comrade director.

– Phew, and here I am, God knows what I thought … Sorry, Pyotr Yakovlevich, give your invoice, I will sign it without further ado.

How Komar and Spider drank vodka

And here’s another case. A long time ago, in Soviet times, Zhuk, Spider and Komar worked in the same workshop of the Taganrog combine plant. Of course, these are the names. Tamara Zhuk is a technologist, and Spider and Komar are a locksmith and machine tool adjuster.

Once, on the night shift, Spider and Komar, having drunk a bottle of vodka, fell fast asleep. And in the morning at the door of the service room there was a poster (wall-newspaper). “Shame on Komar and Spider! They drank alcoholic beverages at the workplace and thwarted the production plan! ” The guilty “insects” were chased for a long time to the meetings in the collective.

Such stories sometimes happen to people who have strange names.

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