Strange health symptoms. Do you have any of them?
Strange health symptoms. Do you have any of them?

Some health problems are completely unique. It is hard to attribute them to specific, commonly known diseases, and we often think that only we have such a problem. However, they are often the result of certain diseases, so it is worth learning more about them.

There are diseases whose symptoms are quite rare. Or at least enough that many people wonder which doctor to go to for help. However, recurring, troublesome ailments should not be ignored. Below are four strange symptoms and explain what they can be:

  • The appearance of bumps on the heels – some find the cause of this problem in uncomfortable footwear. However, these types of nodules may indicate familial hypercholesterolemia. Under this complicated name there is a genetic disease, the symptom of which is the accumulation of fat in the Achilles tendons. Contrary to appearances, it is not that rare – it affects almost 13 million people around the world. Cholesterol levels with this condition can be as high as 12 mmol/L at birth, but normally should not exceed 5 mmol/L. Detection of this disease is possible and gives the possibility of treatment and normal functioning. Unfortunately, it is very rarely diagnosed – as a result of the low level of knowledge of doctors on this subject and the relative rarity of this disease, most people who suffer from it die before the age of 50 as a result of disorders of the circulatory system.
  • Toothache appearing during … walking – usually when we have toothache or gum problems, we go to the dentist. However, this does not always mean problems with caries and cavities! It turns out that pain in the jaw, especially during physical exertion or moments of stress or nervousness, means angina pectoris. This may be a signal of an upcoming heart attack, especially if the pain does not subside after resting. Angina pectoris is when the heart muscle is unable to pump blood because the arteries are narrowed.
  • Slow moving – although Alzheimer’s disease is mainly associated with memory disorders, more careful and slower movement is also a signal of the appearance of the disease. So far, no clear explanation for this symptom has been discovered, but experts and doctors believe that it may be related to the fact that walking requires the simultaneous operation of many areas in the brain. Therefore, in the face of a serious illness, even such a simple activity becomes much more difficult. People with Alzheimer’s experience trouble walking long before other symptoms appear. A shaky, unsteady step sometimes also means vascular dementia, which is the appearance of problems with the blood supply to the brain. However, this disease is also accompanied by memory impairment and communication problems.
  • Hallucinations unrelated to mental illness – although strange visions are most often identified with mental illnesses, they can also mean vision problems. Charles Bonnet syndrome occurs as a result of macular degeneration, which leads to blindness in the elderly. People suffering from the syndrome have hallucinations such as figures floating in the air. These types of symptoms are the brain’s response to the loss of vision.

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