Straits of planet Earth: table

Below is a table with the main straits of the planet Earth, which includes their names, length, maximum and minimum widths (in kilometers), maximum depth (in meters), as well as what geographical objects they connect and share.

numberStrait nameLength, kmWidth, kmMax. depth, mbindsSeparates
1Bass500213 – 250155Indian and Pacific Ocean2Bab El Mandeb10926 – 90220Red and Arabian seas3Bering9635 – 8649Chukchi and Bering SeasEurasia and North America
4Boniface1911 – 1669Tyrrhenian and Mediterranean SeasThe islands of Sardinia and Corsica
5Bosphorus300,7 – 3,7120Black and Marmara SeasPeninsula Balkan and Anatolia
6Vilkitsky13056 – 80200Kara Sea and Laptev Seathe Taimyr Peninsula and the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago
7Gibraltar6514 – 451184Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean8Hudson80065 – 240942sea ​​labrador and hudson bay9Danish480287 – 630191Greenland Sea and Atlantic OceanGreenland and Iceland
10Dardanelles (Canakkale)1201,3 – 27153Aegean Sea with Marmara11Davisov650300 – 10703660Labrador Sea and Baffin SeaGreenland and Baffin Island
12Drake460820 – 1120≈ 5500Pacific Ocean and Sea of ​​ScotiaTierra del Fuego and the South Shetland Islands
13Sunda13026 – 105100Indian and Pacific OceansJava and Sumatra
14Kattegat20060 – 12050North and Baltic Seaspeninsula Scandinavian and Jutland
15Kennedy13024 – 32340Lincoln and Baffin SeaGreenland and Ellesmere
16Kerch454,5 – 1518Azov and Black seasPeninsula Kerch and Taman
17Korean324180 – 3881092Sea of ​​Japan and East China SeaKorea and Japan
18Cook10722 – 911092Pacific Ocean and Tasman Seaislands North and South
19Kunashirsky7424 – 432500Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Pacific OceanKunashir and Hokkaido Islands
20Longa143146 – 25750East Siberian and Chukchi SeasWrangel Island and Asia
21Magellan5752,2 – 1101180Atlantic and Pacific OceansSouth America and Tierra del Fuego archipelago
22Malacca8052,5 – 40113Andaman and South China Seas23Mozambican1760422 – 9253292part of the Indian Ocean24Hormuz16739 – 96229Persian and Ottoman GulfsIran, UAE and Oman
25Sannikova23850 – 6524Laptev Sea and East Siberian SeaKotelny and Maly Lyakhovsky islands
26Skagerrak24080 – 150809North and Baltic SeasScandinavian and Jutland peninsulas
27Tatar71340 – 3281773Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Sea of ​​Japan28Torres74150 – 240100Arafura and Coral Seas29Pas de Calais (Dover)3732 – 5164North Sea and Atlantic OceanUK and Europe
30Tsugaru (Singaporean)9618 – 110449Sea of ​​Japan and Pacific Oceanislands of Hokkaido and Honshu


Strait – this is a body of water between 2 land areas that connects adjacent water basins or parts of them.

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