Stout beer: what you need to know, types, how to drink

Distinctive features of the stout are a pronounced burnt aroma and dark color, this taste is achieved due to the special roasting of the malt. The drink was first released in Ireland.

What you need to know about stout

  1. Etymology of the name

    The term “stout” (from English – “strong”) in 1820 was assigned to one of the porters produced at the famous Arthur Guinness brewery.

    Thus, the legendary manufacturer wanted to emphasize the special character of the new drink.

  2. How many degrees are in a stout

    The average strength is in the range of 5-6%, in some species it can reach 8-12%.

  3. How fermented

    Stout is classified as an ale beer and is top-fermented. The process takes place at a temperature of +22 to +24 °C.

    To activate the process, special yeast is needed, which, rising to the surface of the wort, ensures its rapid fermentation. The entire technological cycle takes no more than 1 month. In addition to the quick result, upward fermentation differs from bottom fermentation in the increased formation of esters and aromatic compounds.

    A drink produced in this way is obtained with a brighter taste and smell. The disadvantage of this method is the short shelf life of products.

  4. It has fewer calories than regular beer.

    Thick and frothy, with an alcohol content of up to 12%, it is understandable why many consider it a high-calorie beer.

    But, the truth is that a glass of stout can be up to 50 fewer calories than other types of beer.

  5. Stout has antioxidants not found in other ales

    The study was conducted by scientists from the University of Wisconsin in the United States.

    It turns out that the high-temperature roasting process required to produce dark malts also contributes to the production of antioxidants.

  6. Stout is perfect for grilled meats

    Imagine a grill, a steak and a glass of cool stout. For Shake it is the best combination!

  7. Another good reason to drink a stout

    The flavonoids in dark beer may reduce the risk of blood clotting.

Types of stout beer

  1. Dry or Irish Stout (Dry or Irish)

    The same Irish drink, which means a very dark draft ale produced in barrels.

    Its strength is about 4-5%, coffee and grain notes, shades of roasted barley and cocoa are clearly audible in the taste.

    Notable Brands: Guinness, Beamish, Murphy’s, O’Hara’s Celtic Stout.

  2. Cream Stout

    English version of the drink. The recipe contains milk sugar, which gave the name to this category of beer, and heavily roasted malt.

    This stout is slightly stronger than the Irish counterpart: the alcohol content is 4,5-6%.

    Famous manufacturers: Watney, Farsons, Mackeson.

  3. Oatmeal Stout

    This version uses oats instead of lactose.

    Soft texture and light nutty-earthy flavor.

    Famous brands: Samuel Smith, Goose Island, Maclay.

  4. Foreign or Tropical Stout (Foreign-style)

    Includes any dark strong ale brewed outside of Britain and Ireland.

    And the taste, and composition, and strength can be different.

    Main brands: Lion Staut, ABC Staut, Jamaica Stout, Dragon Staut, Birzieciu Stout, Sierra Nevada, Three Floyds Black Sun, etc.

  5. Russian or imperial stout (Russian Imperial)

    The drink is not of Russian origin, as you might think, but of British origin.

    The first version of this variety was produced in 1760.

    The drink got its name for its popularity at the Russian imperial court.

    Due to its high strength (8-12%), the drink tolerated sea travel well and was regularly supplied to the table of Russian monarchs.

    According to legend, strong English ale of copper-brown color with a fruity aroma was especially loved by Catherine II.

    A modern drink of this category is first matured in barrels, and then stored in bottles for another year.

    Famous brands: Samuel Smith, Rogue, Courage, Victory Storm King.

    Today, the “imperial” stout has many versions: Baltic, American, English.

  6. Chocolate and coffee stout (Chocolate and Coffee)

    These drinks are made from the darkest and most heavily roasted malt.

    Sometimes, to emphasize the characteristic notes, a little real chocolate or ground coffee is included in the recipe.

    Популярные бренды: Young’s Double Chocolate Stout, Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout, Rogue Ales’ Chocolate» Stout, Guatemalan Coffee Stout.

  7. Milk Stout

    Absolutely different taste in comparison with the classic Irish. It contains lactose, which helps to balance the bitterness and impart a velvety sweetness. The taste is similar to sweet espresso. Brands: Jet Black Heart Brewdog and Havrestout Nogne O.

  8. Oyster stout

    The name originally came from the fact that oysters are the best accompaniment to a stout (in XNUMXth-century England it was the food of the poor), but now some producers do make beer with a little oyster added.

How to drink a stout

Dark ales are recommended for dessert. It is not necessary to serve snacks with stouts, but you can combine them with seafood, hard cheeses, meat dishes.

Oysters are a classic pairing for a strong drink: some manufacturers even include them in stouts.

Sweet desserts are an original addition: ice cream, buns, chocolate puddings.

In Britain, porters and stouts are drunk in pints: one contains about half a liter of drink.

Relevance: 19.06.2019

Tags: Beer, Cider, Ale, Types of beer

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