Storing legumes

Storing legumes

The main feature of soy is its ability to quickly absorb moisture, even from the air. This nuance should be taken into account when storing it. The increased air humidity, even if the temperature regime is observed, will become the main …

Storing legumes

The conditions and shelf life of the beans are influenced by their appearance. If they are grown independently, then the process of their preservation will be accompanied by some significant nuances. If the beans were bought dry …

Storing legumes

When stored properly, lentils can last long enough. The main distinguishing feature of these seeds is the ability to absorb moisture. That is why it is not recommended to place purchased lentils in glass jars, plastic bags …

Storing legumes

The way peas are stored directly depends on their type. The conditions required for fresh and dry varieties will differ. If stored properly, even fresh peas in pods will keep for a long time …

Storing legumes

Store-bought dry beans are not difficult to store. Problems can arise with beans grown on your own. The fact is that in some cases, parasites infect beans with diseases that do not …

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