Strabismus in adults
Strabismus is not only congenital. Severe injuries and diseases can lead to this disease in adults. At this time, the eyes are already fully formed and such a sharp change is a serious blow to health and the psyche. Learn how to avoid strabismus

Acquired strabismus in adulthood usually indicates other pathologies. It is more difficult to treat it in an adult, because it is necessary to eliminate not only the defect itself, but also the root cause. Without treatment, the affected eye gradually begins to see worse, the ability to surround vision is lost.

What is strabismus

Strabismus is also called “strabismus” and “heterotropia”. With this pathology, one or both eyes deviate from the point of fixation, which is normally parallel for both eyes. Because of this deviation, the gaze becomes asymmetrical.

In monocular strabismus, only one eye is affected. Over time, the squinting organ of vision becomes inoperative, because the brain, trying to eliminate the double image, “turns off” the eye.

If both eyes are affected, the strabismus is called alternating. Two eyes are used alternately to view objects, so vision is not lost.

Strabismus can have varying degrees of severity: from hidden, which can only be noticed by a doctor with the help of special equipment; to decompensated – while a person can not control either eye.

Causes of strabismus in adults

In adults, this disease usually develops due to a sharp decrease in vision in one of the eyes. The intact eye tries to adjust, gradually one of the organs of vision gets out of control, and is practically not used by the brain.

Injuries, neurological diseases, infections, diabetes, paralysis, tumors and many other diseases can lead to decreased vision. Difficulties in the treatment of strabismus in adults lie precisely in this – sometimes it is extremely difficult to eliminate the root cause.

Symptoms of strabismus in adults

If one of the eyes deviates from the central axis, the light rays enter each eye differently and this causes ghosting of the picture. This leads to the development of amblyopia – reduced vision in one of the eyes.

In addition to visual impairment, double vision and sideways glance, the following symptoms may be disturbing: headaches, dizziness, involuntary squinting and tilting of the head when looking at objects. This is the reaction of the brain, which is trying to adjust the entire system to the changing vision. This also affects the vestibular apparatus, and also affects concentration and attention.

Treatment of strabismus in adults

The method of treatment is selected in each case individually. But it always includes a whole range of activities, one method is usually not enough.

After establishing the diagnosis and the cause that caused the strabismus, methods are selected to align the visual axes, the synchronism of the eyes. Sometimes you need to correct your vision with glasses or lenses. They are selected so as to reduce the tension of the eye muscles and increase the visual acuity of the eye that loses this function. To do this, use different types of glasses with special filters, prisms and color stimulation.

Glasses do not solve the problem of strabismus, the defect itself persists. But they allow you to stimulate both eyes alternately and train the muscles. This is necessary to stop further loss of vision and the progression of strabismus.

Orthoptic method is also used. A bandage is applied over the healthy eye, which stimulates the brain to start using the damaged squinting eye. For the same purpose, various programs and hardware therapy are used.


An ophthalmologist deals with the diagnosis of eye diseases. The optometrist interviews the patient to determine the possible cause of the strabismus. Indeed, at this age, this may indicate serious diseases, the treatment of which cannot be postponed.

Next, an examination is carried out, an assessment of the symmetry of the eyes, the degree of possession of them. With the help of devices, the ability for volumetric vision, the fusion of the picture into one whole, is evaluated. Additionally, the state of the retina, the fundus of the eye is examined.

If you suspect paralysis of the eye muscles or other pathologies, the ophthalmologist often recommends going to a neurologist.

Modern treatments

Because strabismus in adults is often complicated by retinal detachment, cataracts, eye injuries, and other problems, surgical treatment is often required. Without it, it is impossible to eliminate the cause, and, consequently, the strabismus itself.

The operation basically eliminates the defect itself – the eye stops mowing. But reduced vision needs to be restored by other methods. Sometimes this is possible with the help of laser vision correction, in other cases glasses and a whole range of measures are required.

Modern technologies make it possible to carry out such operations to eliminate strabismus in just an hour under local anesthesia or under general anesthesia. On the same day, a person can go home and recover for about a week. Then begins a long period of getting used to the new vision, perception of the picture of the world, additional hardware treatment or special glasses are prescribed.

Prevention of strabismus in adults at home

The best prevention is to take good care of your eyes. This includes hygiene, taking a break from working with small objects or the computer, and good lighting. It is not recommended to be in the bright sun without sunglasses.

To strengthen the eye muscles, you can do gymnastics for the eyes during work. Since the eyes hardly move at this time, the muscles may weaken or spasm.

Eye injuries should be avoided and, at the first suspicious symptoms, rush to the doctor. In such matters, it is better to check once again than to lose time and lose sight.

Popular Questions

Treatment of pathology can last for several years, and prevention will need to be carried out throughout life. Only such measures can completely eliminate the recurrence of the disease. Learn more about strabismus in adults ophthalmologist Svetlana Pervykh.

Why can strabismus develop in adulthood?
More often, the causes are serious injuries, complications of common diseases (for example, diabetes), neurological pathology, etc. Common to all these causes is a significant decrease in vision.
Does it make sense to treat strabismus in an adult if it developed in childhood and was not treated?
Depends on the prognosis of the outcome of treatment. Sometimes the brain of an adult has adapted so much that it is absolutely not worth breaking the existing system with a small chance for aesthetics. Every time you need to weigh the risk and benefit. There is a very individual approach here.
Why is it that both eyes are not damaged at once, and one of them always looks right?
This is a common misconception. Almost always both eyes suffer, but the brain somehow needs to navigate the world. He “bets” on a better seeing eye, focusing on it. With a deep examination, it often turns out that both eyes have a pathology. It’s just that the degree is very different.


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