Strange “mutant hornets” in Poland. Are they dangerous?

«Mutant hornets» is usually a disturbing sight, and this fear is not only true for people who are panicky about insects. The appearance of new insects in the Polish climate always raises many questions: are these individuals dangerous to health or life? How to get rid of them from home or garden? We explain how to deal with wall cops.

  1. The wall cops look like wasps or hornets
  2. The average size of a wall cop is about 2,8 cm
  3. A wall cop’s venom is not dangerous to a human, and the sting itself is not painful
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

«Mutated» hornets – where did they come from and what do they look like?

Wall cops (Sceliphron destillatorium) are found on several continents – mainly in Asia and Africa, from where they came to Europe. The first specimens were observed as early as 1968, although their population grew dynamically over time. In recent times, many people have observed the characteristic “mutant hornets” in Polish settlements, which may be associated with global warming.

Wall cops resemble wasps or hornets, and compared to other insects, their size is different – they are about 2,8 cm. A characteristic sign are also long, hanging limbs in flight. What makes it possible not to confuse the wall cop with another insect is the yellow tubular connection of the body and abdomen (stylik).

Insects create characteristic cocoon-shaped nests. They are made of clay particles (which is where the name comes from – cop), as well as mud and moist sand.

If the cop starts building the nest, it is unlikely to let him go and it will be hard to get rid of. That is why preventive measures and efforts to prevent a cop from settling in our apartment or garden are so important. This insect knows the terrain perfectly and flawlessly returns to the nest, even if it has been removed from the house with the help of a trap.

Are wall cops dangerous?

Calm down – wall cops aren’t dangerous to humans. You can easily avoid a possible sting, because these insects are quite skittish and do not attack people. Usually you have to confine a wall cop in an naked hand or constantly tease to get a sting. It is not painful and the venom is not harmful to humans.

An interesting fact, however, is the behavior of the wall cop under different circumstances. The baby planning insect turns into a ruthless hunter and uses the venom to hunt spiders. Paralyzed spiders are placed in the nest, after which the female lays the eggs in the mud nest and carefully seals them. As a result, developing wall cop larvae have constant access to fresh food. Such a description can freeze the blood in the veins, especially since such a “crime scene” may take place in our gardens, housing estates or… apartments. For this reason, it’s helpful to know how to get wall cops out of your home.

How do you get wall cops out of your home?

The most effective and fastest way to get rid of unwanted insects is to use wasp and hornet repellants.


If you want to protect yourself from insects, you can try:

  1. Sanity tick and mosquito kit (repellent spray + preparation for freezing and removing),
  2. Chicco mosquito repellent fragrance clip,
  3. Mustico mosquito, tick and fluff repellent spray,
  4. Sanity forceps set (liquid repellent + removal tool).

Home remedies are also great. You can make an insect trap yourself, using a plastic bottle. Just put a little sweet juice or beer at the bottom of the bottle. If a cop gets into a trap like this, it can be conveniently and safely removed. However, you have to bear in mind that if an insect already has a nest, it will return.

To protect yourself from wall cops, you can rub window and door openings with essential oils. Mint, eucalyptus and wormwood oils will work great.

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