“Strange disease” in attack. Doctors and experts spread their hands helplessly

The death toll from an unidentified disease that is spreading in Tanzania has risen to three. The local government has set up a team of doctors and experts to find out what the mysterious virus is.

Until now, an unknown disease has been detected in thirteen people near Lindi in the south-eastern part of the country. All patients had similar symptoms fever, headache, fatigue and nosebleeds. Patients are currently isolated from the rest of society. So far, three people have died of an unknown disease. Only one recovered.

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As reported by the head doctor of Tanzania, Aifello Sichalwe, all patients were tested for Ebola, Marburg virus and COVID-19. However, the study showed that these diseases are not responsible for the condition of patients.

That is why the Tanzanian government has set up a special team of doctors and health experts to determine the nature of the new disease. According to medicalexpress.com, the president of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, said that the “strange” disease reported in Lindi could be caused by “increasing interaction” between humans and wild animals as a result of environmental degradation.

Not only Tanzania

All over Africa, the number of rare and dangerous disease entities is increasing. Ghana last week reported two suspicious cases of the Marburg virus that belongs to the same family as Ebola. Both viruses have similar symptoms, incl. high fever and internal and external bleeding.

It is worth recalling that in March the World Health Organization (WHO) updated the list of diseases that potentially pose the greatest epidemic threat. Belong to them:

  1. Ebola virus
  2. Marburg virus
  3. Lassa fever
  4. Nipah virus
  5. Crimean Congolese haemorrhagic fever
  6. chikungunya
  7. flu
  8. yellow fever
  9. hantavirus
  10. Zika

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